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[HowTo] X-Cam, iniDB and Arma3_x64.exe compatibility

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Hey guys, I keep seeing the same topic of 'How do I get x-cam working with 64bit Arma?' coming up on the Arma 3 discord #terrain_makers channel, so I thought I'd post up this quick guide so it is documented somewhere other than discord and to save me having to repeat myself over and over, anyway here goes...


  • This quick guide assumes you already have X-Cam installed and working with the 32bit version of Arma 3, if you do not then please run through X-Cam's install instructions prior following this guide and validate it is working with the 32bit version of the game first. 
  • I will not be offering any support for this since it is simply updated dll's and nothing to do with the inner workings of inidbi nor X-Cam which are both discussed at some length within their own forum threads.


  1. Grab the new dll's (iniDB.dll & iniDB_x64.dll) from my github page https://github.com/Uro1/-inidbi (You only need the dll files, the rest of the repository is exactly the same inidbi addon that you should already have installed).
  2. Grab make_file_x64.dll from @killzone_kid 's website here - http://killzonekid.com/arma-64-bit-extensions/
  3. Drop the iniDB.dll & iniDB_x64.dll into the Arma3\@inidbi folder.
  4. Drop make_file_x64.dll into the \Arma3\ root folder.
  5. You may have to 'unblock' the dll files in Windows depending on your systems security setup, to do this right click on each DLL and select 'Properties', go to the 'Security' tab and hit 'Unblock', Click 'Apply', and then 'OK'.  Do this for each of the DLL files you have just installed and you shouldn't have any issues with those files in relation to Windows security.
  6. In the Arma 3 launcher DISABLE BattleEye.  (FYI - You do not need BE running for offline work and there is a chance it will block DLL's used by addons causing you more grief down the road, remember to re-enable BE for online play).
  7. Congratulations, You can now launch X-Cam with the 64bit Arma executable as you would with the 32bit version.


NB:  You may need to grab the Visual Studio 2015 redistributable's (both x86 & x64 versions) from Microsoft's website for the dll files to be compatible with your system, modern versions of Windows should have these installed already but just in-case you run into issues I have linked the download page here - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145


For those interested I forked the original inidbi repository on GitHub, updated the code-base to VS2015 and compiled both x86 and x64 dll's from the updated code all of which you can find on the GitHub page linked above.  I have not updated anything else within the inidbi addon other than creating new DLL files so you can stick with using the default X-Cam install instructions and inidbi setup, then just drop the DLL's into place as described above.


As for BattleEye compatibility, I did contact BE via email and requested they white-list the DLL's used by IniDBI & X-Cam and provided the source code to the iniDB DLL's, but they weren't interested and the reply I got wasn't exactly what you would expect from an outfit touting themselves as a professional anti-cheat vendor, so just disable BE to keep your sanity.


Hope this helps some of you out on your quest for x64 glory!

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