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[Speculation] What you think Arma 4's map will be?

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Arma 4 is very far away from us, doesn't stop from guessing how the next map will be. :don11: Obviously we would never know what the name of the map will be, but what kind of "theme" the map will be? Jungle, desert, forest? Where it would be? Europe, Southern Asia?


So yet Bohemia has released maps with the themes of: Northern Europen (the OFP maps, northern Sahrani), Mediterranean (Altis, Stratis, Malden 2035, southern Sahrani), Eastern European (Chernarus and Utes), Middle East (Takistan and Friends) and Jungle island (Tanoa).


I would LOVE that Arma 4's map would be an African map, specially with Savannahs and jungles, something in the lines of Isla Duala, one of my favorite maps. Obviously this would imply Arma 4 will be african theme with african factions and whatnot but I would love that.


And you, what's your guess?

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Mountains would be cool. I'd like to see another "inland" map with just a coastline much like chenaurus 

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Something post war with 80% ruins, I'd love to see something based on Something similar to the Syrian conflict, not afghan mud huts but a modern theme in ruins.... Something immersive for a war game as opposed to beautiful village settings that's more suitable for hunting/tramping gameplay, I think Altis would be perfect if most of the towns and villages were flattened from war.

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10 hours ago, delta3242 said:

A map in the mountains with cave systems would be cool.


8 hours ago, warlord554 said:

Mountains would be cool. I'd like to see another "inland" map with just a coastline much like chenaurus 


The nearest official thing near that is Sahrani right? Sahrani (Specially the northern part) was very mountainous.

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If i have time/interest to get into next iteration of ArmA i would like it to be back in similar setting as Chernarus.

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I would love to see a real-scale map of the Crimea (although it might be a sensitive subject..) :




It has a very interesting landscape, mixes mountaneous and flat terrain, old sovietic and modern architecture, and has a lot of variety in vegetation.

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Central African terrain would be neat and it would fit the whole "endless possibilities" setting with multiple factions/etc.

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I think BI's next step regarding terrains should be an implementation of seasons changing. This would require only one terrain, but the objects and certain textures/layers would require unique and new settings. Fruits could appear on trees, leaves should change colour then fall, snow should replace rain below C°0, then snow layers should form, similiar to how is it in VBS:


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A mix of mountains and forests with at least a big city, big meaning taller buildings too like office ones.


@tpM ,wow that was simply beautiful!:xmas:

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