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Can't open mission after saving mission.sqm with txt editor

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Hi anyone,

I'm working on a really big mission. So far so good. Today I wanted to continue my work but couldn't open the mission!

Two weapons, I placed in my mission, and included in the "KA Weapons Pack New RC" mod from the steam workshop are now missing. (Problem 1)

For that reason I looked up how to remove mod dependecy in the mission.sqm. 

Although the mission.sqm file is binarized, I opened it with the default text editor.

(I've not made a copy of the mission.sqm file!!! fu.. me I'm such a complete moron!!!!)

Anyway after saving it I'm no longer able to see my mission in the editor (file open) menu!!!! (Problem 2)

Does anyone knows any reason why that happend ?

Please help me I put a lot effort in the mission !!! 

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Did it save as mission.sqm.txt or something like that? Honestly though i don't know how it'd go being edited as a binarized file though, i don't know enough about that. I've always saved it unbinarized first on the odd occasion that i wanted to edit the sqm.

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No it says just mission.sqm ! That's smart but now it's too late for saving it unbinarized...

I've tested it with other missions.

I opened the mission.sqm ... did nothing.. saved it and now the mission doesn't show up in the file selection menu ingame !!


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So, reinstall all necessary addons. Mandatory!

Edit the mission,

erase/replace all unwanted units/objects (in script for spawning them also if any)

save in unbinarized scenario (option in editor)

discard the unwanted mods

launch the mission and note the remaining bad addons

open mission.sqm with an editor (txt or better: poseidon tools) You should succeed in if you saved it unbinarized

delete all references to missing addon(s)

search for remaining unit/objet (generally the begin of the classes is a trigram referring to addon)


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You opened binarised file in text editor, edited it and saved and now it is corrupt and you cannot open it any more? Tough luck. For the future, untick binarise option until you are ready for production.

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9 minutes ago, killzone_kid said:

You opened binarised file in text editor, edited it and saved and now it is corrupt and you cannot open it any more? Tough luck. For the future, untick binarise option until you are ready for production.


I feel like mission.sqm files should only be binarised when they are actually exported as pbos, the mission.sqm in the mission folder used by the editor should never be binarised. I've seen just too many issues with it since the feature has been introduced.

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I'll just leave this here:




You'll want to use eliteness.       You will need to have depbo and deOgg  also to run it if I remember correctly. Either way, when you launch Eliteness it should prompt you for missing dll's.


Not sure if it will help now, but at least for the future...



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Eliteness produces this text:


#define _ARMA_

//Class mission.sqm{
version = 53;
class EditorData: moveGridStep{};
addons[] = {"A3_Modules_F_Multiplayer","A3_Ui_F","A3_Characters_F","A3_Air_F_Heli_Light_01","A3_Air_F_Beta_Heli_Transport_01","A3_Air_F_Beta_Heli_Attack_01","A3_Drones_F_Air_F_Gamma_UAV_02","A3_Air_F_EPC_Plane_CAS_01","A3_Soft_F_Exp_MRAP_01","A3_Soft_F_Exp_Quadbike_01","A3_Soft_F_Exp_LSV_01","A3_Armor_F_Exp_APC_Wheeled_01","A3_Armor_F_Exp_MBT_01","A3_Modules_F_Effects","A3_Structures_F_Mil_Cargo","A3_Weapons_F_Ammoboxes","A3_Supplies_F_Exp_Ammoboxes","A3_Signs_F","A3_Structures_F_Heli_Furniture","A3_Structures_F_Civ_Camping","A3_Structures_F_EPB_Furniture","A3_Structures_F_EPA_Civ_Constructions","A3_Structures_F_Items_Electronics","A3_Modules_F_Supports","A3_Static_F","A3_Static_F_Mortar_01","A3_Static_F_AA_01","A3_Modules_F_Intel","A3_Structures_F_Mil_Flags","A3_Boat_F_Exp_Boat_Armed_01","A3_Props_F_Exp_A_Military_Equipment","A3_Structures_F_Wrecks","A3_Characters_F_Exp","A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_Pistol_Heavy_02","JSRS_SOUNDMOD_ReloadingSounds","A3_Weapons_F_Acc","A3_Weapons_F","A3_Weapons_F_Items","cba_xeh","A3_Modules_F_ObjectModifiers","A3_Structures_F_Heli_Items_Electronics","A3_Soft_F_Quadbike_01","A3_Armor_F_Gamma_MBT_02",//DeRap: Unknown ArrayType
DeRap: Unknown ArrayType


If I save the file with Eliteness nothing changes. Stil not readable for arma3.

Is this an error ? Eliteness says Unknown ArrayType. And shouldn't there be more ? When I open the mission.sqm with the "default windows text editor" the text is over a hundred times longer!


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Did you actually try to edit it while binarized? Or saw it was binarized and just closed it?

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I must confess I actually edit it ...

I removed the names of the two weapons that shown up as "deleted content" when I want to open the mission yesterday.

BUT I tested it with another mission.sqm from a working mission. I've just opened and saved it with the text editor and the result was the same although I edited absoltley nothing !


Oh just got an error message in the "open mission menu" ingame:


mission.sqm, line1:.EditorData: Undefined base class "


It shows up, but I still cannot see the mission in the list.




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Sounds screwed.    See Killzone above...


Any chance you have auto saves on?  Maybe there is a usable file somewhere. I've never tried it.

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12 minutes ago, FireWalker said:

Sounds screwed.    See Killzone above...


Any chance you have auto saves on?  Maybe there is a usable file somewhere. I've never tried it.

Autosave unfortunately does not create a separate file...

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Well, when opened with notepad ++ the text is in a nice order. The error (line1:.EditorData: Undefined base class ") could probably be fixed when anyone understands what "Undefined base class" means.

This is the first line in the mission.sqm:


 raP       -      version 5    EditorData P      addons V A3_Modules_F_Multiplayer  A3_Ui_F  A3_Characters_F  A3_Air_F_Heli_Light_01  A3_Air_F_Beta_Heli_Transport_01  A3_Air_F_Beta_Heli_Attack_01  A3_Drones_F_Air_F_Gamma_UAV_02  A3_Air_F_EPC_Plane_CAS_01  A3_Soft_F_Exp_MRAP_01  A3_Soft_F_Exp_Quadbike_01  A3_Soft_F_Exp_LSV_01  A3_Armor_F_Exp_APC_Wheeled_01  A3_Armor_F_Exp_MBT_01  A3_Modules_F_Effects  A3_Structures_F_Mil_Cargo  A3_Weapons_F_Ammoboxes  A3_Supplies_F_Exp_Ammoboxes  A3_Signs_F  A3_Structures_F_Heli_Furniture  A3_Structures_F_Civ_Camping  A3_Structures_F_EPB_Furniture  A3_Structures_F_EPA_Civ_Constructions  A3_Structures_F_Items_Electronics  A3_Modules_F_Supports  A3_Static_F  A3_Static_F_Mortar_01  A3_Static_F_AA_01  A3_Modules_F_Intel  A3_Structures_F_Mil_Flags  A3_Boat_F_Exp_Boat_Armed_01  A3_Props_F_Exp_A_Military_Equipment  A3_Structures_F_Wrecks  A3_Characters_F_Exp  A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_Pistol_Heavy_02  JSRS_SOUNDMOD_ReloadingSounds  A3_Weapons_F_Acc  A3_Weapons_F  A3_Weapons_F_Items  cba_xeh  A3_Modules_F_ObjectModifiers  A3_Structures_F_Heli_Items_Electronics  A3_Soft_F_Quadbike_01  A3_Armor_F_Gamma_MBT_02 A3_Soft_F_Exp_Truck_01  A3_Structures_F_EPA_Mil_Scrapyard  A3_Supplies_F_Heli_CargoNets  A3_Soft_F_Gamma_Truck_02  A3_Armor_F_Beta_APC_Tracked_02  A3_Armor_F_Beta_APC_Wheeled_02  A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_03  A3_Characters_F_Common  A3_Soft_F_Exp_Truck_03  A3_Soft_F_Exp_MRAP_02  A3_Modules_F_Curator_Flares  A3_Boat_F_EPC_Submarine_01  A3_Modules_F_Events  A3_Weapons_F_Mark_LongRangeRifles_DMR_04  A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Acc  A3_Weapons_F_Mark  A3_Weapons_F_Exp  A3_Characters_F_Exp_Headgear  A3_Weapons_F_Explosives  A3_Air_F_Beta_Heli_Attack_02  A3_Structures_F_EPB_Items_Vessels  A3_Structures_F_Items_Vessels  A3_Structures_F_EPC_Civ_Garbage  A3_Structures_F_Argo  A3_Structures_F_Civ_Market  A3_Structures_F_Heli_Civ_Constructions  A3_Soft_F_Offroad_01  feint_shark  A3_Boat_F_Exp_Boat_Transport_02  A3_Characters_F_Exp_Civil  A3_Weapons_F_Mark_LongRangeRifles_DMR_05  A3_Soft_F_Exp_Offroad_02  A3_Structures_F_Furniture  A3_Structures_F_Civ_InfoBoards  A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_SDAR  A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_MX  A3_Characters_F_Exp_Vests  A3_Modules_F  A3_Air_F_Exp_VTOL_01  KA_G11  Calico_M950  A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_MX_Black  panda_mod  AddonsMetaData m


The error refers to the red highlighted term.

The blue highlighted terms are the two weapons that are showing up as deleted content.


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Shame you never exported a .pbo of the mission for testing along the way...   You could dePbo that to get your file back...

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Any chance to recover some workable pbo?

Usually you're working in your profile folder (documents) , default is missions folder, them mpmissions when you stated as is.

But you have also some opportunities with saved (both folder mp and not) then steam if you published it (steamMpMission and steam). On Steam folders at least, you have the entire mission in pbo + the save files.

In the arma3 folder, where the Arma native addons are (installation one on steamApps\common\Arma3, you'll find also missions and MPmissions (with the pbo if if you saved it as scenario, if i'm right)

And your friend's pbos if they played the game.



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:face_palm: There is none of them. I was so stupid and put my trust in one single file. 

I need to repair it somehow. Is there a way to unbinarize it without using the arma 3 editor ?

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Sorry but I think there is no way for you to repair it. If ur text editor breaks a binarized file through just saving it then it should be a charset problem. That means it changed a lot of characters while loading/saving the file. Even if u know exactly what you changed and revert it then u have no chance to get the changed characters back as it was before.
I think u should give up and start from scratch. Do not waste your time with repairing tries...

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