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SP and COOP updated for:






Major Stiffy version SP



Alky will update links this weekend sometime.


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14 hours ago, major-stiffy said:

SP and COOP updated for:






Major Stiffy version SP



Alky will update links this weekend sometime.



Links have now been updated for the above and for Chernarus Redux to the latest versions.

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Please enjoy the latest Pilgrimage_SP now in Cambodia called Cambodia_REAL!


CO-OP coming soon !

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I tested Cambodia_Pilgrimage_195D_B1_SP.prei_khmaoch_luong for the issue you saw pertaining to "Let's see..." and nothing after that.

Here's how I tested to speed things up.


No mods.

this allowDamage false; put in player Alex init so I could not die.

In init.sqf           RYD_JR_Debug = true;   so I could find a stronghold quickly.

Hitch hiked to a stronghold, found officer, killed him and check and received intel, orange circle.

Others surrendered and here is video. Not sure why didn't work for you. AFAIK, all intel checking takes place in IntelCheck.sqf which I don't touch.


Not sure what to offer up at this point except maybe redownload?

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1 hour ago, major-stiffy said:



I tested Cambodia_Pilgrimage_195D_B1_SP.prei_khmaoch_luong for the issue you saw pertaining to "Let's see..." and nothing after that.


Not sure what to offer up at this point except maybe redownload?


Or I could do without Intel and just visit every chapel in Cambodia till I find the right one.

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Based on me discovering recently that probable checkpoints locations can be found  THIS WAY using Ryd's script method I am in the process of updating all SP and COOP version of Pilgrimage I've ported. This method is better than guessing possible locations. Based on his remark CP locations should work much better.


Oh, and don't worry about very dense groups of positions, JRInit code should automatically pick only some of them and ignore rest keeping some minimal reasonable distance between possible checkpoints. 


Hopefully sometime next week will be sent to Alky for updating.

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Alky, would you mind looking through the latest single player Cambodia Real! and find the newest read-me, then replace the one that you've posted. It has a few changes.


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Cambodia REAL information has been updated.

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Cambodia_REAL CO-OP has been added to the first post

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Chernarus_Redux_Pilgrimage_B3_SP.ChernarusRedux by Major Stiffy updated.


1. Added checkpoints based on RYD's script procedure. Possible 424 locations at 100% setting in GUI. Scripts will eliminate unsuitable locations so this number   likely to be reduced.
2. Added/fixed general assets.
3. Tweaked boat spawn, boat on land on spawn sometimes. Still boat appears slightly above ground at waters edge and can still be used if get in drivers seat and try to drive. Boat drops to water. Must be a map thing. This map is still a WIP by Redux team.

4. Reduced distance the amount of churches eliminated by intel check.

5. Fixed my asset locations due to map modders changes.

6. Added a potential stronghold.
7. Added churches.
8. Removed most wrecks on roads to allow AI driving and garrison movement. AI always got stuck!
9. Added rocks and rock map markers.

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Pvt Partz has ported to Namalsk providing SP & CO-OP versions.

Straight port to Namalsk. A smaller island so I made a few adjustment but no mods. Also, being a much smaller island, things might be quite overwhelming but could be a "cool" change.

1) Smell smoke, reduced radius

2) holy place intel, reduced radius

3) Adjusted TOD and weather intel

4) tweaked "better loot buildings" because Namalsk has their own models (CUP)

5) added a few more holy places so that you explore the whole island.

6) added some artillery to the boat inventory. (would like to get feedback/opinion)

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Hello alkey,

One correction regarding the requirements

No mods are required to play Namalsk. All assetts are already Incorporated in the terrain as a whole including Jbad buildings.


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Stratis anyone?


Did Pilgrimage Stratis from scratch, both SP and COOP.

Reduced distance on church saves from intel.

Checkpoint locations determined by Ryd's script method.

Unpacking hideout can be done almost any where in this steep terrain map.

Recommend garrison and checkpoints set at 100%. :f:

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Lingor_195D3_SP.lingor3 and Lingor_1_95d3_3COOP.lingor3

CUP Terrains Complete required

Reduced distance on church saves from intel.

Checkpoint locations determined by Ryd's script method.

Unpacking hideout can be done almost any where in this steep terrain map.


Lythium_Pilgrimage_195D2_3COOP.lythium and Lythium_Pilgrimage_195_SP_B5.lythium

Checkpoint locations generated by script

Reduced distance on church saves from intel.


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If anyone wants to play Altis or Stratis in winter time, just include @Winter 2035 mod.






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Kerama doesn't load at all, any ideas people as its the last Pilgrimage for me to play, Thanks................

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2 hours ago, SanginVet said:

Kerama doesn't load at all, any ideas people as its the last Pilgrimage for me to play, Thanks................


Are you loading it with the required mod CUP Terrains 1.4.0 Core required. http://cup-arma3.org/download

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Yes mate, I click the play button and nothing happens, is the pbo file supposed to have (1)pbo on the end as none of the others have and its the only one i haven't played?

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Started with your pbo file, mine must of been corrupt somehow, it did get stuck on the "Pilgrimage" sign after loading the config in. I Cntrl , Alt Delete it and it unstuck it, will look forward to playing the map, cheers mate, any more ported maps in the pipelines as there are loads of options now?

Cheers again, Sangin

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2 hours ago, major-stiffy said:

The file name should download as Kerama_Pilgrimage_B2_SP.kerama.pbo  I just tested it with no mods and it started and I spawned fine.


Alky should fix the name of his file.


Try downloading from me  https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al4irMhnXznahSl-DMijpKtSBc2g




I must have had more than 1 copy of the file which Windows kindly renamed automatically for me. Unfortunately it introduced a space into the filename which you can't have in a pbo name and therefore wouldn't work.


Should be fixed now.

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1 hour ago, SanginVet said:

any more ported maps in the pipelines


I'm finalizing revisions to Stratis and since Cambodia has had a major update from bludclot the author, I'm reworking everything as needed.


Do you have maps that you would like to see ported? Please let me know.

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