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Helicopter DLC Improvements

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With all of the new content and new DLC's coming out, which is awesome work, what is the long term goal to revisiting each DLC and improving function and game play.


For example, the helicopter DLC is awesome with the AFM, sling loads, etc. But these aircraft could still use a little love.


A few examples of my own, but many exist...

The AH-9 Pawnee needs a way of aiming when crosshairs aren't an option or used. A grease pencil mark on the wind screen would suffice. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T126187

Some of the flight models could be improved more, the ghost for example still feels under powered.

Making the anti-collision lights a key bindable.

Improving the cargo carrying of each aircraft.

Improving the weapon systems and munitions.

A way to adjust how much anti-torque the computer will adjust for instead of an on/off setting. I like the auto-trim setting, but make is scalable.


BIS thanks for the awesome work, but remember to reevaluate, improve, implement, and reevaluate again. Each DLC needs some constant love.






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On ‎8‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 5:03 PM, ss9 said:

How about helicopters actually go spiraling out of control into the ground when they lose their tail rotors instead of floating and spinning, or better yet, cruising around?

I fly AFM and when I lose tail rotor authority I spin and fall to the ground. If I have enough altitude I can sometimes nose it over crush the opposite pedal and regain partial control. It snot perfect, but I haven't experienced what you describe.




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