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Help needed for running scripts

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after studying the editing references and downloading several sample missions i´ve tried to write a script to make a civilian follow my player, when their distance is longer than lets say 10 meters. (just to try out). it never worked so i copied a script from ofpec.com, which should type the current position of my player as a hint-text, but it did not work too.

this was the script i tried:

_me = _this select 0


_pos = getpos _me

_x1 = _pos select 0

_y1 = _pos select 1

_z1 = _pos select 2

_stringpos = format["X: %1\nY: %2\nZ: %3\n",_x1,_y1,_z1]

Hint _stringpos


Goto "update"

the error message was:

´_me = _this select 0 _me = _this select 0 ()then in between to vertical lines comes #) ´: error select: type object, needs list (the later two words i´ve translated from german, so i don´t know if they are correct)

i think i´m to blame for i´ve no exact idea how to use the select order (and what for!wink.gif

also i´ve tried to make other soldiers salute or execute other animations, but they just did not anything. only the CombattoStand order works.

i´ve tried in the init field of the soldiers, in the onactivation field of the waypoints and within a script (which, as you can guess, i did not expect to have written right)

can you give me hints how to make it right and/or where to learn writing scripts (the correct syntax and the understanding at all) without bothering you with silly questions?

with hope for help Loelein

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The problem is not with the script, but how you are calling it. In your script, this line:

_me = _this select 0

means that you must pass the script an array at execution. Change it to:

_me = _this

Next, name your player in the name field (like MyPlayer). Then, in the trigger activation field:

MyPlayer exec "scriptname.sqs"

This will pass the name "MyPlayer" into the script as _this which will get assigned _me.

Hope that helps!

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thank you very much for your help baronvonred,

i´ve tried and it worked perfectly. so you always have to combine the script with a trigger?

next i´ve tried to bind it in the follow-script of a civilian

i made a small trigger which is activated by the non-presece of the civ.

it starts the following script:

_h1 = _this


_x = (getpos h1 select 0) - (getpos roli select 0)

_y = (getpos h1 select 2) - (getpos roli select 2)

_dist = sqrt ((_x^2) + (_y^2))

_stringpos = format["Distanz: %1\n",_dist]

hint _stringpos

? _dist > 10 : goto "ihmnach"

goto "loop"


hint "juhu"

_h1 domove getpos roli

goto "loop"

the juhu was only to see, if it jumps to "ihmnach" and it jumps, but i think here i´ve the problem, that the script does not know who "roli" (my soldier) is.

so once again: how can i teach him? (with select too?)

greetings Loelein

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ok, i´ve got it myself.

i just altered the move line in:

_h1 domove [getpos roli select 0, getpos roli select 1, getpos roli select 2]

and now it works. sometimes thinking does not hurt too much.

besides: i had to change the line:

? _dist > 10 : goto "ihmnach"


? _dist < 10 : goto "ihmnach"

for i wanted to follow my player when the distance gets over 10 meters. that is not very logic, isn´t it?confused.gif?

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You can use "distance" command.

Here is my version :

calling : [target,tail] exec "follow.sqs"

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_trgt=_this select 0

_tail=_this select 1


?(_trgt distance _tail)>10:_tail move getpos _trgt


goto "check"

<span id='postcolor'>

For your situation target will be player and tail will be civilian.

calling : [player,civilanName] exec "follow.sqs"

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And you don't have to use script for this. It can be done by one trigger :

axis : 0,0

activated : repeatly

condition : player distance civilianName > 10

on activation : civilianName move getpos player

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thnx alot bart,

i´m new in writing scripts and i´ve had some enlightments during my attempts. but the thing with distance in the trigger is super.

may i ask from where you all have learned that?

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