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Dave The Rave

Disable Side/any chat channels not working

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Believe its just a case of adding this to the Description.ext - Obviously change numbers as required.


0 = Global
1 = Side
2 = Command
3 = Group
4 = Vehicle
5 = Direct
6 = System


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7 minutes ago, RyaanDunne said:

Believe its just a case of adding this to the Description.ext - Obviously change numbers as required.


0 = Global
1 = Side
2 = Command
3 = Group
4 = Vehicle
5 = Direct
6 = System


Like i say the example you given does NOT work and is the reason im posting this!

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Ok i found this post..


Universal workaround for usage in a preInit function:

	_x params [["_chan",-1,[0]], ["_noText","true",[""]], ["_noVoice","true",[""]]];
	_chan enableChannel [(_noText != "true"), (_noVoice != "true")];
} forEach getArray (missionConfigFile >> "disableChannels");




Not sure how this works but i also found it in a wasteland mission file that has channels disabled. but not sure how to implement it im my mission to make it work!?

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@Dave The Rave


So after a bit of digging I found an old script from KiloSwiss which I have edited a little bit, When speaking in the disabled VON Channels it should automatically switch to Direct Chat. Add the following into you mission folder and it should work :) All credit to KiloSwiss.


0 = Global
1 = Side
2 = Command
3 = Group
4 = Vehicle
5 = Direct
6 = System
#include "voiceControl.cpp"


execVM "voiceControl.sqf";


/*	KiloSwiss

Channel numbers:
	 0 = Global
	 1 = Side
	 2 = Command
	 3 = Group
	 4 = Vehicle
	 5 = Direct
	(6 = System)

	/* Channels that are allowed to be used for VON by any player */

	/* Channels that are allowed to be used for VON only by group leaders */

	/* Channels that are allowed to be used for VON by any admin (see "voiceControlAdminList") */

	/* List of Admin GUIDs */
		"76561191234567890",	//Someadminname
		"76561190987654321",	//Someotheradminname
		"76561197098765432"		//Thirdadminname
		/* No comma (,) after the last entry! */



	VoiceControl Script v1.1 by KiloSwiss - 24.Juni.2015
	Restrict Voice in certain channels without disabling them completely.
	So players can still write in global, but talking is permitted.

	Credit goes to SaMatra (for pointing me into the right direction) and also to
	KillzoneKid (for his script/function that is used to detect players talking).

	Information about new scripting commands: http://dev.arma3.com/post/spotrep-00040

	<number> enableChannel <bool>	//enable/disable a specific channel.
	channelEnabled <number> 		//returns <bool>, true for enabled.
	setCurrentChannel <number>		//set current channel to speak in.
	currentChannel				//returns <number> (when in directChannel returns 5).
	getPlayerChannel player		//returns <number> (when in directChannel returns -1).

	0 = Global
	1 = Side
	2 = Command
	3 = Group
	4 = Vehicle
	5 = Direct
	6 = System

if(hasInterface)then{'' spawn{
	waitUntil{!isNil {getPlayerUID player}};
	private "_pUID";
	_pUID = getPlayerUID player;

	VC_disabledChannels = getArray(missionConfigFile >> "disableChannels");
	VC_adminList = getArray(missionConfigFile >> "voiceControlAdminList");
	VC_playerVONChannels = getArray(missionConfigFile >> "playerVONChannels");
	VC_groupLeaderVONChannels = getArray(missionConfigFile >> "groupLeaderVONChannels");
	VC_commanderVONChannels = (if(1 in VC_groupLeaderVONChannels)then[{VC_groupLeaderVONChannels +[2]},{VC_groupLeaderVONChannels}]);
	VC_adminVONChannels = getArray(missionConfigFile >> "adminVONChannels");

	/* Check if arrays are correct */
	{if(typeName _x != "ARRAY")exitWith{hint format["WARNING:\n\nCould not initalize Voice Control Script"]};true}count[VC_disabledChannels,VC_adminList,VC_playerVONChannels,VC_groupLeaderVONChannels,VC_commanderVONChannels,VC_adminVONChannels];
	/* Loop to enable/disable certain channels "on the fly" */
	_pUID spawn{ while{true}do{ uisleep .5;

		if(_this in VC_adminList)then{	//In admin list
			VC_allowedChannels = VC_adminVONChannels;
			if(serverCommandAvailable "#logout")then{ //Logged in as admin
				VC_allowedChannels = VC_adminVONChannels;
				if(count units group player == 1)then{	//Player is alone
					VC_allowedChannels = VC_playerVONChannels;
					if(player != leader group player)then{
						VC_allowedChannels = VC_playerVONChannels;
					}else{ //Player is group leader
						VC_allowedChannels = (if(vehicle player != player && effectiveCommander (vehicle player) == player)then[{VC_commanderVONChannels},{VC_groupLeaderVONChannels}]);
						/* If the player is group leader and commander of a vehicle, he gets access to the command channel */

		if(isNil "VC_openChannels")then{VC_openChannels = []};
		if !(VC_openChannels isEqualTo VC_allowedChannels)then{	//Voice permissions have changed
			for "_i" from 0 to 6 do{	//Enable/disable channels "on the fly" (override "disableChannels" settings from description.ext)
				_i enableChannel (if(_i in VC_allowedChannels)then[{true},{if(_i in VC_disabledChannels)then[{false},{true}]}]);
			VC_openChannels = VC_allowedChannels;

	/* Code/Functions used from KillzoneKids "Who's Talking" script: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-whos-talking/ */
	VoN_ChannelId_fnc = {
		switch _this do {
			case localize "str_channel_global" : {["str_channel_global",0]};
			case localize "str_channel_side" : {["str_channel_side",1]};
			case localize "str_channel_command" : {["str_channel_command",2]};
			case localize "str_channel_group" : {["str_channel_group",3]};
			case localize "str_channel_vehicle" : {["str_channel_vehicle",4]};
			case localize "str_channel_direct" : {["str_channel_direct",5]};
			default {["",-1]};

	VoN_Event_fnc = {
		VoN_currentTxt = _this;
		VoN_channelId = VoN_currentTxt call VoN_ChannelId_fnc;
		if((VoN_channelId select 1) >= 0 && !((VoN_channelId select 1) in VC_allowedChannels))then{
			cutText[format["", str localize(VoN_channelId select 0), actionKeysNames ["nextChannel",1], actionKeysNames ["prevChannel",1]], "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
			setCurrentChannel 5;

	[] spawn { private "_fncDown";
		VoN_isOn = false;
		VoN_currentTxt = "";
		VoN_channelId = -1;
		_fncDown = {
			if (!VoN_isOn) then {
				if (!isNull findDisplay 55 && !isNull findDisplay 63) then {
					VoN_isOn = true;
					ctrlText (findDisplay 63 displayCtrl 101) call VoN_Event_fnc;
					findDisplay 55 displayAddEventHandler ["Unload", {
						VoN_isOn = false;
						"" call VoN_Event_fnc;
		_fncUp = {
			if (VoN_isOn) then {
				_ctrlText = ctrlText (findDisplay 63 displayCtrl 101);
				if (VoN_currentTxt != _ctrlText) then {
					_ctrlText call VoN_Event_fnc;
		waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 46};
		findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", _fncDown];
		findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", _fncUp];
		findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown", _fncDown];
		findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonUp", _fncUp];
		findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["JoystickButton", _fncDown];


"" spawn {	//DEBUG ONLY
	waitUntil{!isNil "VC_openChannels"};
	while{true}do{ uisleep .1;
		hintsilent format["Channel - Enabled - VON:\n\n
		Global: %1 - %2\nSide: %3 - %4\nCommand: %5 - %6\nGroup: %7
		 - %8\n Vehicle: %9 - %10\nDirect: %11 - %12\nSystem: %13 - %14\n",
		channelEnabled 0, 0 in VC_openChannels, channelEnabled 1, 1 in VC_openChannels,
		channelEnabled 2, 2 in VC_openChannels, channelEnabled 3, 3 in VC_openChannels,
		channelEnabled 4, 4 in VC_openChannels, channelEnabled 5, 5 in VC_openChannels, 
		channelEnabled 6, 6 in VC_openChannels];


  • Haha 1

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