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5th Canadian Division

We are the 5th Canadian Division. We are currently one of the only Canadian Based Arma 3 Clans. The 5th Canadian Division is based in the Eastern Coast of Canada and involves Land, Sea and Aerial Operations!


The 5th Canadian Division is comprised of 3 Brigades, 36th Brigade, 37th Brigade and 403 Tactical Helicopter Squadron. In each brigade there are special roles to be filled, roles such as Scout, Infantrymen, AR Gunner, AT Gunner, sniper and more! We also offer a special forces team to complete special tasks. We also offer the opportunity to become an aviator in one of our Chinook or Griffon Helicopters!


We have our own Teamspeak server:

Teamspeak IP: s6.ts3.cloud:35253


To join, all you must do is join our teamspeak server and talk to someone with the "Recruiter" tag. If no one is avaliable, just message me on steam and we will get something figured out! My steam name is Josh158

Our schedule looks like this:

Tuesday: Brigade/Squadron-lead Training
Wednesday: Mini-Op
Thursday: Jump School/CMT
Friday: DCIC
Saturday: Operation Briefing
Sunday: Operation

BCT= Basic Cadet Training
CIT= Combat Infantryman Training
BAT= Basic Airman Training
CMT= Combat Medic Training
DCIC= Drill Ceremonial Instrutor Course
-16+ Years of age
-No dishonourable discharge from any other units
-Not apart of a current modern era unit
-Must speak fluent english
(A special skill such as mission building, website editing, etc, are good things to have upon applying)
We are a newer unit. So there isn't currently anything like what the bigger units have

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