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I want to write a small function, spawning a soldier at a marker (just an understanding thing, I know it's way more easy to do this in a different way).



_posStart = getMarkerPos _wp;

_grp01 = createGroup east;
_unit01 = _grp01 createUnit [_class, _posStart, [], 0, "CAN COLLIDE"];

It's working, when called with


_spawnUnit = ["O_G_Soldier_F","marker1"] call TACP_fnc_Test_spawnSoldier;


Given class is spawning at the marker. But I always got the failure message

"'call{_spawnUnit |#|= ["O_G_Soldier_F","marker1"] call TACP_fnc..." Error Generic error in expression."


What am I doing wrong?




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The reason for this is that u r assigning a value to a variable but the function call returns no value. This is fixed with kks solution by adding a return value to Ur function.

Another solution would be to use spawn instead of call then the return value would be a script handle but not the created object.

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Argh. Thank you guys! Functions have to return a value. :yikes:

Sometimes it's all too obvious ... but my brain was script-fried.



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21 hours ago, tacplay said:

Argh. Thank you guys! Functions have to return a value. :yikes:

Sometimes it's all too obvious ... but my brain was script-fried.




I believe it's a good habit to always return some sort of value, for example a bool.

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