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Brief overview on update audio tech for terrains (soundSetEnvironment in CfgEnvSounds)

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1. by default terrains inherit from cfgEnvSounds root class via DefaultWorld (cfgWorlds) a standard soundSetEnvironment setup:


2. soundSetEnvironment use is very much recommended as it uses the new soundSet/soundShader tech - the old EnvSounds classes are backwards compatible still used if no fitting soundSet is found

3. one can change this per terrain in cfgWorlds terrain class and add "class EnvSounds: EnvSounds" with proper inheritance to DefaultWorld


class DefaultWorld
    class EnvSounds;
class CAWorld: DefaultWorld
class Tanoa: CAWorld
    class EnvSounds: EnvSounds
        soundSetEnvironment[] = {...


4. soundSetEnvironment is a list (array) of soundSets


soundSetEnvironment[] = {"Meadows_Low_SoundSet","Meadows_High_SoundSet","Forest_Low_SoundSet","Forest_High_SoundSet","Forest_Rattles_SoundSet","Greek_Crickets_Day_SoundSet","Greek_Crickets_Night_SoundSet","Birds_Forest_Day_SoundSet","Birds_Meadows_Day_SoundSet","Wind_Low_SoundSet","Wind_High_SoundSet","Stratis_RainMeadows_Low_SoundSet","Stratis_RainMeadows_Medium_SoundSet","Stratis_RainMeadows_High_SoundSet","Stratis_RainHouses_SoundSet","Sea_SoundSet","Coast_SoundSet"};


5. Tanoa offers a second custom setup:


soundSetEnvironment[] = {"ForestMorning_SoundSet","ForestAfternoon_SoundSet","ForestNight_SoundSet","HousesDay_SoundSet","HousesNight_SoundSet","MeadowsDay_SoundSet","MeadowsNight_SoundSet","WindForest_Low_SoundSet","WindForest_High_SoundSet","WindMeadows_Low_SoundSet","WindMeadows_High_SoundSet","WindHouses_Low_SoundSet","WindHouses_High_SoundSet","RainForest_Low_SoundSet","RainForest_Medium_SoundSet","RainForest_High_SoundSet","RainMeadows_Low_SoundSet","RainMeadows_Medium_SoundSet","RainMeadows_High_SoundSet","RainHouses_High_SoundSet","Sea_SoundSet","Coast_SoundSet","Wind_Generic_Low_SoundSet","Wind_Generic_High_SoundSet"};


6. One has to overwrite/redefine the complete soundSetEnvironment definition if one wants to alter/customize it.

7. In CfgSoundSets a basic configuration is done and the soundShader assigned


class CfgSoundSets
    class Meadows_Low_SoundSet
        soundShaders[] = {"Meadows_Low_SoundShader"};
        volumeFactor = 0.4;
        spatial = 0;
        loop = 1;


8. Finally in CfgSoundShaders parameters define under what conditions the sound is to be played (volume parameter)


class CfgSoundShaders
    class Meadows_Low_SoundShader
        samples[] = {{"A3\Sounds_F\environment\ambient\redesigned\meadows_low", 1}};
        volume = "0.85 * (1-0.5*forest)*(1-0.5*houses)*(1-sea)* (0.5*(windy factor[0.8,0.1])) * (1*(altitudeGround envelope [10,80,100,1000]))";




Full lists for environment sounds:









* Meadows_Low
* Meadows_High
* Forest_Low
* Forest_High
* Forest_Rattles
* Greek_Crickets_Day
* Greek_Crickets_Night
* Birds_Forest_Day
* Birds_Meadows_Day
* Wind_Low
* Wind_High
* Stratis_RainMeadows_Low
* Stratis_RainMeadows_Medium
* Stratis_RainMeadows_High
* Stratis_RainHouses
* Sea
* Coast

* ForestMorning
* ForestAfternoon
* ForestNight
* HousesDay
* HousesNight
* MeadowsDay
* MeadowsNight
* WindForest_Low
* WindForest_High
* WindMeadows_Low
* WindMeadows_High
* WindHouses_Low
* WindHouses_High
* RainForest_Low
* RainForest_Medium
* RainForest_High
* RainMeadows_Low
* RainMeadows_Medium
* RainMeadows_High
* RainHouses_High
* Sea
* Coast
* Wind_Generic_Low
* Wind_Generic_High

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Hello kju, I try to activate the sounds "forest" but I can not make it play!, I have tree questions about that


how to know the parameters to set at altitudeGround ?

And the values 100,30 tells me that the sounds will be played between 30 m and 100 m of altitude ??

there are two daytime, one for before midnight and one for after midnight is that right?


class ForestNight_SoundShader
        samples[] = {{"A3\Sounds_F_Exp\Environment\ambient\forest\forest_night", 1}};
        volume = "(altitudeGround factor [100,30]) * (altitudeGround factor [100,30]) * ((daytime factor [0.75, 0.83]) + (daytime factor [0.33, 0.25]))";

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Check https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Sound:_SoundControllers and the referenced scripting commands.

Also these:




also try mergeConfig to tweak the definitions while the game is running - you might have to reload the terrain to make changes active



> (altitudeGround factor [100,30]) * (altitudeGround factor [100,30])

two times make the growth exponential rather than linear


just make some examples yourself (in calc/excel) with 0, 0.5 and 1 as input value to see curve development

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