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Don't know how to align satmap with heightmap/terrain

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I have encountered a problem and i was just wondering if enyone knows what to do. i have been using TB for a little more then a month and i have successfully compleated both the PMC Terrain tutorial and the Atlas tutorial. My problem is that i dont know how to align my satellite map with my heightmap at Easting 200000 Northing 0. I am using a real world 1m accurate heightmap from https://hoydedata.no/LaserInnsyn/ (Norwegian 1m Digital elevation models) and i got my satmap from Terra Incognita.

When i make the mapframe at the correct UTM zone for my sat- and heightmap (33 (12°E - 18°E) subzone W) the satmap and heightmap automatically align, but from my understanding the mapframe must be at Easting 200000 Northing 0 to work. i have managed to konvert the heightmap from .tif to .asc using QGIS and changed the xllcorned and yllcorner to 200000 and 0. using notepad++ wich allows me to import the terrain in the 31(0°E - 6°E) N zone and export it to ArmA 3. The problem is that i have no clue how to import my satellite map without getting the "import - Zone of imported data is too far project reference zone" message or if I use the same satmap without georeferencing i just dont know how to align it with the terrain (eyeballing it is impossible because the satmap needs to be rotated to perfectly fit the terrain/heightmap) https://gyazo.com/c1c3fab43a667f5c9631d09af5080ae6 (pic of how the sat- and heightmap are supposed to align in QGIS). if enyone knows how to align em at Easting 200000 Northing 0 in TB then that would really make me happy.


My second question is if its true that the UTM zone has to be 31(0°E - 6°E) N at Easting 200000 Northing 0 to work?

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5 threads (not feet :-) under  ... a complete tutorial how to setup all about start project..

if u follow tutorial at a certain point ....




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18 hours ago, Agent_Jetz said:

My second question is if its true that the UTM zone has to be 31(0°E - 6°E) N at Easting 200000 Northing 0 to work?


Once you import it in TB, yes.

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On 11.7.2017 at 6:27 PM, W4lly63 said:

5 threads (not feet :-) under  ... a complete tutorial how to setup all about start project..

if u follow tutorial at a certain point ....




I have now completed the entire "[TUTORIAL] A guide to importing roads from real data" tutorial i got confused at the point where you have to use the "move tool"  to move your roads so that they are fully contained in the black area, but i used the method from the PMC "Road Shapefiles from Real World Data" to avoid the rotation issue. My problem is that even after doing the Tut its still does not align accurately


The thing is i have all the tings i want inside TB perfectly aligned in QGIS:


on the pic i have the road shapefile, satmap and heightmap (hidden under) all perfectly aligned (QGIS). How do i now transport/export this to TB so that the satmap is rotated and perfectly aligned to the terrain at the different UTM zone (E 200000 N 0)?



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10 hours ago, Agent_Jetz said:


on the pic i have the road shapefile, satmap and heightmap (hidden under) all perfectly aligned (QGIS). How do i now transport/export this to TB so that the satmap is rotated and perfectly aligned to the terrain at the different UTM zone (E 200000 N 0)?



 You are sure that when you started the project and when export layers (save as) you set  SR selected :EPSG:32631,WGS84/UTM zone 31N  ?

for move all layers little bit or scale can use v.transform as explained in tutorial...

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On 14.7.2017 at 8:32 AM, W4lly63 said:

 You are sure that when you started the project and when export layers (save as) you set  SR selected :EPSG:32631,WGS84/UTM zone 31N  ?

for move all layers little bit or scale can use v.transform as explained in tutorial...

Yeah i set all the layers to WGS84/UTM zone 31N in Qgis, the thing is, you can't use v.transform on the heightmap or satmap only on the road shapefile (not on raster layers only vector i believe) to move it to the correct UTM zone, if only i could move the sat- and heightmap the same way it would be solved. mabye its possible in Global mapper?


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1 hour ago, Agent_Jetz said:

... if only i could move the sat- and heightmap the same way it would be solved. 


in QGIS use rasmover plugin for move layers

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1 hour ago, W4lly63 said:

in QGIS use rasmover plugin for move layers

i tried that but it's like a drag and drop function, so i dont know if you can set a new spesific location

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13 minutes ago, W4lly63 said:

the plugin only supports JPEG, PNG or BMP (not my heightmap/DEM) and "almost none of the GDAL raster formats are supported and very large rasters should be avoided" so using this for the satmap is possible but when it comes to moving rasters it works the same as the rasmove plugin, meaning moving is drag and drop based, not like the v.transform where you can shift it's coords (i think), so for detailed repositioning it wont work. I really appreciate you trying to help me btw :D

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