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Gunter Severloh

Video does not play on the menu anymore apon startup, how do I fix this?

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Whats up everyone!

I need help with a project i been working on and off on since 2015, the code is not mine, just the videos.


The original code comes from a member of the Alive mod team who created a code where you can put a video on the main menu of the game.

Now in 2015 when i was building IFA3WarMod a friend of mine on steam who has little coding knowledge got the code from this Alive mod team member,
and gave it to me which was an idea i had to put a video on the main menu of the game, idea came from Battlefield 2 mod called Forgotten Hope 2, you can see the video they used on their main menu of the game.


Recently I asked SavageCDN if he could contact the alive mod team and see if that coder is still with them, i asked Savage as he knows them an supports that mod.

He told me that the member is not around anymore, so i come to the community here to ask for your help.


Heres how this is setup

I have a folder titled IFA3WARMod_client

I basically pbo this folder, create a mod folder and it runs like a mod, apon startup of the game what used to happen before Apex was the video would play on the main menu np,

now since Apex, and updates videos only play after you exit either VR, stratis, Alits, and Iron Front maps.


heres a few videos i created that worked on the main menu before Apex:


All of these videos and i have more I edited, their not my vids but edited versions, anyways they all played right away on

the main menu as soon as you got to the menu, now they dont. The video format is ogv.


File setup:

Heres the structure of the files:

1.  After extracting the pbo IFA3WARMod_client, you get this folder---> IFA3WARMod_client (same as the pbo name obviously)


2. Screenshot of all the files in the folder.


3. starting from the top with the missions folder, there is a folder titled---> IFA3WARModIntro.VR


4. When I open the initIntro.sqf this is the code:

cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 69];
enableEnvironment false;
showCinemaBorder false;

//videosintro = ["IFA3WARMod_client\video\IFA3WARMOD.ogv"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

while {true} do
    _video = ["IFA3WARMod_client\video\IFA3WARMOD.ogv"] spawn BIS_fnc_playVideo;
    waitUntil {scriptDone _video};    

Exiting that, and going back to IFA3WARMod_client folder

5. opening the CfgMissions.hpp we get this code:

// Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys

class CfgMissions {
	class Cutscenes {
		class IFA3WARModIntro {
			directory = "IFA3WARMod_client\missions\IFA3WARModIntro.VR";

Exiting that and going to the next file we have:

6. CfgPatches.hpp opening that we have this code:

// Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys
class CfgPatches {
	class IFA3WARMod_client {
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 1;
		requiredAddons[] = {A3_UI_F, "a3_map_altis_scenes", "a3_map_vr_scenes", "a3_map_stratis_scenes"};

As you can see by the required addons, it just shows me why the video is limited and only plays after you exit the editor from Stratis, Alits, and VR.

Existing that, and opening the next file we have this file:

7. CfgWorlds.hpp opening this:

// Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys

class CfgWorlds {
	class CAWorld;	// External class reference
	class Altis : CAWorld {
		cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"};
	class Stratis : CAWorld {
		cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"};
	class VR : CAWorld {
		cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"};
	class LIBWorld : CAWorld {
		cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"};
	class staszow : LIBWorld {
		cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"};
	class Panovo : CAWorld {
		cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"};
	class Baranow : Staszow {
		cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"};
	class ivachev : Staszow {
		cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"};
	class Colleville : Staszow {
		cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"};
	initWorld = "VR";
	demoWorld = "VR";

As you can see the video will only play after you exited these maps/VR, also on the bottom of the code where it says:

initWorld = "VR";
demoWorld = "VR";


The initWorld = "VR"; I'm guessing has to be changed for the main menu which i have no idea what could be, intro, or scene of some sort?


8. Next file is the config.hpp in it we have the following:

// config.bin - 20:05:21 09/12/15, generated in 0.18 seconds
// Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys
// Separate rootclasses: Enabled, Automatic comments: Enabled

#include "CfgPatches.hpp"
class RscChatListDefault;    // External class reference
class RscText;    // External class reference
class RscEdit;    // External class reference
class RscDisplayChannel;    // External class reference
#include "RscChatListMission.hpp"
#include "RscChatListMap.hpp"
class RscPicture;    // External class reference
class RscControlsGroup;    // External class reference
class RscStandardDisplay;    // External class reference
class RscPictureKeepAspect;    // External class reference
#include "RscDisplayMain.hpp"
#include "RscBackgroundLogo.hpp"
#include "RscDisplayStart.hpp"
#include "RscDisplayNotFreeze.hpp"
#include "RscDisplayLoadMission.hpp"
#include "RscTitles.hpp"
#include "CfgMissions.hpp"
#include "CfgWorlds.hpp"

The rest of the files has to do with putting a logo or banner on the main menu so that i know of dont effect the video.

Can anyone clear this up for me what i need to change?


Lastly this is what my latest video looks like with the video on the menu this was after exiting VR, but this was for my latest patch for IFA3WarMod.


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Hi Gunter. Did you ever get this working? I am currently trying to do the same thing. I am trying to get a default OGV to play on the main menu for Arma 3 for a mod I have worked on.

Is there a specific format the video must be in? It is an OGV file... but do the video dimensions matter? (resolution, etc)

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Hi Donnie,

No videos still do what they normally do, i haven't been working on it it to fix it,

my last video i created for this was this:


17 hours ago, Donnie_Plays said:

Is there a specific format the video must be in?

The video must be in OGV to work. resolution dont matter, i would recommend 1080p or better for the sake of quality.

Also when you watch the video it will be bigger on the menu then the video itself, not alot but a little, the sound music or whatever else is playing seems to fall out of sync, depends on the video.


Thing is depending on the video its best to keep the video like 2min and under, so you'll want to edit your videos and aim for like a top 2min length, experiment and see what happens first

but for some reason the videos i tried in the past were like 2+min and when i put it on the menu its like it was cut down to size.


You'll want to remove the middle bars on the menu if you want to see the whole video too.

Hope that helps.

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On 7/2/2017 at 11:21 AM, Gunter Severloh said:


4. When I open the initIntro.sqf this is the code:

cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 69];
enableEnvironment false;
showCinemaBorder false;

//videosintro = ["IFA3WARMod_client\video\IFA3WARMOD.ogv"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

while {true} do
    _video = ["IFA3WARMod_client\video\IFA3WARMOD.ogv"] spawn BIS_fnc_playVideo;
    waitUntil {scriptDone _video};    

Hello Gunter, I'm having trouble with this script to display more videos in random order.
I know there is a hint but I don't understand it

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Hi welcome to BI Forums!
Cant really help you with this, i dont recall anymore how it was setup i dont have any working examples with

code for multiple videos, but i do remember that if you had 2 or more videos it would play one after the other.

     Use this thread for mod downloads to get an idea of the videos that were done:


  • Thanks 1

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