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How to get all objects available in editor?

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I recently had to reinstall OFP for my new system and I forgot were I got alot of stuff. I generally use this site...


CS Zone

I had a editor upgrade of some sort that made every single object\unit\everything in OFP available in the editor.

Anyone know where I can get this again. I couldn't find it on the site above I normally use.

Plus are there any complete World War 2 MOD\Packs people can recommend for OFP?


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This should be in Addons & Mods

Moving smile.gif

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probably Kegetys's editor upgrade is the one you are looking for. but i don't know where it is....

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I've always wondered why BIS didn't include this functionality in the editor to begin with. How do they expect us to make any good missions?

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Yes, it would be nice to release missions using these objects without needing the user to install an addon (the editor upgrade).

Maybe sometime in a future patch, BIS could unlock the objects without the need for an addon.

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Yes that would be very nice! the add-ons are cool but god damn it gets to a point I forget what I added and I am looking for in the editor!!

A good ADD-MANAGER from BIS would be sweet also along with the unlock ALL things for editor!!!!!

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