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I am executing this code in a .sqf using execVM via a trigger, but waitUntil isn't working. That is, after _cnt == 0 (after I kill all the units in the _ambushers group), the script does not continue.

However, if after killing _ambushers, if I reexecute the script via the debug console in-game, then it seems to work just fine - it skips the first titleText and goes right into the code below waitUntil {_cnt == 0}. But the whole point of waitUntil is to NOT have to reexecute anything. What gives? Is it a waitUntil issue, or a count issue? What am I doing wrong?

_ambushers = group ambusher;
_cnt = count units _ambushers;

if (_cnt > 0) then 
titleText ["CREWMAN: TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH! SHOOT THEM!", "PLAIN DOWN", 4]; titleFadeOut 1;

waitUntil {_cnt == 0};

sleep 2;
if (alive crewman) then
toolkitbox addItemCargo ["Toolkit",1];
titleText ["CREWMAN: Whew! Thanks for your help, guys.", "PLAIN DOWN", 4]; titleFadeOut 1;
sleep 6;
titleText ["CREWMAN: There is a repair kit in my equipment box.  Take it for your truck.  Just in case.", "PLAIN DOWN", 4]; titleFadeOut 1;
sleep 6;
["tsk03","SUCCEEDED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
sleep 3;
["tsk02b","ASSIGNED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
titleText ["PLAYER: He's dead. Looks like we failed.", "PLAIN DOWN", 4]; titleFadeOut 1;
sleep 6;
["tsk03","FAILED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
sleep 3;
["tsk02b","ASSIGNED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;


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When you run "count units _ambushers" and put it in the "_cnt" variable, "_cnt" stays the same as when you initially do it, so if _cnt doesn't equal zero when you reach the waitUntil you have an infinite loop that will never exit.


Do this instead:


_ambushers = group ambusher;
_cnt = count units _ambushers;

if (_cnt > 0) then 
titleText ["CREWMAN: TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH! SHOOT THEM!", "PLAIN DOWN", 4]; titleFadeOut 1;

waitUntil {(count units _ambushers) == 0};



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Thank you! It works!

Sometimes I run into the problem where the last ambusher runs away, and I can't kill him in order to advance the script. If you have any suggestions, I'd be very grateful.

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15 minutes ago, Salty Bear said:

Thank you! It works!

Sometimes I run into the problem where the last ambusher runs away, and I can't kill him in order to advance the script. If you have any suggestions, I'd be very grateful.


Check if the unit is fleeing.

waitUntil {(count units _ambushers) == 0 OR (count units _ambushers < 3 AND {fleeing _x} count units _ambushers isequalTo count units _ambushers)};

This would continue if ambusher group has less than 3 left and they're all fleeing.



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Wow thanks so much! I didn't know that "fleeing" was a thing. I will give it a try.

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