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-TNF-The Rocket

What was u'r first tought?

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I was bored and had nothing to do so I decided to play a game but I didnt have any fun games so I checked all my Incite PCgame (or something) for a nice game and then I installed the OFPdemo and played it was nice actually I kind of falled in love with the game experience or something I liked it very much then I didnt know when the release in sweden was so I waited but I kind of forgot it also but then when I wanted to buy a game I saw it and bought it.

Now I dont play single mission except when I'm testing new addons and when I'm testing my island.

What was your tought or did u just buy the game without know how it was.

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I think I **** in my pants...


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I was gobsmacked. I was sitting there with my mouth wide open. It looked just like the sort of game I had been waiting for ever since I fired up Doom ages and ages ago! M16's, full squad, realistic fighting, that was the thing I always wanted. And here it was! I was hooked from the first minute smile.gif

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It really hooked me. I played it over again and tried every possibilty. One thing I used to do is one over of the AT squad, grab their AT launchers and see if I could get the M113 before it got me!

I had great fun.

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My first touch to OFP was when some CIA (and if you don't know what that is, try to hack their intranet and find out wink.gif ) agant was pointing a gun at me and kept telling "BUY OPERATION FLASHPOINT!"

Then I ran to a PC store and bought the game.

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I bought the damn game when I saw it Scooped!, Previewed and Reviewed.

I got attracted by the fact that you can drive anything... And when I drove the Tractor, I fell in sweet, sweet love.

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i saw a small preview . and then the demo was released , i first got it on a cd .. played it .... this was the beginning of the death of my social life tounge.gif

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Was one of the most impressing moments in my gaming lifetime. I advanced with a group of guys and had no chance to get along with them. YES I was afraid biggrin.gif

Played the demo over and over again and experienced this huge freedom within OFP that I still love.

Imagine who was the one calling the software shop daily to get one of the first OFP´s here wink.gif

Still loving it !

Once again to BIS: Thanx for this awesome game !

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Sometime in May 2001 in Kosovo, sombody installed the demo on a laptop that belonged to my group. I hadn't played a computer game for more then five months so I liked it very very much. I remember that I tried to get the others to realize how fun it was but they thought that I was very weird and after a while they were annoyed that I occupied the laptop so often. Finally somebody removed it from the laptop after a couple of weeks. sad.gif

Lack of time and lack of proper internet connection made me not play it until july when I was back in Sweden and bought it.

The most striking thing about my reaction to playing the demo was the fear of getting shot, which I havn't experienced in any other game so far.

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Well, I really don't hold opinions until I finish the entire demo.

But when I stared down the barrel of a tank, all I could really say was "Woah" just before I signed up for the pink cloud club.

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I didnt buy the demo I went into the store and took the "judge by cover" approach. During the first training mission I thought "spare me". But when the first real mission started i thought HOLY SHIT, I am holding a real M16 in my hands, that thing is difficult to handle so I am probably the neird on the battlefield, I better keep my head down. Which game can make it better than that? Which game makes you feel you are not good enough and you better try to stay away from action? "after a few missions I thought the game was scripted cause I stayed alive and everyone around me was pretty dead, I was useless, my gun shots didnt realy hit anythintg. But it is funny that you realy learn in that game and improve.

The best mission fearing for your life is the one where you have to escape, damn, that hiding in the forest in the morning was so unspectacular, but the best tension I ever felt! biggrin.gif

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i installed the demo on my celeron 500 mad.gif that i had at the time slide show. installed it on my dads 1.3gz (yes this was about the fastest you could get at the time) loved it did everything and then when i got the game i did not see the outside for about a week smile.gif

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I downloaded and played the demo the first day it came out, March 20 or 21, 2001, if I remember correctly.

The cutscenes!

The island!

The atmopshere!

The music!

The gameplay!

The retreat to extraction by Blackhawk under fire!

And then, within a few weeks, the first crack mission makers were able to produce top-notch missions, using guns and vehicle not made available through the demo mission alone.

Gotta go! I hear a BMP heading my way. wow.gifsad.gif

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Guest BratZ

First time I played the demo I had thoughts like Denoir said...I was scared to get shot.This game has the most intense gameplay.The fear of getting shot is similiar to when the enemy has spotted you and is looking for you in a BMP and almost running you over as you are hiding in the bushes.

But because of the fact the game has vehicles and you can drive anything really got me.I waited for the day of release in the US and went and bought it.Not only was it better than games like Delta Force..it had all the vehicles to boot!

Can't wait for OFP2!

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It was one of the best gaming experiences i've ever had. I had been waiting for the game since i saw a preview on a gaming magazine a few years ago (maybe in 1998 or 1999). I started playing the demo mission and at once i thought holy shit, this is the game i've been waiting for my whole live!! When i heard the squad leader saying "contact! All, Danger" i really felt as if i was a soldier going to battle. When the russians started shooting at me i also felt fear of getting shot (unlike in games like Rainbow Six, where i just storm the building as if i were invincible). When we cleared the village i started to feel very good, i started thinking i was some kind of super soldier, so when the leader gave the order to go for the chopper i said "no way!", i picked up a RPG and waited for the tanks. When the first T-72 appeared i took my shoot, i saw that the tank was still going after me, so i shitted my pants and ran for the chopper. Running through the bush while mg and heat rounds hit the ground around me was another of the best experiences i've ever had while playing a computer game, it was incredible. I played that mission lot's of times and each time i liked the game even more than before.

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i read the preview the review and articles

i got the demo and played it over and over again,i really enjoyed it ,its the first game to realmly put you in realistic combat situation...

i bought the game in england,because i couldnt stand having the voice and all in french :-)

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i didn't get to experience OFP until september, 2001. my first mission was SP 'Steal the car'. my first thought was, 'ok, how the hell do i find a car in this freaking big town by myself?'

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While I was playing Ghost Recon my friend suggested I try Operation Flashpoint, though I really didn't bother. A few weeks later after he constantly kept on harrasing me I eventually got a warez copy (version 1.0) and played it.

1.0 itself was filled with a shitload of bugs, especially tanks shaking from side to side, so it wasn't exactly the best first impression, although something made me want to come back to it day after day.

After about 2 weeks or so after druling over the bug fixes and new units on the Flashpoint website which now offered version 1.42 or something like that I knew I had to buy it as updates wouldn't install to a warez copy.

When playing the campaign and hearing Bergoff tell me to board that 5 ton truck and drive it I though... "for real? I can actually drive a truck here? Whoa!" Then when I learned I can also drive tanks and fly choppers and stained my shorts biggrin.gif

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Never played the demo. A friend of mine who was a big fan of Tribes 2 pointed it out to me one day in a store, and said he'd like to try it. I looked at the back and was immediately very interested, and bought it after a few days. My friend tried it over at my place and hated it. I was hooked.

I remember by first close up encounter with the enemy, it was on that mission where you're patroling in the jeep and someone sees movement in the forest so you go to investigate...I saw a Russian soldier running towards me through the trees, so I opened fire, heard him scream and fall, and I walked over casually to inspect my kill. I was a few feet away, and suddenly I notice that his head is up and his AK was pointing right at me. I had enough time to think "Oh Shit" before he shot a burst into my face.

<span style='color:red'>*edit*</span> I also remember how much the graphics have improved (that and I finally got a decent graphics card). I remember playing and my roomate watching me, and every few minutes I'd be like "Shit! is that a tank up ahead?!" Go prone, take out the binocs "....no....just a bush....." biggrin.gif.

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Well I originally read about this game when I was off trolling at the Red Alert 2 boards. I went to the main site, and downloaded the demo overnight. Anyways, the next morning, I was very impressed. I remember playing that mission practically every way possible. I even remember trying to shoot down that Black Hawk that flies over right at the beginning, but to no avail sad.gif Then I downloaded some user made mission that had the Black Hawk, T72, and the legendary BMP w/ missile attachment. I probably toyed around with those vehicles more than I actually played the original demo mission. I would try to beat the level using only the Blackhawk, which was easy. Then I'd try to beat it with the T72, which was alot harder. Then I tried it with the BMP, which was even harder. Then I tried it in the Blackhawk w/machinegun, and I noticed that the machine gun (or 30mm. cannon, as it was in the demo version), didnt rotate, so I just got out and left.

I waited until the game was released in June, then ordered it immediatley.

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i wish they kept the origonal east & west soldiers from the demo, the ones w/ the flashlights, that and the origonal UAZ and Jeep.

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I was checking out a magazine demo disk a year ago and then started to play this this game. I am not a gun guy and i hated shooter type games. But this was incredible. Once we arrived at the scene and someone was shooting at me i immedittly got shot because i did not know how to dive down. Once i firuge it out, all i did was crawl while my team went forward. I was a reck i could not see who was shooting at me. Thinking back to that just cracks me up, now i feel like a trained solder, well a computer game solder.


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I stumbled upon the game sometime in early October of 2001. What got to me was the fact that I had never heard of it before. When I D/L 'ed the demo, I was hooked from the start.

What got to me more was the thought that I had been missing out on OFP for so long.


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I was thinking of buying a game so I searched for some titles and decided to download two demos, one was one of SWAT or Rainbow 6 or something, the other one was OFP.

I really liked the OFP demo, loved to see the cutscenes and played it a million times, always trying out new ways to end the mission -- walking back to base after being left alone, jumping out of the heli before the place where the end cutscene starts, shooting the pilot thinking that maybe I would be able to fly us all home (but instead I felt bad cause I ended a friendly's life and also I got shot by my teammates lol), and so on. I also tried jumping out from the heli onto a cliff in the sea and then I tried to pass the water to get to land, but it didn't really work. smile.gif

Was awesome... smile.gif

Like Tyler, it got to me that I didn't discover and buy OFP until August 2001. sad.gif

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