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Look at scripts from servers

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I'm new to scripting and have been watching a few tutorials here and there. I was wondering if it's possible for me to look at the scripts of servers to try and understand what each script is doing for my own benefit. Servers like KOTH, Life Mods, Wasteland. How would I go about doing this?

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The directory for MP missions is C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Arma 3\MPMissionsCache. If you want to look in the files there you'll need a program that can open .pbo files eg http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16369

Missions like KoTH are locked by the author so you can't steal their scripts but most missions are accessible.

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2 hours ago, 7erra said:

Missions like KoTH are locked by the author so you can't steal their scripts but most missions are accessible.

with time and know how you can steal anything. THis world we live in everything is free

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You can't steal everything, and most importantly, you shouldn't. The mission path or the pbo won't do you any good, as some scripts are only on the server. 

Only way to get those scripts is either by access to the server, or a debug console.

In the case of a debug console you also would need a the function names or a cfgfunctions.


Additionally, if you want to know how to learn scripting, there is a ton of tutorials out there.

Most missions with server side scripting have some fun obfuscated, and will give you quite a headache.

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