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Problem with a hint firing from an addaction on a Dedicated Server

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So I got an issue - this little script works fine in SP but not MP (dedicated). I'm aware there are some locality conflicts, but every attempt to clean it up ends in failure. I was under the assumption that the hint should still fire for the client who activates the addaction, as it would be local to his computer? Essentially, the script is a simple conversation action which should alert the player of the condition which is set in the script. 

So on a few AI I have this :

this addAction ["Ask about the downed slick","HUEY.sqf"];

and in the HUEY.sqf I have this :


if (triggeractivated NE_1) then { "Last I heard, that slick went down in the North-east corridor of the zone" remoteExec ["hint",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]}; 
if (triggeractivated NW_1) then { "Last I heard, that slick went down in the North-west corridor of the zone" remoteExec ["hint",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]};
if (triggeractivated SW_1) then { "Last I heard, that slick went down in the South-west corridor of the zone" remoteExec ["hint",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]};
if (triggeractivated SE_1) then { "Last I heard, that slick went down in the South-east corridor of the zone" remoteExec ["hint",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]};    
if (triggeractivated Dead_1) then { "Last I heard, that slick's already been taken care off" remoteExec ["hint",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]};    


and despite using the remoteExec, the hint's still wont fire for the client on a dedicated. Any help would be appreciated.

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2 hours ago, pierremgi said:

If you want to reach the player who activate the action:


_this execVM "HUEY.sqf"; // to pass the addAction parameters (unit,target,id)


then in the sqf:

_unit = _this select 0;

if (triggeractivated NE_1) then { "Last I heard, that slick went down in the North-east corridor of the zone" remoteExec ["hint",_unit]}; // no JIP, only _unit concerned.


Check also your trigger activation. Try without condition.

_this execVM "HUEY.sqf"; <-- Where exactly would I put this? Put it in the direction (NW_1, NE_1, etc) triggers to no avail (as in, the script worked in the editor but nothing on the dedi), and couldn't place it in the addaction from what I've tried. 

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Any leads? Every combination has failed so far

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You dont need to be using remoteExec if youre doing this locally for a client for one.

Here is a BIS example:

_act = player addAction ["Exec the file", "somescript.sqf"]

If you already know its local, you should be able to rework that for your purposes, including whats above :)

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