Pay attention to a couple things... Watch in full screen, it's more apparent, I know side by side makes sense but it's more dramatic in full screen (the way we play).... The distance of perspective as the helicopter increases speed, and the rigid camera view directly behind the helicopter the 1.68 version vs the loose/slow camera that doesn't quite stick right behind the heli in version 1.70. Nevermind my skills in the version 1.70 video as I'm still fighting with my control settings in attempt to overcome this yaw/pedal issue im having in my mouse inputs, but don't think I can overcome it with settings. Sorry for not uploading in full HD, woulda taken too long. The 1.68 video is from a few months ago but a proper comparison regardless, it was a test recording I did in a KOTH match a while back and just happens to be easy to recreate the flight path for comparison.