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addAction Error 11 elements provided, 3 expected.

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Hello, I am trying to add a simple action to a unit and am failing at the most basic step. Below is what I am running in the Extended Debug Console.

player addAction ["Hello World", "hint 'Hello'", nil, 1, false, true, "", true, 0, false, ""]

I understand the syntax is as follows,

object addAction [title, script, arguments, priority, showWindow, hideOnUse, shortcut, condition, radius, unconscious, selection]

Ref: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction


However, when i execute this statement, I get the following error. 

'player |#|addAction ["Hello World", "hint 'Hello'"...' Error 11 elements provided, 3 expected.

I have also tried {} instead of "" around the code and that doesn't fix it. It works if i remove everything to the right of the script element but I want to eventually change the condition. Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?

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figured it out. removed last 2 elements.

player addAction ["Hello World", "hint 'Hello'", nil, 1, false, true, "", true, -1]

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