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Did anyone ever get Arma 3 to work well in VR?

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Not sure if this is the right subforum for this question, but are there any VR players here that got Arma 3 (or even Arma 2) to work reasonably well in VR, for instance using VorpX? I've seen a couple of videos, but they're mostly old, and it's difficult to tell from a video whether something works really well or just well enough to fool people. I don't think that current VR would be good enough for regular Arma games, mainly due to the resolution - but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't love flying around Altis, Chernarus or Sahrani in a helicopter while in V-bloody-R. (In fact, if Bohemia had a sole VR nut working on an experimental VR mode, I'd walk there and give them all hugs in person. Or send them chocolate. Probably the latter.)

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i'm still lurking for a confirmed "good enough" working setup as well. some reddit posts suggest its not worth the try, so up to now i didn bother buying vorpX just to be disappointed.


native VR would be a dream come true, even if its only experimental. for infantry combat the resolution is probably way too low, but better flying should be possible methinks.

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Yeah when the VR talk started years ago ARMA functionality would have made me buy one. After having tried a few I think the next generation of VR headsets are gonna be what it takes to get ARMA doable in VR. 

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