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Problem with Surface and Clutter Cfg

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Hey guys,


I am currently making a map and I run into trouble.

Whatever I am trying to do in my cfgSurface.hpp and my cfgClutter.hpp doesnt work. I could really use some help here!



class Layers
  class texture_grass

  class texture_gravel
    texture = "Map1_Saves\data\middle_mco.paa";

  class texture_rock
    texture = "Map1_Saves\data\middle_mco.paa";
  class texture_forest
    texture = "Map1_Saves\data\middle_mco.paa";
  class texture_sand
    texture = "Map1_Saves\data\middle_mco.paa";
  class texture_field
    texture = "Map1_Saves\data\middle_mco.paa";

class Legend
  class Colors


class CfgSurfaces 
	class Default{};
	class Water{};
	class texture_grass_Surface : Default
		 access = 2;
		 files = "texture_grass*";
		 rough = 0.1;
		 dust = 0.35;
		 soundEnviron = "grass";
		 character = "texture_grass_Character";
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
	class texture_gravel_Surface : Default
		 access = 2;
		 files = "texture_gravel*";
		 rough = 0.05;
		 dust = 0.45;
		 soundEnviron = "gravel";
		 character = "Empty";	
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 maxSpeedCoef = 1;
	class texture_rock_Surface : Default
		 access = 2;
		 files = "texture_rock*";
		 rough = 0.1;
		 dust = 0.05;
		 soundEnviron = "rock";
		 character = "Empty";	
		 soundHit = "hard_ground";
		 maxSpeedCoef = 1;
	class texture_forest_Surface : Default
		 access = 2;
		 files = "texture_forest*";
		 rough = 0.1;
		 dust = 0.25;
		 soundEnviron = "grass";
		 character = "Empty";	
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 maxSpeedCoef = 0.8
	class texture_desert_Surface : Default
		 access = 2;
		 files = "texture_desert*";
		 rough = 0.15;
		 dust = 0.75;
		 soundEnviron = "sand";
		 character = "Empty";	
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 maxSpeedCoef = 0.5
	class texture_field_Surface : Default
		 access = 2;
		 files = "texture_field*";
		 rough = 0.15;
		 dust = 0.45;
		 soundEnviron = "dirt";
		 character = "Empty";	
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 maxSpeedCoef = 0.8

class CfgSurfaceCharacters
	class texture_grass_Character


class Clutter	
	class texture_grass_clutter: DefaultClutter
		model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d";
		affectedByWind = 0.6;
		swLighting = "true";
		scaleMin = 0.7;
		scaleMax = 1.0;


#define _ARMA_

class CfgPatches
	class Map1_Saves
		  units[] = {"Map1_Saves"};
		  weapons[] = {};
		  requiredVersion = 1.0;
		  version = "21/04/2017";
		  fileName = "Map1_Saves.pbo";
		  author = "Jannis";
class CfgWorlds
	class CAWorld;
	class Altis: CAWorld
		class Grid;
		class DefaultClutter;
	class Map1_Saves: Altis
		cutscenes[] = {};
		description = "Map1_Saves";
		worldName = "Map1_Saves\Map1_Saves.wrp";
		startTime = "11:00";
		startDate = "05/03/2001";
		startWeather = 0.2;
		startFog = 0.0;
		forecastWeather = 0.6;
		forecastFog = 0.0;
		centerPosition[] = {2560,2560,500};
		seagullPos[] = {2560,2560,500};
		longitude = 65;
		latitude = -34;
		elevationOffset = 2000;
		envTexture = "A3\Data_f\env_land_ca.tga";
		minTreesInForestSquare = 2;
		minRocksInRockSquare = 2;
		newRoadsShape = "\Map1_Saves\data\roads\roads.shp";
		ilsPosition[] = {1024,1024};
		ilsDirection[] = {0.5075,0.08,-0.8616};
		ilsTaxiIn[] = {};
		ilsTaxiOff[] = {};
		drawTaxiway = 0;
		class SecondaryAirports {};
		class Sea
			seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa";
			seaMaterial = "#water";
			shoreMaterial = "#shore";
			shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam";
			shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet";
			WaterMapScale = 20;
			WaterGrid = 50;
			MaxTide = 0;
			MaxWave = 0;
			SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50";
			SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50";
			SeaWaveHScale = 2.0;
			SeaWaveXDuration = 5000;
			SeaWaveZDuration = 10000;
		class Grid: Grid
			offsetX = 0;
			offsetY = 5120;
			class Zoom1
				zoomMax = 0.15;
				format = "XY";
				formatX = "000";
				formatY = "000";
				stepX = 100;
				stepY = -100;
			class Zoom2
				zoomMax = 0.85;
				format = "XY";
				formatX = "00";
				formatY = "00";
				stepX = 1000;
				stepY = -1000;
			class Zoom3
				zoomMax = 1e+030.0;
				format = "XY";
				formatX = "0";
				formatY = "0";
				stepX = 10000;
				stepY = -10000;
		#include "cfgClutter.hpp"
		class Names
			#include "Map1_Saves.hpp"

class CfgWorldList
	class Map1_Saves{};
class CfgMissions
	class Cutscenes

#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"

Thanks for your help


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35 minutes ago, Tarlox said:

Whatever I am trying to do in my cfgSurface.hpp and my cfgClutter.hpp doesnt work. I could really use some help here!


Perhaps it might help if you tell us, what the error messages are or in which part it does not work (i.e. terrain builder, buldozer, packing to pbo, A3 etc)

Because checking everything of your configs is quite a lot to do, as the error could basicaly be anywhere.


From a short overview, here are some things i recognize (but i dont know if they have to do with whatever undefined error):


This is not necessary, usually it could (should?) look like this: texture = "";


surfaces and clutter look okay to me, so far.


I think this should add up to a total of "1", but i am not sure about it anymore.


The rest looks fine so far, from a first overview. As mentioned: Without telling what exactly is not working or some error-messages its quite hard to tell where the error might be.



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I would like to give you an error message but I dont get one. Nothing I wrote in the CfgSurface.hpp is working.

For example:

soundHit = "soft_ground";
maxSpeedCoef = 0.5

There is no effect on the map. It seems like the whole file isnt really implemented. Its not only the grass.

I did the usual include stuff so I dont know whether thats the problem.


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By not working you mean after creating a pbo and testing in A3? Or by loading it into terrainbuilder? Or in Buldozer?

You have to giver some more details about it, that would make it easier to find the error.


If you relate to a packed pbo and the problems are appearing ingame in A3, then i suppose you are packing your pbos with the vanilla Arma Tools?

Try using pboproject from mikero, as this tool finds nearly every error in your configs and points them out in the logfiles (unfortunaltelly Arma Tools does nothing of this and lets you make pbos out of crap)

There is a free version (not the newest version, but in this case it will do) here: https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files


I suggest you try packing your pbo with this tool and come back with the errors from the logfiles (if you are not able to solve them yourself)



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So I installed Pboproject and I got some errors.

Missed some ";" and I needed to put requiredAddons[] = {}; in the config.cpp.

Now the cfgSurfaces.hpp works fine but the cfgClutters.hpp doesnt.

There is no grass on my textures ingame and there are no errors anymore so I dont know what to do.

Only in the binlogs are some strange things I cant figure out.


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Mmmh, that brings us some steps further... now its about some different try and error steps (as i myself have no idea where the error might be).

I compared your configs with mine and have some small things you might want to try out, perhaps it works...


In your clutter.hpp your are using: swLighting = "true";

Mine has in all clutter: swLighting = 0; or swLighting = 1;


Also my cfgSurfaces has some more definitions in it (but that should not make any problems). Here for comparisson one example from my config:

D41GrassGreenGroup -> d41grassgreenclutter -> GrassGreen


class Clutter	
	class D41GrassGreenGroup: DefaultClutter
				model = "a3\plants_f\clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d";
				affectedByWind = 0.6;
				swLighting = 1;
				scaleMin = 0.8;
				scaleMax = 1.4;


class CfgSurfaces 
	class Default {};
	class Water{};
	class SurfRoadDirt;
	class GdtStratisBeach;
	class GdtStratisDryGrass;
	class GdtStratisGreenGrass;
	class GdtStratisRocky;
	class GdtStratisThistles;
	class GdtSoil;
	class GdtStratisConcrete;
	class GrassGreen: GdtStratisGreenGrass
		access = 2;
		files = "d41_grass_green_*";
		character = "d41grassgreenclutter";
		soundEnviron = "grass_exp";
		soundHit = "soft_ground";
		rough = 0.08;
		maxSpeedCoef = 0.85;
		dust = 0.05;
		lucidity = 4;
		grassCover = 0.05;
		impact = "hitGroundSoft";
		surfaceFriction = 1.7;

class CfgSurfaceCharacters
	class d41grassgreenclutter
		probability[] = {0.9,0.5,0.19,0.06,0.05,0.4};
		names[] = {"D41GrassGreen","D41Flowermix","D41FlowerCakile","D41FlowerLowYellow1","D41FlowerLowYellow2","D41GrassGreenGroup"};






It might also be worth a try: i have all this in directly in my config.cpp. I did not include anything, but put it directly there (as this part is completed, works and doesnt need to be changed). Perhaps this might be worth a try, too.

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When you fixed all the errors etc, did you re export layers and clear P:\temp ?


Also what is this in your surfaces? never seen that before

access = 2;

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Well i took them basically  from the original config files of A3 as my reference. You can look at them:

class CfgSurfaces
	class Default{};
	class Water{};
	class GdtStratisConcrete: Default
		access = 2;
		files = "gdt_strconcrete_*";
		character = "Empty";
		soundEnviron = "concrete";
		soundHit = "concrete";
		rough = 0.05;
		maxSpeedCoef = 1;
		dust = 0.15;
		lucidity = 0.3;
		grassCover = 0.0;
		impact = "hitConcrete";
		maxClutterColoringCoef = 1.35;

Or from the Bohemia-Wiki (also this one is rarely updated...): https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgSurfaces_Config_Reference


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1 hour ago, Cosmo_D41 said:

In your clutter.hpp your are using: swLighting = "true";

Mine has in all clutter: swLighting = 0; or swLighting = 1;


1 hour ago, Cosmo_D41 said:

i have all this in directly in my config.cpp


1 hour ago, RoF said:

When you fixed all the errors etc, did you re export layers and clear P:\temp ?

Tried everything but nothing changed.


After trying all this I put the map on a server and suddenly it worked. I can see the grass now. 

But after going back into the normal Arma 3 3D Editor there is still no grass.

It seems that the config files are alright after fixing the errors with pboproject but why dont they work in the editor?

So I looked at Tanoa with and without my mod and there is also no grass.

Could it be that Arma causes the trouble? The server I played the map on was 32bit and my Arma 64bit.

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32 or 64 should usually not matter anyhow.


Could it be, that your profiles are different? E.g. the one you use on your server, and the other you use when you go in the editor? Perhaps try out your graphic settings wether grass is deactivated on your side. Because there is no normal explanation why this should work on a server, but not in the editor. (At least none that i see)

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Thank you very very much! The pboproject thing was very helpful. Its 100% better than the Addon Builder and found my mistakes.

20 minutes ago, Cosmo_D41 said:

try out your graphic settings wether grass is deactivated on your side

That was the reason why I didn't see it after I fixed all the errors. That's on me. I am just stupid :D

Thank you again very much! 

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Better stupid and it works, then the other way round :f:

Good luck with your project!

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