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Task modules fails in trigger options.

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Well, this issue is rather than usual. To begin with; Task module "Task state" will not work with the next:

  •  in Type: Next waypoint
  • on condition: whatever if it's not <this>

So the question will be the next, how can i place next condition to make efective a task (and of course for veterans, withdraw "obj... status  'done' " option)


!alive mist2 and !alive mist1 and this




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If I have the problem right, you could try making a trigger (named trigger1) with whatever activation/condition to create the task, synced to a Create Task module, synced to a Set Task module, which is synced to a trigger (named trigger2). Then make the trigger condition of trigger2 to "!alive mist2 and !alive mist1 and this"  and to fail or complete the task you would put something like trigger2 setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", true] in the OnAct of trigger1. That way it just makes it so you have to be present in a trigger that covers the whole mission area but also mist1 and mist2 must die before it activates or fails/completes a task.



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