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waituntil units spawn before counting them?

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this script counts units from LVgroup7 on script start, i tried... but lvgroup isnt a variable and i do not know how to get it to wait till they spawn before counting.


waitUntil {
   {alive _x} count (units LVgroup) == 0

_Count = {alive _x} count units LVgroup7; //that same math again

_Limit = round(_Count * .20);

while{true}do{ //infinite loop
    _Count = {alive _x} count units LVgroup7; //update alive count on each time this loops
    if(_Count <= _Limit)then{ //if less than 30%, create new instance of reinforcementChopper with same ID (8)
    hint "Airbourne reinforcements incoming";
    nul = ["myMarker3",1,true,false,1000,245,true,200,150,15,0.5,50,false,false,false,true,["myMarker2","myMarker5","myMarker6","myMarker7","myMarker8",250],true,"default",nil,nil,7,false] execVM "LV\heliParadrop.sqf";
    waitUntil{sleep 1; ({alive _x} count units LVgroup7)>_Limit}; //to be safe, let's again wait for units to spawn before script continues
  sleep 60; //loops in 4s cycle


sleep 1;



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LVgroup7 must be a group. LVgroup also. units refers to a group (or object).

You can use these variables after naming the groups in editor, or spawning them in a script.

For example:

LVgroup7 = [ [4774,  473, 150], west, ["uns_ch47_m60_1ac"], [], [], [], [], [], 0] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

Then, you can count the units when you need it.

If you're scripting a loop which can start before the spawn:

[] spawn {

  waitUntil {sleep 1; !isnil "LVGroup7"};

  _LVgrp7cnt = count units LVGroup7;

  while {true} do {

    waitUntil {sleep 1; count units LVGroup7 < (_LVgrp7cnt *0.3)};

    <your code here>;  // nothing more, as you replenish the group (i think)



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i tried this [] spawn {  } caused the script to not funtion at all, taking out that command made it run but hint "works 3'; never fires. its like the while command doesnt work?




[] spawn { 

  waitUntil {sleep 1; !isnil "LVGroup7"};
hint "works 1";
sleep 5;
  _LVgrp7cnt = count units LVGroup7;
hint "works 2";
  while {true} do {
hint "works 3";
sleep 3;
    waitUntil {sleep 1; count units LVGroup7 > (_LVgrp7cnt *0.3)}; { //if less than 30%, create new instance of reinforcementChopper with same ID (8)
    hint "Airbourne reinforcements incoming";
    nul = ["myMarker3",1,true,false,1000,245,true,200,150,15,0.5,50,false,false,false,true,["myMarker2","myMarker5","myMarker6","myMarker7","myMarker8",250],true,"default",nil,nil,7,false] execVM "LV\heliParadrop.sqf";



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im happy with this.

it first waits for the group to be created and moves on from there.. thanks you for that

waitUntil {sleep 1; !isnil "LVGroup7"}; 

_Count = {alive _x} count units LVgroup7; //that same math again

//_Limit = round(_Count * .20);

while{true}do{ //infinite loop
    _Count = {alive _x} count units LVgroup7; //update alive count on each time this loops
    if(_Count <= 4)then{ //if less than 30%, create new instance of reinforcementChopper with same ID (8)
    hint "Airbourne reinforcements incoming";
    nul = ["myMarker3",1,true,false,1000,245,true,200,150,15,0.5,50,false,false,false,true,["myMarker2","myMarker5","myMarker6","myMarker7","myMarker8",250],true,"default",nil,nil,7,false] execVM "LV\heliParadrop.sqf";
    waitUntil{sleep 1; ({alive _x} count units LVgroup7)>5}; //to be safe, let's again wait for units to spawn before script continues
  sleep 4; //loops in 4s cycle



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