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Marcio Alac

i need help to report a serve

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/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Português /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


Fui vitima de injuria racial e xenofobia no servido Asylum, alem de vdm que e regra do serve. Eu abri um tópico no fórum deles para denunciar e nada foi feito em relação ao ocorrido e resolvi vim aqui saber se algo pode ser feito para que o servido faça algo a respeito do acontecimento.






////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// English ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////



I was a victim of railless injury and xenophobia in the Asylum served, besides you and rule of the service, I opened a topic in their forum to denounce and nothing was done in relation to the happened and to solve here I came to know if something can be done so that the Served something about the event.







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Simple: Don't play there anymore?

Unfair things happen a lot, but BIS isn't going to do anything about this. 

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This doesn't belong on these forums: try contacting the admin staff of the server you experienced this in. Posting on forums doesn't do much most of the time when it comes to these kind of incidents, your best bet is reporting it to any kind of moderator or admin of the server to get this issue resolved.

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