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Recently I have been retexturing some arma vehicles with a friend in order to create a new faction. However, while we have had some success, there are some vehicles that are not showing up the new textures. I am not getting any errors, they are just spawning with default textures. So I have no idea of what could be wrong. I would appreciate it if someone could aid us with this. Here the config parts that are not working:


	class Apc_Btr_k : O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F {
		displayName = "BTR-K Kamysh";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\apcs\btrk\btr_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\btrk\btr_ext2.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\btrk\btr_turret.paa"};
	class Apc_Btr_AA : O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F {
		displayName = "ZSU-39 Tigris";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\apcs\btrAA\btr_aa_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\btrAA\btr_aa_ext2.paa"};
	class Apc_Marid : O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F {
		displayName = "MSE-3 Marid";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\apcs\marid\marid_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\marid\marid_ext2.paa"};
	class Car_Quadbike : B_Quadbike_01_F {
		displayName = "Quadbike";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\quadbike\quadbike_main.paa"};
	class Car_Prowler_Unarmed : B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_F {
		displayName = "Prowler (Unarmed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\prowler\prowler_main.paa"};
	class Car_Prowler_Armed : B_T_LSV_01_armed_F {
		displayName = "Prowler (Armed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\prowler\prowler_main.paa"};

	class Heli_Huron_Unarmed : B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F {
		displayName = "Huron (Unarmed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\huron\huron_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\choppers\huron\huron_ext2.paa"};

	class Heli_Huron_Armed : B_Heli_Transport_03_F {
		displayName = "Huron (Armed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\huron\huron_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\choppers\huron\huron_ext2.paa"};
	class Heli_Hellcat_Unarmed : I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F {
		displayName = "Hellcat (Unarmed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\hellcat\hellcat_main.paa"};
	class Heli_Hellcat_Armed : I_Heli_light_03_F {
		displayName = "Hellcat (Armed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\hellcat\hellcat_main.paa"};

The paths are correct. Textures are right and work because I manually tested all of them before.


So what is the problem? Here the entire config file:


#define TEast		0
#define TWest		1
#define TGuerrila		2
#define TCivilian		3
#define TSideUnknown		4
#define TEnemy		5
#define TFriendly		6
#define TLogic		7

class CfgPatches {
	class Mifact_Vehicles {
	    author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredAddons[] = {};

// Faction Config
 class cfgFactionClasses {
    // Faction Calling Name
        // Faction name in-game
		displayName = "Test Faction";
        // Path to texture next to the faction name in editor "PBOname\filename.paa"
		//icon = "TEST\img.paa";
        // How far down it is on the menu
		priority = 1;
        // 1 = Blufor | 2 = Opfor | 3 = Independent
	    side = 1;

class CfgVehicleClasses {
    // Name of unit group e.g Air, Infantry, Armour
    class TEST_Units
	    // In-game name
        displayName = "Vehicles";
	    // How far down it is on the menu
        priority = 2;

// Vehicle Config
// External class references
class CfgVehicles {
	class B_Quadbike_01_F;
	class B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_F;
	class B_T_LSV_01_armed_F;
	class B_MRAP_01_F;
	class B_MRAP_01_hmg_F;
	class B_MRAP_01_gmg_F;
	class I_MRAP_03_F;
	class I_MRAP_03_hmg_F;
	class I_MRAP_03_gmg_F;
	class B_Truck_01_transport_F;
	class B_Truck_01_covered_F;
	class B_Truck_01_mover_F;
	class B_Truck_01_box_F;
	class B_Truck_01_Repair_F;
	class B_Truck_01_ammo_F;
	class B_Truck_01_fuel_F;
	class B_Truck_01_medical_F;
	class B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F;
	class I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F;
	class I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F;
	class O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F;
	class O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F;
	class O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F;
	class I_MBT_03_cannon_F;
	class B_MBT_01_TUSK_F;
	class B_MBT_01_arty_F;
	class B_MBT_01_mlrs_F;
    class B_Heli_Light_01_F;
	class B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F ;
	class B_Heli_Attack_01_F;
	class B_Heli_Transport_01_F;
	class B_Heli_Transport_03_F;
	class B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F;
	class I_Heli_light_03_F;
	class I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F;
	class I_Heli_Transport_02_F;

// Cars & Trucks & Quads
	class Car_Quadbike : B_Quadbike_01_F {
		displayName = "Quadbike";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\quadbike\quadbike_main.paa"};
	class Car_Prowler_Unarmed : B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_F {
		displayName = "Prowler (Unarmed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\prowler\prowler_main.paa"};
	class Car_Prowler_Armed : B_T_LSV_01_armed_F {
		displayName = "Prowler (Armed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\prowler\prowler_main.paa"};
	class MRAP_Hunter_Unarmed : B_MRAP_01_F {
		displayName = "Hunter (Unarmed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\hunter\Hunter_Base.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hunter\Hunter_Add.paa"};
	class MRAP_Hunter_Hmg : B_MRAP_01_hmg_F {
		displayName = "Hunter (HMG)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\hunter\Hunter_Base.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hunter\Hunter_Add.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hunter\Hunter_Turret.paa"};
	class MRAP_Hunter_Gmg : B_MRAP_01_gmg_F {
		displayName = "Hunter (GMG)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\hunter\Hunter_Base.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hunter\Hunter_Add.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hunter\Hunter_Turret.paa"};
	class MRAP_Strider_Unarmed : I_MRAP_03_F {
		displayName = "Strider (Unarmed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\strider\strider_ext.paa"};
	class MRAP_Strider_Hmg : I_MRAP_03_hmg_F {
		displayName = "Strider (HMG)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\strider\strider_ext.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\strider\strider_turret.paa"};
	class MRAP_Strider_Gmg : I_MRAP_03_gmg_F {
		displayName = "Strider (GMG)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\strider\strider_ext.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\strider\strider_turret.paa"};
	class Truck_Hemtt_Transport_Open : B_Truck_01_transport_F {
		displayName = "Hemtt (Transport - Open)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext2.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_cargo.paa"};
	class Truck_Hemtt_Transport_Cover : B_Truck_01_covered_F {
		displayName = "Hemtt (Transport - Cover)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext2.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_cover.paa"};
	class Truck_Hemtt_Mover : B_Truck_01_mover_F {
		displayName = "Hemtt";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext2.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_truck.paa"};
	class Truck_Hemtt_Box : B_Truck_01_box_F {
		displayName = "Hemtt (Box)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext2.paa"};
	class Truck_Hemtt_Repair : B_Truck_01_Repair_F {
		displayName = "Hemtt (Repair)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext2.paa"};
	class Truck_Hemtt_Ammo : B_Truck_01_ammo_F {
		displayName = "Hemtt (Ammo)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext2.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ammo.paa"};
	class Truck_Hemtt_Fuel : B_Truck_01_fuel_F {
		displayName = "Hemtt (Fuel)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext2.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_fuel.paa"};
	class Truck_Hemtt_Medical : B_Truck_01_medical_F {
		displayName = "Hemtt (Medical)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_ext2.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hemtt\hemtt_cover.paa"};
// APC's & IFV's
	class Apc_Marshall : B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F {
		displayName = "AMV-7 Marshall";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\apcs\marshall\marshall_base.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\marshall\marshall_adds.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\marshall\marshall_tows.paa"};
	class Apc_Mora : I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F {
		displayName = "FV-720 Mora";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\apcs\mora\mora_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\mora\mora_ext2.paa"};
	class Apc_Gorgon : I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F {
		displayName = "AFV-4 Gorgon";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3", "camo4"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\apcs\gorgon\gorgon_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\gorgon\gorgon_ext2.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\gorgon\gorgon_turret.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\gorgon\gorgon_ext_alpha.paa"};
	class Apc_Btr_k : O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F {
		displayName = "BTR-K Kamysh";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\apcs\btrk\btr_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\btrk\btr_ext2.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\btrk\btr_turret.paa"};
	class Apc_Btr_AA : O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F {
		displayName = "ZSU-39 Tigris";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\apcs\btrAA\btr_aa_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\btrAA\btr_aa_ext2.paa"};
	class Apc_Marid : O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F {
		displayName = "MSE-3 Marid";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\apcs\marid\marid_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\apcs\marid\marid_ext2.paa"};

// MBT's & Artillery
	class Mbt_Kuma : I_MBT_03_cannon_F {
		displayName = "MBT-52 Kuma";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\mbts\kuma\kuma_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\mbts\kuma\kuma_ext2.paa", "\Mifact\data\mbts\kuma\kuma_rcws.paa"};
	class Mbt_Slammer : B_MBT_01_TUSK_F {
		displayName = "M2A1 Slammer";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\mbts\slammer\slammer_body.paa", "\Mifact\data\mbts\slammer\slammer_tow.paa", "\Mifact\data\mbts\slammer\slammer_addons.paa"};
	class Art_Scorcher : B_MBT_01_arty_F {
		displayName = "M4 Scrocher";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\mbts\slammer\slammer_body.paa", "\Mifact\data\mbts\slammer\slammer_scorcher.paa", "\Mifact\data\wheeled\hunter\Hunter_Turret.paa"};
	class Art_MLRS : B_MBT_01_mlrs_F {
		displayName = "M5 Sandstorm MLRS";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\mbts\slammer\slammer_body.paa", "\Mifact\data\mbts\slammer\slammer_mlrs.paa"};
//Attack & Transport Helicopters
	class Heli_Littlebird_Unarmed : B_Heli_Light_01_F {
		displayName = "Littlebird (Unarmed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\littlebird\littlebird_main.paa"};
	class Heli_Littlebird_Armed : B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F {
		displayName = "Littlebird (Armed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\littlebird\littlebird_main.paa"};
	class Heli_Comanche : B_Heli_Attack_01_F {
		displayName = "Comanche";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\comanche\comanche_main.paa"};
	class Heli_Ghosthawk : B_Heli_Transport_01_F {
		displayName = "Ghosthawk";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\hawk\ghosthawk_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\choppers\hawk\ghosthawk_ext2.paa"};
	class Heli_Huron_Unarmed : B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F {
		displayName = "Huron (Unarmed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\huron\huron_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\choppers\huron\huron_ext2.paa"};
	class Heli_Huron_Armed : B_Heli_Transport_03_F {
		displayName = "Huron (Armed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\huron\huron_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\choppers\huron\huron_ext2.paa"};
	class Heli_Hellcat_Unarmed : I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F {
		displayName = "Hellcat (Unarmed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\hellcat\hellcat_main.paa"};
	class Heli_Hellcat_Armed : I_Heli_light_03_F {
		displayName = "Hellcat (Armed)";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\hellcat\hellcat_main.paa"};
	class Heli_Mohawk : I_Heli_Transport_02_F {
		displayName = "Mohawk";
		faction = "TEST_FACTION";
		vehicleclass = "TEST_Units";
		side = TWest;
		crew = "B_Soldier_F";
		author = "Nightovizard & Freak";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Mifact\data\choppers\mohawk\mohawk_ext1.paa", "\Mifact\data\choppers\mohawk\mohawk_ext2.paa", "\Mifact\data\choppers\mohawk\mohawk_ext3.paa"};





Thank You

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Without reading your whole config, I have to warn you that not every vehicle (-part) has so called "hiddenselections" for retexturing. So not everything is retexturable. I think thats your issue. I think only a patch can "fix" that.

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54 minutes ago, bloodwyn1756 said:

Without reading your whole config, I have to warn you that not every vehicle (-part) has so called "hiddenselections" for retexturing. So not everything is retexturable. I think thats your issue. I think only a patch can "fix" that.


My issue is, for instance, I retextured the CSAT kamysh and put it in a Blufor faction. However it still keeps same main texture as in vanilla. That just happens with some vehicles, not all of them. This are the textures applied manually:




But textures via config are not applied.


I'm not sure what you are trying to say. If that is not retexturable, how can you retexture the vehicle in itself?




The weirdest example is the hellcat, I have the armed variant with the new textures, and the unarmed one with the vanilla textures. Uses the same exact config, what can be wrong?

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Okay, somebody correct me, if I am wrong: ;)

3D Models, that can be retextured with setObjectTexture or "hiddenselections[]=" need a selection saved in the model p3d itself and smth in their model.cfg. Some of the p3d models do not have these hiddenselections defined in the p3d, so you can't retextured them. In the past Bohemia added more and more hiddenselections to vehicles/weapons/etc., so that modders can retexture them. But there are still some models left, that are not compatible. And that could be your problem.

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15 hours ago, bloodwyn1756 said:

Okay, somebody correct me, if I am wrong: ;)

3D Models, that can be retextured with setObjectTexture or "hiddenselections[]=" need a selection saved in the model p3d itself and smth in their model.cfg. Some of the p3d models do not have these hiddenselections defined in the p3d, so you can't retextured them. In the past Bohemia added more and more hiddenselections to vehicles/weapons/etc., so that modders can retexture them. But there are still some models left, that are not compatible. And that could be your problem.


I get it, but still there are other mods that actually retexture those succesfully. For instance the marid:





It has hiddenselections in their configs so in theory this should be retexturable, those mods are proof. Yet it is not working for me, so I concluded it must be something in the config.




Just checked those mods and for some reason the same is happening, it shows the normal textures, not the custom ones. Is something wrong with Arma?

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Its usually a good idea to break apart the latest PBO and see how BI are doing their own retexturing. This sort of goes towards what bloodwyn was getting at.


When going to the multiple skins option Bi used 'texture sources'. Here is a reaaallly old reskin I did which uses this newer method. Also, here's the BI Wiki (I Think) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Vehicle_Customization_(VhC)


		class RFA_HU02 : B_Heli_Transport_03_F {
		_generalMacro = "RFA_HU02";		
		side = 1;
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Huron-02";
		faction = "RFA";
		vehicleClass = "RFAOLD";
		crew = "rfa_css";
		typicalCargo[] = {"rfa_css"};
		availableForSupportTypes[] = {"Drop","Transport"};			
		slingLoadMaxCargoMass = 30000;
		textureList[] = {"RFA_huron02", 1};	
		class textureSources
		// This texture source will be available for every defined factions
		class RFA_huron02
			// Display name of the texture, use 
			displayName = "RFA Huron-02";
			// Author of the texture
			author = "Rich";
			// Textures, in the same order as the hidden selection names
			textures[] =
			materials[] = {}; // if such is needed
			// This source should be available for the following factions
			factions[] = 
				"BLU_F", "BLU_G_F", // Side Blufor
				"OPF_F", "OPF_G_F", // Side Opfor
				"IND_F", "IND_G_F", // Side independent
				"CIV_F" // side civilian
		class TransportMagazines {
			class _xx_DemoCharge_Remote_Mag {
					magazine = "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag";
					count = 3;
			class _xx_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag {
					magazine = "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";
					count = 10;
			class _xx_200Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag{
					magazine = "200Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag";
					count = 10;
		class TransportItems {
			class _xx_H_PilotHelmetHeli_B {
					name = "H_PilotHelmetHeli_B";
					count = 2;
			class _xx_ToolKit {
					name = "ToolKit";
					count = 2;
			class _xx_ACE_Clacker {
					name = "ACE_Clacker";
					count = 2;
		class TransportWeapons
			class _xx_RFA_M4_ris
				weapon = "RFA_M4_ris";
				count = 2;


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14 hours ago, Rich_R said:

Its usually a good idea to break apart the latest PBO and see how BI are doing their own retexturing. This sort of goes towards what bloodwyn was getting at.


When going to the multiple skins option Bi used 'texture sources'. Here is a reaaallly old reskin I did which uses this newer method. Also, here's the BI Wiki (I Think) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Vehicle_Customization_(VhC)


		class RFA_HU02 : B_Heli_Transport_03_F {
		_generalMacro = "RFA_HU02";		
		side = 1;
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Huron-02";
		faction = "RFA";
		vehicleClass = "RFAOLD";
		crew = "rfa_css";
		typicalCargo[] = {"rfa_css"};
		availableForSupportTypes[] = {"Drop","Transport"};			
		slingLoadMaxCargoMass = 30000;
		textureList[] = {"RFA_huron02", 1};	
		class textureSources
		// This texture source will be available for every defined factions
		class RFA_huron02
			// Display name of the texture, use 
			displayName = "RFA Huron-02";
			// Author of the texture
			author = "Rich";
			// Textures, in the same order as the hidden selection names
			textures[] =
			materials[] = {}; // if such is needed
			// This source should be available for the following factions
			factions[] = 
				"BLU_F", "BLU_G_F", // Side Blufor
				"OPF_F", "OPF_G_F", // Side Opfor
				"IND_F", "IND_G_F", // Side independent
				"CIV_F" // side civilian
		class TransportMagazines {
			class _xx_DemoCharge_Remote_Mag {
					magazine = "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag";
					count = 3;
			class _xx_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag {
					magazine = "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";
					count = 10;
			class _xx_200Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag{
					magazine = "200Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag";
					count = 10;
		class TransportItems {
			class _xx_H_PilotHelmetHeli_B {
					name = "H_PilotHelmetHeli_B";
					count = 2;
			class _xx_ToolKit {
					name = "ToolKit";
					count = 2;
			class _xx_ACE_Clacker {
					name = "ACE_Clacker";
					count = 2;
		class TransportWeapons
			class _xx_RFA_M4_ris
				weapon = "RFA_M4_ris";
				count = 2;



Thank you I will take a look, One of my issues was the huron so your example is going to be useful. Though I have seen people complaining about opfor vehicles retextures not working After the Apex update, do you know if this is still an issue?


If I manage to get it to work I'll let you know.

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Not sure about the OpFor vehicles, the current batch I'm working on are all non-vanilla (CUP mostly). Interested to hear your results though.

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On ‎11‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 4:44 PM, Rich_R said:

Not sure about the OpFor vehicles, the current batch I'm working on are all non-vanilla (CUP mostly). Interested to hear your results though.


CSAT vehicles now show retextures, looks like everything is working fine. Thank you so much for your example. Truth be told I would appreciate it if you posted other vehicle examples, mostly because ther emust be other stuff besides availableForSupportTypes[] = {"Drop","Transport"}; and slingLoadMaxCargoMass = 30000; for other classes and vehicle types.




For some weird reason the hellcat is not being retextured, so far the huron and kamysh/tigris work, But the hellcat doesn't?


In case anyone has the same issue, here is an example of an opfor vehicle in blufor side:


		class MIT_KAMYSH_1 : O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F {
		_generalMacro = "MIT_KAMYSH_1";		
		side = 1;
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "IFV-9 Terminator";
		faction = "MITHRIL";
		vehicleClass = "mithril_Units";
		crew = "B_Crew_F";
		textureList[] = {"MIT_KAMYSH_01", 1};	
		class textureSources
		// This texture source will be available for every defined factions
		class MIT_KAMYSH_01
			// Display name of the texture, use 
			displayName = "MIT IFV-9 Terminator";
			// Author of the texture
			author = "Nightovizard";
			// Textures, in the same order as the hidden selection names
			textures[] =
			materials[] = {}; // if such is needed
			// This source should be available for the following factions
			factions[] = 
				"BLU_F", "BLU_G_F", // Side Blufor
				"OPF_F", "OPF_G_F", // Side Opfor
				"IND_F", "IND_G_F", // Side independent
				"CIV_F" // side civilian


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