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AI Tank gunner won't fire main gun

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Hi, I'm embarrassed to admit that after a short layoff  I've forgotten how to make the Arma3 AI tank gunner fire the main gun when I'm the tank commander!  I lay the Commanders crosshairs on a target vehicle and hit 'T' to designate it, and the gunner then swings the main gun to point at it and begins engaging with his co-axial MG instead of the main gun!

Is he nuts or is it me? 

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did you try manual fire? 

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Change AI  weapon with F button. Then designate tfrget with T button and press   ctrl +leftMbutton

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Actually you change AI gunner's weapon with ctrl+F. 

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Thanks for the keys guys, I just ran tests with them and realise now that although we (as Commander) can designate targets for the AI gunner, we still have to give him the actual order to fire at each individual target, otherwise he won't fire at all.

I suppose that mirrors real life, but I was hoping to find a way to let him keep engaging targets on his own initiative without waiting for the Fire order from us.

We need something like a 'Fire at will" order, but Arma3 seems to contain no such order.

The only way round it seems to be to create scenarios with ourself as Driver, and the gunner will then engage at will.

PS- I seem to vaguely remember there was an Arma 2 mod which allowed the gunner to fire at will when we're commander, I'll have a look round to see if such a mod exists for Arma3..:)

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I had this problem as well CTRL F to change weapon then CTRL LMB to tell them to fire. but I myself still cant get them to target anyone like (tab or etc) unless I right click on an enemy so get ambushed by multiple vehicles and cant just hit tab to target closest target..maybe I missing something  in flashpoint-arma-arma 2 I just quickly hit tab controls state its still tab in arma 3 but sure doesn't function that way just cancels a target if I manually selected one

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Tab targetting was removed as some 'milsim' thought it was too OP.  I still don't get why if I give a FIRE AT WILL order the gunner will not fire at will.  I'm the bloody commander after all!


EDIT:  If anyone does know of an addon that will allow the gunner to FIRE AT WILL then please make us all aware !

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