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doc. caliban

Can the NVG color be changed from green?

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One of our guys has a sensitivity to staring at that much green for extended periods.  Is it possible to change it to another tone?   If so, just point me in the right direction and I'll get it worked out. 





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as far as changing the default NVG, i dont think theres any way to change the color. BIS offers several vision modes, but other than NVG they are all various thermal vision types, which wouldnt be what you wanted. I would have a look here, https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Post_process_effects#ColorCorrections depending on how much experience you have you could make this via mod or script for him, and use color corrections to see if that would change the night vision color by compounding it with another color. I have no idea if this will work, its nothing ive ever tried before, but in theory it should. the easiest way would be to turn it into an mouse scroll action, "Red shift", "Blue shift", or whatever color you want to name it. and have your player trigger it manually when they need to, rather than linking it strictly to the night vision toggling. I hope this can give you the direction you were searching for!

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