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If you've ever dreamed of sailing a boat in Arma 3 using the wind to move around, now you can! Using [Dust]Sabre's cool sailboats, once you unfurl the sails, the boat will move forward based on the wind strength and direction. Different wind angles will cause the boat to automatically change the angle of the boom arm. You'll have to navigate to your destination based on the best angle of the wind. But beware, don't sail directly into the wind or you'll get stuck "In Irons" which will slow you down.


  • New Wind Info Display
  • Built In Compass (shows your heading and wind direction)
  • Point of Sail Indicator (changes depending on angle of boat to the wind)
  • Point of Sail Color Indicator (Green = Good, Blue = OK, Red = Bad)
  • Wind Direction Arrow (moves with changes in the wind)
  • Heading Display
  • True Wind Angle Display
  • True Wind Speed Display
  • Wind Angle to Boat Display (+ is Starboard) (- is Port)
  • Night Mode
  • Wind pushes boat forward depending on angle
  • Wind leans boat over port or starboard depending on wind speed
  • Automatic boom arm changes (just steer and relax)
  • Custom Sounds
  • In-game Instructions and tips in the Field Manual



  • Advanced Sailing Model where YOU control the boom arm and determine the speed of the boat.
  • Possibly a navigation system which generates lay lines for you



Special thanks to [Dust]Sabre for generously working with me on his model to help make this mod a reality.


  1. Subscribe (including dependencies)
  2. Start game
  3. Access "Feint's Sailing Mod" in the Field Manual for Instructions (can be accessed during a mission)



Any unauthorized modification of the released files is strictly prohibited without written permission by the author(s) except in the case of fair use for the purposes of learning. In those cases, the modified files can not be released to the public.
You are using these files at your own risk. 
Author(s) of these files are not liable for any damage or loss of data caused by usage of these files. 
Usage of these files is also prohibited for any commercial purposes. This includes but is not limited to usage on monetized servers.



SailingModScreenies01.jpg?resize=233,131 SailingModScreenies-02.jpg?resize=233,131


SailingModScreenies-03.jpg?resize=233,131 SailingModScreenies-04.jpg?resize=233,131


SailingModScreenies-05.jpg?resize=233,131 SailingModScreenies-07.jpg?resize=233,131


SailingModScreenies-06.jpg?resize=233,131 SailingModScreenies-08.jpg?resize=233,131


SailingModScreenies-10.jpg?resize=233,131 SailingModScreenies-12.jpg?resize=233,131

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Glad to see someone finally did this :)


I was just this weekend looking at all those sailboat models on my HD wondering if I would ever get around to that LOL


Sailboats and trains in the same weekend... it must be Christmas


Looks VERY nice!  Can't wait to play around with it.  I sold my Ericson 27 several years ago because I moved to CO but then again they do become "holes in the water where you throw money" so I guess this will be much better.  No barnacles to scrape  lol

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Exciting!  This truly is breaking the mold of ArmA!  Who's up for a friendly race beating against the wind?

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Thanks everyone.  Happy that you are enjoying the new gameplay.  :)

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I noticed a problem today with my displays.  on 1920x1200, the display looks perfect.  On 1920x1080, it looks warped and the text is not aligned properly.  Can someone please help me with this?  The documentation is somewhat unclear to me:


#define CT_STATIC       0
#define ST_LEFT         0
#define ST_CENTER       2
#define ST_MULTI        16
#define ST_PICTURE         48
#define SCALING_FONT_SIZE       0.013 * SafeZoneH
#define UI_GRID_W (pixelW * pixelGrid) // One grid width
#define UI_GRID_H (pixelH * pixelGrid) // One grid height
#define UI_GUTTER_W (pixelW * 2)       // One “gutter” width
#define UI_GUTTER_H (pixelH * 2)       // One “gutter” height

class RscTitles

         class FNTSAILRscText
                  type = CT_STATIC;
                  idc = -1;
                  style = ST_LEFT;
                  colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
                  colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
                  font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";// "PuristaMedium";
                  sizeEx = 0.02; // FONT SIZE
                  linespacing = 1;
                  text = "";
                  x = SafeZoneX;
                  y = SafeZoneY;
                  w = SafeZoneW;
                  h = SafeZoneH;

         class FNTSAILRscStructuredText
                  access = 0; // ReadAndWrite
                  type = CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT;
                  idc = -1;
                  style = ST_LEFT; // ST_CENTER + ST_MULTI;
                  lineSpacing = 1;
                  x = SafeZoneX + (UI_GRID_W * 20);
                  y = SafeZoneY + (UI_GRID_H * 43);
                  w = UI_GRID_W * 25;// pixelW * 300;
                  h = UI_GRID_H * 25; //pixelH * 300;
                  size = SCALING_FONT_SIZE; // FONT SIZE
                  colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
                  color[] = {0,0,0,1};
                  colorText[] = {0,0,0,1};
                  text = "";
                  font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";

         class FNTSAILRscPicture {
                  type = 0;
                  idc = -1;
                  style = ST_PICTURE;
                  x = safeZoneX + UI_GRID_W;
                  y = safeZoneY + (UI_GRID_H * 30);
                  w = UI_GRID_W * 25;// pixelW * 300;
                  h = UI_GRID_H * 25; //pixelH * 300;
                  sizeEx = 0;// (((100/36)/100)*0.9);
                  colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
                  colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
                  font = "EtelkaMonospacePro"; // "PuristaMedium";
                  text = "";

         class FNTSAIL_display
                  idd = -1;
                  movingEnable = 0;
                  duration =  500000;
                  fadein = 0.5;
                  fadeout = 0.5;
                  name = "FNTSAIL_display";
                  onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['d_FNTSAIL_display', _this select 0]";

                  class controls

                           // WIND DISPLAY EARS AND COMPASS BACKGROUND
                           class FNTSAIL_windDisplayEars : FNTSAILRscPicture
                                    idc = 3333000;
                                    text = "\A3_Sailing_Mod\data\windDisplayEars.paa";

                           // WIND DISPLAY CENTER BACKGROUND WITH TEXT
                           class FNTSAIL_windDisplayBG : FNTSAILRscPicture
                                    idc = 3333001;
                                    text = "\A3_Sailing_Mod\data\windDisplayBG.paa";

                           // WIND DISPLAY ROTATING COMPASS
                           class FNTSAIL_windDisplayCompass : FNTSAILRscPicture
                                    idc = 3333002;
                                    text = "\A3_Sailing_Mod\data\windDisplayCompass.paa";

                           // WIND DISPLAY ARROW
                           class FNTSAIL_windDisplayArrow : FNTSAILRscPicture
                                    idc = 3333003;
                                    text = "\A3_Sailing_Mod\data\windDisplayArrow.paa";

                           // BOAT HEADING DATA
                           class FNTSAIL_BoatHeading : FNTSAILRscStructuredText
                                    idc = 3333004;
                                    x = SafeZoneX + (UI_GRID_W * 1.5); //SafeZoneX + ((pixelW * pixelGrid) * 1.5), SafeZoneY + ((pixelH * pixelGrid) * 33)
                                    y = SafeZoneY + (UI_GRID_H * 33);
                                    //w = pixelW * 300;
                                    //h = pixelH * 300;

                                    text = "888";

                           // BOAT SPEED DATA
                           class FNTSAIL_BoatSpeed : FNTSAILRscStructuredText
                                    idc = 3333005;
                                    x = SafeZoneX + (UI_GRID_W * 20); // SafeZoneX + ((pixelW * pixelGrid) * 20), SafeZoneY + ((pixelH * pixelGrid) * 33)
                                    y = SafeZoneY + (UI_GRID_H * 33);
                                    //w = pixelW * 300;
                                    //h = pixelH * 300;
                                    text = "88.8";

                           // TWS
                           class FNTSAIL_TrueWindSpeed : FNTSAILRscStructuredText
                                    idc = 3333006;
                                    x = SafeZoneX + (UI_GRID_W * 1.5); // SafeZoneX + ((pixelW * pixelGrid) * 1.5), SafeZoneY + ((pixelH * pixelGrid) * 49)
                                    y = SafeZoneY + (UI_GRID_H * 49);
                                    //w = pixelW * 300;
                                    //h = pixelH * 300;
                                    text = "88.8";

                           // TWA
                           class FNTSAIL_TrueWindAngle : FNTSAILRscStructuredText
                                    idc = 3333007;
                                    x = SafeZoneX + (UI_GRID_W * 20.5); // SafeZoneX + ((pixelW * pixelGrid) * 20.5), SafeZoneY + ((pixelH * pixelGrid) * 49)
                                    y = SafeZoneY + (UI_GRID_H * 49);
                                    //w = pixelW * 300;
                                    //h = pixelH * 300;
                                    text = "888";




I'm wondering if it gets screwed up at 1920x1080 because my monitor is 1920x1200 and setting the game to 1080 is screwing up the pixelGrid and pixelH commands.

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Can't test atm but I believe this is all correctly scales

class RscTabletInfo: RscStructuredText
	idc = 27500;
	colorText[] = {0.5,0.5,0.5,0.25};
	class Attributes
		font = "RobotoCondensed";
		color = "#ffffff";
		align = "center";
		shadow = 1;
		x = 0.2 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.80 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.4 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.03 * safezoneH;
	text = "";
	size = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1.2)"; // edit last number to change text size
	shadow = 1;


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I wish, I could like a post 100 times, but I can only once. So multiply my like x100. Oh, and consider adding some shanties tunes perhaps. :) 

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Great release. Always happy to see more novel addons being created :D

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Thanks you guys.  I appreciate your help and feedback and suggestions.  Thanks for the text suggestion, Soolie.  I'm working with it now.


I just discovered this:

class RscPictureKeepAspect;

Seems to work really well as a parent class.  Now the aspect ratio of my images are no longer screwed up when rotating them which was primarily the problem at 1080p (but not 1920x1200 curiously).  I'll release an update soon.


EDIT: In case anyone searches for this later wondering what my fix was for aspect radio and scaling... here it is.  This seems to work perfectly for both 1920x1080 and 1920x1200.  The secret was using pixelGridBase instead of pixelGrid.

#define UI_GRID_W (pixelW * pixelGridBase) // One grid width
#define UI_GRID_H (pixelH * pixelGridBase) // One grid height
#define ST_LEFT            0

class RscTitles

         class RscStructuredText;
         class FNTSAILRscStructuredText: RscStructuredText {
                  access = 0; // ReadAndWrite
                  type = CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT;
                  idc = -1;
                  style = ST_LEFT;
                  lineSpacing = 1;
                  x = safeZoneX + (UI_GRID_W * 0.4);
                  y = safeZoneY + (UI_GRID_H * 19.5);
                  w = UI_GRID_W * 15.4;
                  h = UI_GRID_H * 12;

                  colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
                  text = "";
                  size = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 0.5); // edit last number to change text size
                  class Attributes
                     font = "RobotoCondensed";
                     color = "#000000";
                     shadow = false;
                     shadowColor = "#ff0000";
                     size = "1";

         class RscPicture;
         class RscPictureKeepAspect;

         class FNTSAILRscPicture: RscPictureKeepAspect {
                  type = 0;
                  idc = -1;
                  style = "0x30 + 0x800";
                  colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; // does not do anything
                  colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; // tints the pictures
                  font = "RobotoCondensed"; // does nothing but clears the error code
                  sizeEx = 1; // FONT SIZE // does nothing but clears the error code

                  x = safeZoneX + (UI_GRID_W * 0.1);
                  y = safeZoneY + (UI_GRID_H * 17.5);
                  w = UI_GRID_W * 16;
                  h = UI_GRID_H * 16;


         class FNTSAIL_display
                  idd = -1;
                  movingEnable = 0;
                  duration =  500000;
                  fadein = 0.5;
                  fadeout = 0.5;
                  name = "FNTSAIL_display";
                  onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['d_FNTSAIL_display', _this select 0]";

                  class controls

                           // WIND DISPLAY EARS AND COMPASS BACKGROUND
                           class FNTSAIL_windDisplayEars : FNTSAILRscPicture
                                    idc = 3333000;
                                    text = "\A3_Sailing_Mod\data\windDisplayEars.paa";

                           // WIND DISPLAY CENTER BACKGROUND WITH TEXT
                           class FNTSAIL_windDisplayBG : FNTSAILRscPicture
                                    idc = 3333001;
                                    text = "\A3_Sailing_Mod\data\windDisplayBG.paa";

                           // WIND DISPLAY ROTATING COMPASS
                           class FNTSAIL_windDisplayCompass : FNTSAILRscPicture
                                    idc = 3333002;
                                    text = "\A3_Sailing_Mod\data\windDisplayCompass.paa";

                           // WIND DISPLAY ARROW
                           class FNTSAIL_windDisplayArrow : FNTSAILRscPicture
                                    idc = 3333003;
                                    text = "\A3_Sailing_Mod\data\windDisplayArrow.paa";

                           // BOAT HEADING DATA
                           class FNTSAIL_BoatHeading : FNTSAILRscStructuredText
                                    idc = 3333004;
                                    text = "888";

                           // BOAT SPEED DATA
                           class FNTSAIL_WindBoatAngle : FNTSAILRscStructuredText
                                    idc = 3333005;
                                    text = "88.8";

                           // TWS
                           class FNTSAIL_TrueWindSpeed : FNTSAILRscStructuredText
                                    idc = 3333006;
                                    text = "88.8";
                                    y = safeZoneY + (UI_GRID_H * 29.8);

                           // TWA
                           class FNTSAIL_TrueWindAngle : FNTSAILRscStructuredText
                                    idc = 3333007;
                                    text = "888";
                                    y = safeZoneY + (UI_GRID_H * 29.8);


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VERSION 1.2 OUT NOW!  Check out the first post for links.


  • Changed the way the display works - should scale correctly now
  • Fixed the marker lights so red is on the port side and green is on the starboard
  • Changed the way the marker lights look so they are more realistic (Arma 3 lighting upgrade version)
  • Added a new light to the cockpit so you can see better at night
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Beyond incredible, you have made something special here. Thanks for you addition to the Arma community! I look forward to long journeys on the open ocean. 

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I completely forgot to test your mod, as a sailor I feel lame. 

Will do next week 8)

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I've got to try this one :)

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This, combined that that golden age ship, thats out there somewhere... :)

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