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Why must I use the LEGACY version ?

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I just got a new rig - i7-7700k, gtx1080, 32gb ram, W10pro-x64 - and just installed A2, Arrowhead and the associated mods I require to play Dayz Mod variants, and am yet again smacked in the face by the 'session lost', 'you were kicked' problems that occur prior to entering the game lobby, which can only be fixed by using the LEGACY version.


The OPT-OUT version works great with Epoch - LEGACY doesn't work at all with it. LEGACY works great with - OPT OUT doesn't work at all with it.

Yet none of my friends have ever had these issues, they just run OPT OUT all the time, so how come I do ? I have reinstalled it one time already, even though there should be no reason to do this as the installation was hours old.


How can a completely fresh installation on a brand new PC have these issues ?? The only common link between the 2 installations in my Steam account I am stumped.


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On my fourth instal now. Arrowhead refuses to load Arma 2 stuff by default, it loads 'CA' into expansions.

I have to say it is an absolute fucking nightmare to install. Still no end in sight.

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5th install now. Before I did a asingle thing, as soon as it downloaded, I verified the integrity of Arma 2. As always it says 31 files failed and it is redownloading 294meg of stuff as usual !


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After it has downloaded these 31 files, I re-verify and it the same 31 files need downloading !

Is there a problem with your master file list ? There must be.

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Noone knows ?? Why must I use Legacy for 1051 servers, and Opt Out for 1061 servers ?

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