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L. Nilsen

Arma 3 world record hours (10k ++ ?)

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This made me wonder if anyone has all the achievements... I have 3236h now and I still only unlocked 25

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316 hrs in the last 2 weeks!......I'd get some fresh air my friend. 

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These kind of records are impressive and sad at the same time. :-)


Having said that, for Arma it's a little ambiguous. Many people (me included) have Arma on for hours while mission making but do a lot of other stuff afk while Arma is running.


I think I have 2000h and probably that one achievement you get when starting the game for the first time.

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7 minutes ago, Evil Organ said:

316 hrs in the last 2 weeks!......I'd get some fresh air my friend. 

or some vitamin D at the very least.


I have 2,966 hours logged

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I only have ~1800 hours but I noticed that when BI introduced the launcher for Arma 3 my hours played began to increase way faster than usual. I finally realized that running the launcher without even playing raised it. When I see someone with almost 10k hours I just like to think to myself that they forgot to exit the launcher for a month or two. It makes me a little less sad.  Lol

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I've tried explaining it to people before. The number of hours on the clock has no correlation to the number of hours ACTUALLY played. Just launch Arma and idle, voila! If one were to have launched A3 on the day it launched (12 Sep, 2013) and has played it non-stop ever since, they would have racked up 32,074.6 hours (as of right now). 

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20 minutes ago, FallujahMedic -FM- said:

I've tried explaining it to people before. The number of hours on the clock has no correlation to the number of hours ACTUALLY played. Just launch Arma and idle, voila! If one were to have launched A3 on the day it launched (12 Sep, 2013) and has played it non-stop ever since, they would have racked up 32,074.6 hours (as of right now). 

This was about the Steam playtime. I don't think that explanation is needed :don16:

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Yes, but my point is that some people have claimed in excess of 32K. Also, there is no way to differentiate (to my knowledge) between idle time and actual Steam/Gameplay time. So, the end result is that when someone says "I have 10k hours of playtime", there is no way to prove that they've actually played it. 

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Two weeks have 336h and recent activity is 316.8h in two weeks so the launcher/game has been closed for 19.2h for the two weeks, 1.37h per day. Yeah...

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To be honest I don't actually think you have played all those 316.8 hours have you? Because like St. Jimmy said if you have closed the game for 1.37h per day, you basically have 1.37 hours to do life stuff. Which is obviously not enough. These days I am suprised if I get home and I am able to put 2 hours into any game. I am basicaly on a Eat, Drink, Sleep scedule (yep no gaming in there lol) and completely on autopilot.

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OY, put a lid on the passive aggressive comments...


He is Norwegian... his lavish socialism fueled lifestyle permits him to maintain a nirvana like state of mind/body which allows him to focus on ArmA...  







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not me btw, that'd be SA...^ ;) but just saying that leaving launcher open does that to you...



and this would be me, not sure i played more than a couple hundred hours tbh, but it surely feels i.ve used the tools close to that number....


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this thread is making me feel better about my measly 1100

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I found someone with 21k hours sometime ago, but I believe the person was a server admin/owner so a lot of it was probably idle.

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There is already such an thread, and the 10k got already beaten (by me too):



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It could also be that people with many hours are really ingame, but at times not really playing or editing.

I also often go afk to eat or do something else and just leave the editor open because this is just handy.

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On 5/10/2017 at 3:18 PM, Nightmare515 said:

Um, my friend @Kydoimos has quite a bit...



I knew someone would mention Kydoimos! :D It's crazy to see how much time people spend in this great game. I wish I can clock more hours in this masterpiece I only got 1467 hours rip 

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Yeah, IIRC he works or used to work in a book shop - perfect conditions as it seems, and maybe he could even get inspiration or useful information out of some books for Resist. :icon_biggrin: :icon14:

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