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Eden attribute combo box stopped working

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some weeks ago I added support for changeable hull numbers for the Nimitz via an Eden attribute, a custom combo box. This has stopped working with the 1.68 update, although I'm pretty sure I tested it on RC. I've put the config up at http://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/JDG_carrier-config.cpp and if anyone wants to check the experimental build, it's at http://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/@Nimitz.7z 


The two parts of the config that no longer work (e.g. instead of a drop down list nothing is displayed) are:

class ctrlCombo; // external
class Cfg3DEN {
	class Attributes {
		class Default;
		class Title: Default
			class Controls {
				class Title;
		class TTT_Nimitz_NumberCombo: Title
	        attributeLoad = "[_this controlsGroupCtrl 100, _config] call ttt_fnc_attributeLoadCombo;";
	        attributeSave = "[_this controlsGroupCtrl 100, _config] call ttt_fnc_attributeSaveCombo;";

	        class Controls: Controls
                class Title: Title{};
                class Value: ctrlCombo
                    idc = 100;
                    x = ATTRIBUTE_TITLE_W * 2 * GRID_W;
                    w = ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT_W * GRID_W;
                    h = SIZE_M * GRID_H * 1.2;

                    class Items
                        class Nimitz
                            text = "CVN-68 Nimitz";
                            data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number68_ca.paa";
                        class Eisenhower
                            text = "CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower";
                            data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number69_ca.paa";
                        class Vinson
                            text = "CVN-70 Carl Vinson";
                            data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number70_ca.paa";
                        class Roosevelt
                            text = "CVN-71 Theodore Roosevelt";
                            data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number71_ca.paa";
                        class Lincoln
                            text = "CVN-72 Abraham Lincoln";
                            data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number72_ca.paa";
                        class Washington
                            text = "CVN-73 George Washington";
                            data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number73_ca.paa";
                        class Stennis
                            text = "CVN-74 John C. Stennis";
                            data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number74_ca.paa";
                        class Truman
                            text = "CVN-75 Harry S. Truman";
                            data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number75_ca.paa";
                        class Reagan
                            text = "CVN-76 Ronald Reagan";
                            data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number76_ca.paa";
                        class Bush
                            text = "CVN-77 George H.W. Bush";
                            data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number77_ca.paa";

and the attribute itself:

			class Number {
				displayName = "Choose number";
				tooltip = "Change the number on the island and foredeck";
				property = "ttt_nimitz_number";
				control = "TTT_Nimitz_NumberCombo";
				expression = "_this setVariable ['%s', _value]; [_this, _value] call TTT_fnc_number;";
				defaultValue = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number68_ca.paa";
				typeName = "STRING";


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Just tested a similar config on dev branch from today and it works there. Only change I had to make was to reduce the width of the value combo box:


                    x = ATTRIBUTE_TITLE_W * 2 * GRID_W;
                    x = ATTRIBUTE_TITLE_W * GRID_W;


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