tissue901 1 Posted March 19, 2017 Hey Guys, I made a python script to automate updating my server and figured I'd share. I've only tested it on Python 3.6 but I think it would work for any version. Just update the directories and files section to where your stuff is located. The "Steam Workshop IDs.txt" file just contains the workshop item number and a human readable string which automatically gets changed to a lowercase name without spaces. It uses a symbolic link to add the mods to the server's addons folder instead of moving it so updating works without redownloading everything. I know theres a bunch of GUI server managers out there, but I don't like the complexity that adds and this way I can just SSH from any device to update/boot my server. Update.py import os import sys from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError, DEVNULL, STDOUT, check_call import glob armaServerAppId = "233780" armaClientAppId = "107410" modsDirectory = "C:\\Users\\arma\\Desktop\\Arma\\Master\\addons\\" keysDirectory = "C:\\Users\\arma\\Desktop\\Arma\\Master\\keys\\" armaDirectory = "C:\\Users\\arma\\Desktop\\Arma\\Master" steamCMD = "C:\\Users\\arma\\Desktop\\steamcmd\\steamcmd.exe" steamContentDirectory = "C:\\Users\\arma\\Desktop\\steamcmd\\steamapps\\workshop\\content\\" + armaClientAppId + "\\" steamTempScript = "C:\\Users\\arma\\Desktop\\steamcmd\\tempUpdateScript.txt" steamAuth = "C:\\Users\\arma\\Desktop\\steamcmd\\auth.txt" workshopItems = "C:\\Users\\arma\\Desktop\\Arma\\Steam Workshop IDs.txt" userLogin = "" userPass = "" def updateServer(): print("Updating Server...") # Get the users login checkUserLogin() os.system(steamCMD + ' +login ' + userLogin + ' ' + userPass + ' +force_install_dir ' + armaDirectory + ' "+app_update ' + armaServerAppId + '" validate +quit') def checkUserLogin(): global userLogin global userPass if userLogin == "": userLogin = input("Steam> Username: ") if userPass == "": userPass = input("Steam> Password: ") def copyKeys(): for filename in glob.iglob(modsDirectory+'**\\*.bikey', recursive=True): os.system("xcopy " + filename + " " + keysDirectory + " /s /y") error = "" os.system('cls') try: with open(steamAuth) as f: for line in f: info = line.split(" ") if len(info) == 2: userLogin = info[0] userPass = info[1] except: pass while True: userInput = input("Main Menu \n1. Update Server\n2. Update Mods\n4. Update Keys\n4. Exit\n" + error + ">> ") error = "" if userInput == "1": updateServer() input("Press any key to continue...") os.system('cls') elif userInput == "2": # Get the users login checkUserLogin() # Clear the temp script file = open(steamTempScript, 'w') script = "@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1\n" script += "@NoPromptForPassword 1\n" script += "login " + userLogin + " " + userPass + "\n" script += "force_install_dir " + armaDirectory + "\n" mods = {} # Loop through each item in the workshop file with open(workshopItems) as f: for line in f: modInfo = line.split(" ", 1) steamWorkshopId = modInfo[0].strip() modName = modInfo[1].strip() modFolder = "@"+modName.replace(" ", "_").lower() mods[steamWorkshopId] = {"name": modName, "folder": modFolder} script += 'workshop_download_item ' + armaClientAppId + ' ' + steamWorkshopId + ' validate\n' # Make a link to the downloaded content (way better than moving...) symLink = modsDirectory + modFolder if not os.path.exists(symLink): os.system('mklink /J ' + symLink + ' ' + steamContentDirectory + steamWorkshopId + '\n') script += "quit" file.write(script) file.close() # Run the script print("\n=====================================\nLogging into Steam...\n=====================================") with Popen(steamCMD + " +runscript " + steamTempScript, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as p: for line in p.stdout: line = line.strip() if line != "": if line.find("Downloading item") != -1: downloadingLine = line.split("Downloading item") if downloadingLine[0]: print(downloadingLine[0]) try: modIdLine = downloadingLine[1].strip().split(" ") steamWorkshopId = modIdLine[0] print("\n=====================================\nDownloading "+mods[steamWorkshopId]["name"] + " ["+str(steamWorkshopId)+"]...\n=====================================") except: pass else: print(line) # Automatically copy bikeys over print("\n=====================================\nCopying addon keys...\n=====================================") copyKeys() input("\nPress any key to continue...") os.system('cls') elif userInput == "3": # Search for any bikeys and copy them into keys folder copyKeys() input("Press any key to continue...") os.system('cls') elif userInput == "4": sys.exit(0) elif userInput == "": os.system('cls') else: error = "[ERROR] Unknown choice. Try again\n" Steam Workshop IDs.txt 450814997 CBA 463939057 ACE 708250744 ACEX 773131200 ACE Compat RHSAFRF 773125288 ACE Compat RHSUSAF 689845793 ACD 853743366 CUP Terrains CWA 583496184 CUP Terrains Core 583544987 CUP Terrains Maps 671539540 EM Buildings 753946944 Murshun Cigs 498740884 Shacktac 698078148 Spec4gear 696177964 VSM WARFIGHTERS ... and so on ... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aldronys 0 Posted January 17, 2018 Apologies for the 10 month necro but i feel this deserves some recognition - this works brilliantly and in my opinion is much more versatile than a batch script or some of the .sh scripts I've used. Adding new mods to the list is so much easier for me via your Steam Workshop IDs.txt method, so thanks for the script! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
falcon911 1 Posted April 4, 2019 For the life of me @tissue901 I hope you are still around. I tried the above but the symlink do not seem to be working correctly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites