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[MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

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I didn't player before the liberation scenario. Few days ago i meet the mod in workshop looking for populars mods.


I just want to say this addon is awesome. We are a little group of 5 soldiers and we are enjoying very much slowly capturing the island. Thanks for this scenario and keep the good job.


I take advantage to explain maybe we find a weird bug. In one of the FoB (alpha) we used the mower tool to cut the grass. If i spawn IAs inside the grass-cleaned zone the IA don't want to respond the commander orders. They just don't want move and the order just disappears at the end. They can combat if CSAT attacks the FOB (edit: i mean they can respond to fire but static in his position). Outside cleaned grass IA works fine. Other FOB where we don't used the mower works fine too.


edit2: One think more: the IA who don't works doesn't respawn when i restart the server (non dedicated hosted game).


This is happening to us in Tanoa 955 (workshop) and we are only using enhanced movements mod.


Regards and congratulations for this CTI. Thanks for the enjoyment. 

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mhm im using the tanoa map with my friends but there is a little issue ... the start parameters are not functioning in the server.cfg. Am im doing something wrong?


class Missions
	class Liberation
		template = "KP_Liberation_Tanoa.Tanoa";
		difficulty = "regular";
        class Params
          Unitcap = 1.25;                      // Maximum amount AI units - [default 1] - values = [0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,2] - Text {50%,%75,%100,%125,%150,%200}
          Difficulty = 4;                   // Difficulty - [default 1] - values = [0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,2,4,10] - Text {Tourist,Easy,Normal,Moderate,Hard,Extreme,Ludicrous,Oh god oh god we are all going to die}
          Aggressivity = 1;                 // CSAT aggression - [default 1] - values = [0.25,0.5,1,2,4] - Text {Anemic,Weak,Normal,Strong,Extreme}
          AdaptToPlayercount = 1;           // Hostile presence adapts to player count - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          DayDuration = 16;                 // Day duration (hours) - [default 12] - values = [48,24,16,12,9.6,8,6.8,6,4.8,4,3,2.4,2,1.6,1,0.66,0.5,0.375,0.25,0.1875,0.125,0.11] - Text {0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,24,36,48,64,96,128}
          ShorterNights = 1;                // Shorter nights - [default 0] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          Weather = 3;                      // Weather - [default 3] - values = [1,2,3] - Text {Always Sunny,Random without rain,Random}
          ResourcesMultiplier = 2;          // Resource multiplier - [default 1] - values = [0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,2,3,5,10,20,50] - Text {x0.25,x0.5,x1,x1.25,x1.5,x2,x3,x5,x10,x20,x50}
          Fatigue = 0;                      // Stamina - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          Revive = 3;                       // FAR revive - [default 3] - values = [3,2,1,0] - Text {Enabled - Everyone can revive using medkit,Enabled - Everyone can revive using FAK,Enabled - Only medics can revive,Disabled}
          Civilians = 2;                    // Cilivilian activity - [default 1] - values = [0,0.5,1,2] - Text {None,Reduced,Normal,Increased}
          TeamkillPenalty = 0;              // Teamkill Penalty - [default 0] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          PassiveIncome = 0;                // Replace ammo box spawns with passive income - [default 0] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          AmmoBounties = 1;                 // Ammunition bounties - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          HaloJump = 5;                     // HALO jump - [default 1] - values = [1,5,10,15,20,30,0] - Text {Enabled - no cooldown,Enabled - 5min cooldown,Enabled - 10min cooldown,Enabled - 15min cooldown,Enabled - 20min cooldown,Enabled - 30min cooldown,Disabled}
          BluforDefenders = 0;              // BLUFOR defenders in owned sectors - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          Autodanger = 0;                   // Auto-Danger behaviour on BLUFOR forces - [default 0] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          MaximumFobs = 26;                 // Maximum number of FOBs allowed - [default 26] - values = [3,5,7,10,15,20,26] - Text {3,5,7,10,15,20,26}
          Permissions = 0;                  // Permissions management - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          CleanupVehicles = 4;              // Cleanup abandoned vehicles outside FOBs - [default 2] - values = [0,1,2,4] - Text {Disabled,Enabled - 1 hour delay,Enabled - 2 hour delay,Enabled - 4 hour delay,}
          Introduction = 0;                 // Introduction - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          DeploymentCinematic = 0;          // Deployment cimematic - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          FirstFob = 0;                     // Start campaign with the first FOB prebuilt - [default 0] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          Whitelist = 0;                    // Use the commander whilelist - [default 0] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled}
          WipeSave1 = 0;                    // Wipe Savegame - [default 0] - values = [0,1] - Text {No, Savegame will be wiped no recovery possible}
          WipeSave2 = 0;                    // Confirm: Wipe Savegame - [default 0] - values = [0,1] - Text {No, Savegame will be wiped no recovery possible}
          DisableRemoteSensors = 0;         // Disable remote sensors (experimental!) - [default 0] - values = [0,1,2] - Text {No,Disabled for clients without local AI,Disabled for all clients}


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Someone already mentioned problems with AI concerning the grasscutters. Maybe the BI AI "see" the grasscutter objects and can't find a way out because there are so many. I'll investigate it also on my side, but I guess that's a "ArmA thing" than.



They won't work, because you're using the wrong parameters. Have a look in the ui/mission_params.hpp for the right parameters and values.



Parameter don't accept float values, that's because they needed to be changed and transformed to the float values afterwards.


Starting at line 88

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Good to know i'm not crazy linking grass-cutter with IA errors. :) Any idea how to delete these grass-cutted objects? 

Anyway the important part of my post is to say thanks to you, to @Applejakerie  and everyone who has worked in this amazing CTI.


Btw, a couple of questions:

1.- What means the City name colour in production window?? I think that white is for a city with no facility build. But no idea what red or orange means.

2.- How works Artillery? (at the moment tried mortar and MRLS). With the IA built i try with the Zeus interface to place a waypoint, then i change it to fire mission, the mortar or MRLS turns to the right direction but never open fire. I'm sure its a right range because i tried same spot manually (confirmed telling IA to get out of the vehicle and same position).


Thanks in advance i hope my bad English is enough to explain myself.

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Glad you enjoy it :)


to 1:

Grey -> no storage

White -> storage, but no production set

Green -> Supply production

Red -> Ammo production

Yellow -> Fuel production


to 2:

At the moment there is no "special" implemented feature for that.

But basicly it would work if you drag the unit with hold down ctrl key to yourself (so you group them to you) and order them to fire via the normal ArmA squad command etc.

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I just tried the artillery as squad member and works fine. I could notice the mortar was " cease fire" mode. The MRLS worked with no problems and allows me order 1, 2 or 4 rounds. This is good because when one time worked with Zeus UI, they fire all rounds. 


One detail, when i drive the ammunition HEMTT close, they don't reload ammo to IA vehicle. I must get out IAs, go inside myself then ammunition starts. Is this the right behaviour?

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Never worked much with AI, to be honest.

Maybe it should work if you just order the AI to rearm via the BI command menus?

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Hey guys,


just a short question. Where the heck do i find the config/settings for the AI groups (e.g. Light Rifle Team / Available at the FOB Build Menu) ??
Was looking through all files (i guess) but wasn't able to find it.

Thanks in advance and also for your effort. Great work. 

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Content of the squads are inside the preset files at around line 300

Concerning the build menu and the costs etc.:


First array named squads.

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I'm getting errors in my log files.


 3:27:29 Server: Object 2:6240 not found (message Type_93

 3:27:30 Server: Object 2:4193 not found (message Type_121)


It's constantly writing the errors to the log file, it's now at 97.4 MB. Can you tell me how to fix the above?

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1 minute ago, Wyqer said:

Are you playing Takistan maybe?




Current Version: 0.955

Altis with no mods.

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Ok, just saw that these aren't the messages you get. Basicly it's not a mission issue in general. But please share a server log file via hastebin or something.


Only thing I've found after a quick search is something like:


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11 minutes ago, Wyqer said:

Ok, just saw that these aren't the messages you get. Basicly it's not a mission issue in general. But please share a server log file via hastebin or something.


Only thing I've found after a quick search is something like:



Many thanks I'll have a read.

It seems the server is bugged out again with the constant vehicle blowing up bug. it's still bugged at this moment and writing the above errors to the log.

I'll reboot and no doubt it will stop.



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I've had a player saying he give himself permissions and I should fix this glitch. I've only just found this out when I've been reading my steam messages.

Is this possible?



I've checked the logs and noticed the player had voted himself admin so could this be why he has given himself permissions to build?

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1 hour ago, RocknRollaUK said:

I've had a player saying he give himself permissions and I should fix this glitch. I've only just found this out when I've been reading my steam messages.

Is this possible?


I don't know about fixing the glitch, but on our server we had someone giving themself permissions by voting themselves in as admin. We ended up fixing that one issue by setting the voteThreshold in server.cfg to 9999 so that nobody could ever win a vote. (And of course, by making sure the Commander slot is whitelisted via steamID's).

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19 minutes ago, solex said:


I don't know about fixing the glitch, but on our server we had someone giving themself permissions by voting themselves in as admin. We ended up fixing that one issue by setting the voteThreshold in server.cfg to 9999 so that nobody could ever win a vote. (And of course, by making sure the Commander slot is whitelisted via steamID's).


That must be it, thanks for that solex.

I've set it to 2 for 200%




In this thread someone else had added 9999 but a player still gained admin.





This is what I did.




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allowedVoteCmds[] =            			// Voting commands allowed to players
	// {command, preinit, postinit, threshold} - specifying a threshold value will override "voteThreshold" for that command
	{"admin", false, false}, 		// vote admin
	{"kick", false, true, 0.51}, 	// vote kick
	{"missions", false, false}, 	// mission change
	{"mission", false, false}, 		// mission selection
	{"restart", false, false}, 		// mission restart
	{"reassign", false, false} 		// mission restart with roles unassigned


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Any one else found a bug where IF an FOB is destroyed if you rebuild the FOB in the same area the old FOB building will re appear on server restart?

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Hrm, no, not really....


Basicly when a FOB is destroyed there is no "check around this coordinates" point anymore for the save manager. So anything which may be left at the place won't get saved anymore.

If you place a new FOB on the same spot after some minutes then the point is again there and any "leftovers" from the old FOB will be saved again. But something what disappeared after destroying the first FOB shouldn't be reappear after a server restart.


Do you could maybe provide a serverlog with enabled debug and also enabled savegame debug (config sqf) where you reproduce this?

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This isn't a finished "planned features" list and may also be expanded in the next weeks.
Basically it's also no "all which is written here will be in 96 for sure" list. It's more the result of own brainstorming, ideas and thoughts about improving the mission in a way I personally would appreciate it.
As I'm in general a "one man army" concerning the coding etc. in the development it will also take time to finish the 0.96 version (as I've said it before). Personally I would expect there could be a "finished 0.96" at the end of september.
You can be sure that I'll provide for each "finished functionality" an experimental pbo, so you can hunt bugs, test it, make suggestions and may also be able to contribute something you would like. So the same procedure as before :)
We (you... and you... also you behind there... and I) will see together how this will behave concerning balance, bugs, stability and performance. And we'll see what we can really finish until september and what will be postponed to another version. Basically I want all of it in Liberation, but we've to see if it's possible, suitable and how much time it would take to implement.
Also with this list you've an idea of my thoughts, so you can build upon that concerning suggestions without suggest something to which I can only say than "I've already planned this". ^^


Well then.... let's get started with that list:
Planned features for 0.96 in the GitHub Liberation Wiki

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2 minutes ago, Wyqer said:



Does this mean that .955 is relitively stable and there won't be an update till .96?

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Yes, that's the impression I've got.

There weren't any "real bug" reports since release of 955, so I can head for the next task after my exams are done at the end of this week. :)

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