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[MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

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It's already placed by liberation by default. Just check maybe your cup Mods again. Nothing concerning Taunus.

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As a big fan of CTI I'm looking forward to try out Liberation, but -


For being able to play as OPFOR I'd need to change kp_liberation_config.sqf as well as write my own preset - where I'd need to do a switcheroo on basically every entry, am I correct?


Has someone converted one of the missions to playable RHS OPFOR and is willing to share? It feel it'll take me ages to do so manually - haven't done a lot of modding for arma before.


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You can join the discord. Mac defranco in the discord has done a red vs blue version. Think it's also available in the workshop.

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wow Taunus problem has been solved it was my own custom env nevermind ! I already love Taunus (met it with the first time) and I am glad Liberation continues and is in good hands.


Keep it up Wyqer.

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I'd like to replace a Little Bird on the carrier with a Mohawk. Where can I find the classname linked to the marker?


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So whichever preset you use is within the presets\ directory of the mission folder. Top of that you have:


/* - Support classnames.
Each of these should be unique, the same classnames for different purposes may cause various unpredictable issues with player actions. Or not, just don't try!	*/

And beneath that there are the support classnames, which include the Spartan 01 classname as well as the little bird classname. I only mention the Spartan 01 as more work would need to be done than changing the classname of the little bird variable, to get specifically, 1 Mohawk to spawn. You would either need to, 1, change all little birds to the Mohawk and also move those markers so the 3 Mohawk don't collide or 2, change the little birds to the Mohawk and also remove 2 of the little bird markers so you only get 1 Mohawk spawn but no little birds. Otherwise, you would need to edit another script entirely and add a new variable marker, with this new variable definition within the preset script. 


As I said on Discord, I can run you through these different processes when I am freer and you are around. :))


Kind regards,

happy playing!

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Do you respawn with loadout you save or die with? Because if with loadout you save, then you respawn with one less primary magazine each time.

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I don't know about that, @Janez, when I save my loadout with the ADR official mod and some of the jets DLC content though, the loadout always loads with a "default" setup and not what I had saved, this includes 0 ammunition for my primary lol, so there are some kinks with the arsenal system but I don't think that pertains to Liberation, just A3. ^^;

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I used some gear saving script back in Arma 2 and in Arma 3 it behaved like I previously described. The issue turned out to be that in Arma 3 one magazine is removed from uniform, vest or backpack, gets loaded into a weapon and doesn't get replaced. So I'm thinking similar problem here?

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If you load a loadout and would directly save it again, you'll loose always one mag in the arsenal due to the behaviour you describe (mag in weapon). It's basicly an ArmA thing, yes. So it's the source of the issue you're experience. I could see if I implement a small catch for that.

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Any plans to include a Malden version in the near future?

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@Applejakerie is already on a port for Malden ^^

I won't personally do a port by myself, as I guessed that many people will do that by themself as soon as Malden was released today.

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It looks like I'll need to reinstall the server as it won't update it when I run the ArmA3 Server.cmd file. I'd like to keep the save progress of my Liberation mission, which file(s) do I need to keep?



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the XXX.vars.Arma3profile file.

XXX -> the server profile name which you use for the -name parameter

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1 hour ago, mach2infinity said:



It looks like I'll need to reinstall the server as it won't update it when I run the ArmA3 Server.cmd file. I'd like to keep the save progress of my Liberation mission, which file(s) do I need to keep?



Use the steam cmd? Providing you purchased through steam of course

login myusername

force_install_dir ./arma3/

app_update 233780 validate

exit(when Done)


.As far as server progress its stored in your profile. 

Or mission.sqm if you edited anything with the arma editor I believe

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RHS Ammo vehicle not working.


Using the RHS/ACE preset.  Seems either the last ACE or game update has caused something go wrong with the M977A4-B Ammo vehicle which causes it not to have the rearm interaction.  The fuel and repair mobile vehicles work fine.


Question is can we replace it with the nato HEMTT Ammo vechile without messing up our current campaign?  Or is there an easy way to add it to the BUILD menu until it gets fixed?




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You can switch the classname of the ammo truck.


The thing is, that it won't help. Rearming don't work with ACE at the moment. It's not Liberation related.



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Just ran a test using the NATO HEMTT Ammo vehicle and am able to rearm the RHS vehicles.


I'll try switching the classname.





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The Nato HEMTT ammo vehicle was able to rearm after I made the classname change.


Could you please tell me what file to add the new classname to so it will be saved at the FOB.





Note:  This was on dedicated server.  The new vehicle saved at the FOB without any other changes.

Edited by eric963
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If you changed it in the preset, so that it appears in the build menu, it'll be saved.

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12 hours ago, Wyqer said:

the XXX.vars.Arma3profile file.

XXX -> the server profile name which you use for the -name parameter


Thank you sir :). As it happens I won't need to reinstall the server as I got it working here


On a separate note, would you consider adding an Oil Rig to the missions such as this one? Alternatively, is it something we can implement ourselves?


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