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Strategies and tactics that work!

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I would like to discuss in this thread strategies and tacticts that work, or ones you use but may not be the most effective.

Just to start off, post the tricks of the trade you've learned when fighting other human players in the OFP World. Everything, from movement, to firing, to commanding.

Let's all post some things and discuss the effectiveness of each, in turn we can develop new things to make us all better at this game.

Well, who wants to share something smile.gif

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Teamwork and Tactics Win The Match.

Rambos and Loners they end up comming home in a body bag.

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I don't think being a "Rambo" or a loner is really that bad. I've done it and I can still get plenty of kills. Not that I mind having someone near me.

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Plenty of kills, yes, but all you're doing is playing for your own personal score, and this is a team game.

The only time a rambo comes in handy, is if you need cannon fodder to find a hidden enemy, let him run in with guns blazing, then take note of the guy that kills him:-)

On another note though, too often I find myself playing D alone, because everyone else want to be the hero, or even more common, the pilot. You can have the best offensive strategy out there, but if you're playing a map with objectives for both teams, and you don't watch your own back yard, you're not going to be winning:-)

People need to learn that defense and support, while not as glorious, serves just as important a function than the folks with all the points next to their names.

My 2c:-)

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In team play, I find it very effective when using indirect fire weapons (mortar, greande launcher etc.) to have a buddy with binocs handy to call in fire corrections.

I have used this strategy quite effectively a few times. smile.gif

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one of the delicate balances of OFP is that you can either go rambo and win, or you can go rambo and loose. in other words it just pretty damn hard to define what is good way to win.

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Whenever I pull a loner I'm normally not doing it for personal score. I'll try to set up camp somewhere to stop incoming enemies so that way it gives my buddies enough time to reinforce behind me.

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Hand Grenades are used far less than they should be in player vs. player games. Many people will load up on as many clips as possible for whatever weapon they have and neglect the grenades. I always try to carry a minimum of 2 grenades and they usually come in pretty handy! Many times you find yourself knowing where the enemy is, but unable to shoot at him for some reason...a well placed grenade can be the key in this situation.

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Hi All,

i agree,just as an example,i was playing a Coop game with another player,and we were supposed to take a village,so we were sniping with G36s and the guy i was playing with was running low on ammo,so i risking my own life ran over to him and dropped a couple of mags,and he picked them up so we could continue the fight,well we ended up finishing the mission,but it was cool to have teamwork pay off,and it made me feel really good to be a part of the team helping out biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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well if a rambo goes and keeps killin lik 10 ppl before he dies well your team has 10less ppl to worrie about for a while, in ctfs with an open flag with no cover, just get a sniper or 2 with laws and a sniper rifle and they can easly defend a flag by themselfs(u have to get out of a tank and stand in one spot for a while to take it) laws r handy if theres sumthing parked in the way or its a light vechicle hes in, i just try and avoid ctf games. Really the best stratege is see em first its a few shots kill so take em down quick and fast before the gun shot sounds even get to em.

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Yeah this sharing option is great i was playing with some team members and one forgot binos but i had a m21 so i dropped him and gave him mine.

Plan your attack if you are in a team and you have a sniper dont take him with you. send him off to a good position to snipe and spot on the enemy from. whats thw point in having a sniper if he just comes with the rest of the squad.

Position him well so that

He can see where you and the enemy are if he is positioned well he can be telling you where the guy is to flank him or frag him.

If you have say 3 men you can take out enemy forces much larger than you.

Sniper Mortar and RifleMan This works well have the sniper spot the enemy and then the Mortar and rifleman back out of the action pounding the enemy.

Position the sniper so that he can see the nader and the enemy so everyone watches eachothers backs.

plan where you will position these people find a way through the patrols and such and make sure you have a lot of ammo laying on ground next to the mortarnan.

IF they are close enough to shoot you you are close enough to shoot back.

If they cant see you they cant shoot back!

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Ya, It's always usefull to have some Hand Grenades around. Although I prefer M203 sometimes. Soldiers in OFP can't really seem to throw greandes all that far.

Smoke grenades can also be rather useful in MP. Lets say you get a guy with smoke greandes to fire a few rounds into an enemy town, then throw some smoke but stay in cover. It draws the average player to face that direction. Making almost a clear path for a tank from the opposite side.

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I tend to get a little frustrated with Rambos...sure, they often rack up a high kill count, but in terms of contributing to an objective (especially in co-op), they can be next to useless, even counter productive.

In my LAN group (mainly co-op) we have one guy, who usually takes a sniper. Then he often veers off about 1km or more from the rest of us, and starts potshoting any enemy he sees.

The result: he usually gets a good kill count, but the downside is: enemy alerted before everyone else is in position, players getting killed because they have no sniper support nearby, objectives missed because of lack of available manpower etc.

This guy is a good player, and he doesn't always "Rambo", but I just thought I'd give some examples.

As has been said already in this thread, the very best tactic is teamwork.

Many of the more difficult missions we've beaten have been after a good sit down to discuss plans and strategy.

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All kind's of indirect firing wepons are underused in ofp.

The weapons which are harder to aim dont get used enough.

Grenades. Mortars etc..

Practise with these wepons the more you use them the better you get at using them.

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I rarely find that people put mortars in their maps. I really love em. M203 Grenades suffice in their place tho. But I would rather have a mortar.

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hello everyone

its been a while since i posted here but wat the hell

i guess the best tactic(the only one i really had used in MP) was a good ol´ recon

grab yourself some binoculars, which to me r far more useful than a gun, and snipe aroun, givin positions and such

and dont forget to walk on bushes and use vegetation to ur advantage

but about the "rambo" thing, im a bit confused here

r u talkin about that guy who go alone into enemy land for frags or some 1 who acts like a blackop?

i guess thats it, keep posts comin

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theres nothing more intimidating in a team game than a swift and effective air assault.

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Best tip would be to let your team know the whereabouts of enemy units. This is much faster with VON, or other program, but not everyone uses VON on public servers, so typing is the only way. If you see a enemy go prone behind a sandbag wall, and your teammates are assaulting the town, let them know that there may be an enemy there waiting for one of us to run by him and get shot in the back.

Also, if your team is springing an abmush, assign targets. If there's 2 bmps driving down the road, nothing pisses me off more if the 2 ppl in my group law the same BMP and leave the 2nd alive bmp to waste some team mates. Just a simple "Ill get lead bmp" would make ambushes so much safer.

I too use much more hand grenades than anyone else. On one mission where I'm attacking a hill top, and most of the enemy are over the hill and out of sight, that's where I spam the enemy with grenades. It's fun when u lob a grenade in a group of 4 or 5 prone enemy. Also I use grenade spam when there's a large group of enemy attacking in a forest. I'd throw 3 or 4 and hope to break the enemy from over-running our positions.

That's all for now...

-=Die Alive=-

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suchey @ Nov. 07 2002,02:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hand Grenades are used far less than they should be in player vs. player games.<span id='postcolor'>

Maybe because they detonate based on contact rather than a fuse ? Ever tried throwing a grenade over a house or through a window? Half the time it will blow in your face. By far the biggest flaw in OFP is not having fuze-detonated grenades.

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Ya, it wouldbe nice. But detonation on impact does have it's perks. What I would really want, is if they keep impact detonation, make a secondary fire for grenades. Either making it a fuse, or an underhand toss, so it's easier to throw out a window.

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Speaking of attacking a flag on a rush. HEAT work amazingly well. If you have two tanks, have them both fire heat into the surrounding area of a flag. Or have 1 cover the other if there's more armor. But damn, the radius on those, anyone in a building or shrubbery nearyby can kiss their ass goodbye.

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Being crafty is definitely the best tactic in my book. I'm not a great pointman and I don't have astonishing reflexes like certain other members of my squad, so I have to make up for it by being crafty. Even if you're sniping, which most people think is pretty straightforward and lacking in real tactics (idiots) the crafty will win out. Here's a few ideas to try in your next game...

- Sneak around the flank of the enemy, then move yourself so that you're somewhere along their main infantry route of travel. Now position yourself with your back to a tree or bush facing the direction the enemy will be running. Most people will run past you and you can terrorize the route by shooting people in the back. Informing your team of your location so you don't end up toasted is always a good idea.

- Do the above, but work in a team. Have one guy position himself facing the enemy about 100-200m away so they can see your hidey hole. Have that person inform you of incoming targets. Better yet, have that person spray the inbound target with fire and gode the enemy into firing back. Wear headphones and ferret out the enemy by sound.

- Learn how to headphone-triangulate. Pan back and forth while you hear firing. When the sound moves from one speaker (i.e. right) into equal amount in the other (i.e. left) then you are pointing at the target. Works reasonably well.

- Satchels...never leave them just sitting around without a timer counting. When you place a satchel make sure you give it an extra-long timer (say, 400 seconds) so that just in case you die, eventually it will blow up. This is only useful if you tell your team not to go around the area later on, obviously.

- Shoot in single shot mode, screw burst or full auto. Real men shoot semi-auto. Hehe, personal preference.

- Make LAWs and RPGs your new best friend and use them on infantry. People might think it's cheap, but hey, whatever works. It's not as cheap and lobbing grenades over a blind crest and hoping they hit something. At least with a rocket you have to see the target.

- I'm with Suchey, use grenades or satchels or anything that goes boom. When was the last time you really used all 9 mags of 30 round ammo? Like, never. You're damn good if you kill 3 people before dying and respawning, so you don't need more than 3 mags. One mag per target just to make sure they're really dead.  ;-)

- And my last one... if you walk slowly forward while in optics/iron sight mode you can sight and shoot targets faster than if you ran then stopped then aimed. This takes practice though, and patience. Only works so long as you weren't in crouch mode (gotta start and end standing).

Eh, that was supposed to be a short list. Whatever. I don't know if what I'm saying is noob advice stuff or not. But I don't see people using these that often so I figure maybe someone will get some use out of them besides me.  :-)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (AngusHeaf @ Nov. 12 2002,06:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">- Shoot in single shot mode, screw burst or full auto. Real men shoot semi-auto. Hehe, personal preference.<span id='postcolor'>

in case you are in big chaotic situation such as getting stuck in Montignac and is fighting for a flag, I'd suggest full auto. one thing that you want is to be able to shoot the enemy coming around the corner. single shots are great, but takes some aiming. spraying them with bullets is not accurate, but you are more likely to hit them in close distance. and i mean close distance. biggrin.gif

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