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I can't use the mod version, our dedicated server is vanilla only. I need a scripted solution. Thanks for your consideration.


Again great work with this.



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How would I edit the script so rudder does not turn the Autopilot off? I'm using AFM for Helo and rudder inputs are always ongoing until the autopilot kicks on, then when IO let off rudder control, the script senses it and turns autopilot right back off.



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Awesome, do I just delete line 25 or do I need to edit it in anyway.

Can I just put {_AutoPilotOFF = false;}


if (abs _Pitch > HeliPitchLimit OR abs _Roll > HeliRollLimit OR inputAction "HeliRudderLeft" != 0 OR inputAction "HeliRudderRight" != 0) exitwith {_AutoPilotOFF = true;};




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just delete the lefft/right rudder checks there. The rest you will need so do not delete whole line or do not adjust the output like you suggested above

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6 hours ago, Devastator_cm said:

just delete the lefft/right rudder checks there. The rest you will need so do not delete whole line or do not adjust the output like you suggested above

Just making sure this is what you mean for line 25.

if (abs _Pitch > HeliPitchLimit OR abs _Roll > HeliRollLimit) exitwith {_AutoPilotOFF = true;};

Thanks again for awesome script.

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One more question.


How can I get the loiter to work with helicopters?


Thanks again for awesome scripts.


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Is there a way to change loiter distance (either set or onthefly)?  I'm rubbish at working out what the circle radius actually is and normally end up flying OVER the AO !


ALSO:  If you are bored .. a side project for you!  This would be a massively welcome addition to the autopilot .... when AI come into land (in helos) they do a massive flare and shoot up into the sky.  Could autopilot be used to help AI (and of course human players!) to stop this?


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Anyone have jittery TGP issue when you ground lock/stabilise with the loiter autopilot on like in the video?


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it happens in some airplanes. Some of the airplanes do not like the default radius or the refresh rate and have such effect. Only solution is I provide a GUI where you can adjust the autopilot refresh rate and/or radius

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10 hours ago, Devastator_cm said:

it happens in some airplanes. Some of the airplanes do not like the default radius or the refresh rate and have such effect. Only solution is I provide a GUI where you can adjust the autopilot refresh rate and/or radius

This would be VERY welcome .... even better would be (and I remember seeing this in an Arma or Arma2 addon) a visual ON the main display of where you would be loitering. 


I think Mandoble had a brilliant way of setting a loiter by clicking on the map ... then the aircraft adjusted it's flight until it hit the loiter circle ... then joined the circle.

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Will the addon version gain the ability to choose which side to loiter?

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if (isnil "ghst_vehsel") exitwith {_caller groupchat "Nothing Spawned";};
	if (ghst_vehsel != "none" && DLG_VEH_SELECTED) then {
	_veh_name = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (_vehsel) >> "displayName");
	//_spawnpos = _spawn findEmptyPosition[ 2 , 10 , _vehsel ];
	//if (isnil "_spawnpos" or count _spawnpos < 2) exitwith {_caller groupchat "Spawn Pad not clear";};
	_padempty = nearestObjects [_spawn, ["LandVehicle","Air"], _check_radius];
	if (count _padempty > 0) exitwith {titleText "Spawn Pad not clear";};
	_veh1 = createVehicle [_vehsel,_spawn, [], 0, "NONE"];
	_veh1 setdir _dir;
	_veh1 setposatl [_spawn select 0, _spawn select 1, 0.1];
	_veh1 setvelocity [0,0,0];
	_veh1 setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosatl _veh1) select 0,(getPosatl _veh1) select 1]);
	[_veh1] spawn DEVAS_AutoPilot;
	[_veh1] spawn DEVAS_Loiter;
	if !(_vehsel iskindof "Slingload_01_Base_F") then {
		ghst_local_vehicles pushback _veh1;




I am having trouble with your script working on spawned aircraft from Ghost Air Spawner in our multiplayer server.


The aircraft that are already placed have the Autopilot and loiter, but any spawned aircraft do not. I found the script that spawns the aircraft and added this into, but still doesn't work.


Any advice or is there a better way to apply your script when new vehicles are spawned?


Thank you, I really love your script and want to get this working.



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did you try the mod version of this script? I think that one can be your fast cure

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I figured it out. I had to add the call in a second place. Love this script.



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