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Problem with getting glass to break

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Problem with getting glass to break: The texture appears correct on the window. When I shoot it I get the sound effect and the broken texture appears but the unbroken texture remains. Continue shooting and the window fully breaks but the textures remain.


I have modelled the building in Blender 3D. The window is made of two cubes in lod 1. One is grouped in a vertex (named selection) called Glass_1_hide and the other as Glass_1_unhide. I have the same set up in the fire geometry lod.


In the geo lod I have named properties as map (house), class (house) and damage (building).


I load the model up in Object Builder and do structure->topology->find components on the geo lod and structure->convexity->component convex hull on the fire geo lod.


I set texture as a3\structures_f\data\windows\window_set_ca.paa and material as a3\structures_f\data\windows\window_set.rvmat for all the faces in the window Glass_1_hide named selection in the geo lod.


I set texture as a3\structures_f\data\windows\destruct_full_window_set_ca.paa and material as a3\structures_f\data\windows\destruct_full_window_set.rvmat for all the faces in the window Glass_1_unhide named selection in the geo lod.


In the fire lod I only have the Glass_1_unhide named selection. I set material as a3\data_f\penetration\glass_plate.rvmat for all face.


In the model config file I have the Glass_1_hide and _unhide in skeletonBones in class CfgSkeletons. I also have class Glass_1_hide in class Animations.


I have a hit point lod set up with vertices for the windows. In config.cpp I have class HitPoints using the BIG_GLASS_HITPOINT macro to define class Glass_1_hitpoint. I have also defined class Glass_1_source in class AnimationSources.


The config.cpp is here:




The model.cfg is here:




I have used the test_house_01 model from A3 samples as a base. I'm not really seeing what is wrong here. Can anyone help?




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Config and model.cfg look fine, so my guess would be that there is something wrong with your named selections. Does the unbroken window texture disappear if you animate the Glass_1_source in buldozer? If the answer to that question is no, then the problem is with your model.cfg or the P3D itself, as buldozer doesn't look at your config.cpp.

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I have a bit of a problem running in buldozer as it complains a3\structures_f\data\Windows\window_set.rvmat is missing but that file exists so I don't know what to do about that. The end result is it shows the model but "ghosted out". I can run the animations and things do change but I can't see if the right texture is there. So, I run the model in ARMA. There it partly works. The texture does appears correct to start with. Then I get the broken texture but the first texture remains.


I'd go with a problem with the named selections.


I built the model in Blender so I made the window in the visual lod and added then to vertex group glass_1_unhide  and glass_1_hide


In the fire geometry I have made another window and added that to the vertex group glass_1_hide


These vertex groups then map over to named selections in OB.


So, what is wrong with that?




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I deleted the named selections, re-did them and now it works.


I now have in the geo lod:





and in the fire lod:





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