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Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

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My wishlist:

  • Finalize Taru features. I mean pod attaching. W/o it, Taru looking like a half of what it is.
  • Add fast-roping feature. Same thing like with Taru — Helicopters DLC without fast-roping?!
  • Vehicle towing system. Also, make possible towing Land_MobileLandingPlatform_01_F (also with Heli on it) object and maybe other static wheeled objects.
  • Weapon resting, bipods, expanded inventory & expanded accessories system in upcoming Marksmen DLC... Also i really wanna see something like MK32 Grenade launcher
  • http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5374
  • Radio and same stuff
  • Improved first aid system
  • Add full object list in editor (like buildings, gas station stuff etc.)

P.S. Why not use sling loading example for Taru? Attach system can be same like with sling load, but u need to land close to container (on top) and connect it by pressing 'B' and waiting until it will done (like with refueling/rearming/repairing and also like sling loading). We don't need sharp & smooth animation, we need working feature & i never believe in case what your engine don't allows this.

And... At the end. I wish the whole BI employees Merry Christmas!

Edited by Maxyzzz940

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Hey guys,

dunno if i just missed it or it's not possible. Is there a way to show the flight instruments of the advanced flight model when using the standard flight model?

I mean i dont really need them but vertical speed e.g. would be nice to not have to look down all the time.

I dont own joystick/trottle lever/pedals/Ir tracking so i'll stick with the standard model but i think the instruments could help there as well.

I'd really like to be able to have the advanced model stuff light no hard landings, wind, stress damage, gforce (maybe colourfading not only shaking) but still using the standard flight model.

Flying with the standard model is quite easy and you can do ridiculous manoeuvres, having said options from the adv. model could make it a little more realistic without making flying too hard for non flight sim enthusiasts.

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I`ve been playing Arma 3 for about a month now, and I truly believe it is lacking in many features such as AI. Here is the list of things I want in Arma 3, in no particular order:

1. Fast Roping

2. More Jets(F-35/F-22/F-18, and CSAT jet(s) preferably fighter jets.

3. Large fixed wing aircraft(such a B-17 Globemaster for paradrops and transporting large supplies/vehicles.

4. More weapon attachments such as working bipods, dual mags, lasers/flashlights for pistols, perhaps built in silencers for a variant of the MX, such as how the MP5s works. And being able to attachment Laser and flashlight both at once.

5. Overhaul the AI, such as jsut being plain terrible *No-clipping through walls, being just stupid

6. More weapons/vehicles (Shotguns/M2 Bradley)

7. Animations for getting into/out of EVERY vehicle, not just teleporting into them, like you walk into and down the isle to your seat in the Chinook.

8. More advanced animations and movement for AI soldiers/Better idling poses/animations.

9. 3D editor, and editor improvements, such as everything in the editor is on a 1:1 scale!

10. Perhaps a Chinese/Asian faction?

11. Bombers, such as the B-2 Spirit.

12. Women/Kid civilians. More civilian vehicles.

13. Better health and hit system, such as if shot in leg you can`t run or walk.

14. Gunners actually move the turret instead of tele-kinesis

15. Improve the fatigue system, running 25m will fatigue you in full combat gear..I`m pretty sure any soldier that is even AVERAGE could run at least 400m, and if they`re athletic probably a few miles. Which they do in training actually.

16. Naval ships, such as carriers or LHDs for mission start points.

17. Being able to open and leave open heli doors.

18. Being able to sit on armored vehicles (Yes, while they move, and perhaps sitting in the hatch)

19. Add rivers, mines, and tunnels to Altis.

20. Radar implementation, so players can actually take advantage of "Stealth" aircraft.

21. Some futuristic version of a V-22 Osprey.

Any ideas/feedback? And I strongly believe AI needs to be fixed as well as a health system, plus animations.

I know a few of these aren`t possible, but this list is what I WANT.

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Here it goes:

Marksmen DLC wish list

- Functioning bipods and suppressors for vanilla heavy Sniper rifles

- Spotting Scope

- Variations of vanilla chest rigs

A) a Commander model (more tech) which has the pistol holster positioned horizontally across the chest

B) a Support model (Drum pouches instead of mag pouches) which has the pistol holster positioned on the hip, attached to the battle belt

- 4 pers ATV with 2 FFV positions in the rear. Suitable for Sniper teams to either drive and command themselves or be dropped off closer to their objective.

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I just had another thought. When wearing certain items, they have pouches and such for certain tools and gadgets. So i got the idea that maybe depending on what they have one (they = player, character) is to attach those gadgets accordingly to the model of them. So like... Side arm in the holster. If someone is wearing a legging holster, and that person holsters their pistol, or puts it inside that piece of clothing, depending on what they put in there, it places the model of that object somewhere on the clothing, in this instance, you'd see the pistol in the holster. Likewise, if you had the plate carrier and say... the player has range finders/UAV Terminal, that object is placed on the model, maybe attached to the side or on the front of their chest or something of that like. This would make it so that when someone puts something away, it doesn't just... disappear inside of them, but is placed somewhere on them. This is just a thought, it would be cool if this could but put into Arma.

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For the love of God, Dear BI devs please we just want these:

1. FUNCTIONAL BIPOD → an official bipod from BI that actually works properly in reducing the scope sway :) yes i already use VTS Simple Weapon Resting mod but that ain't good enough coz the scope still wobbles like crazy! >_<

2. REALISTIC SCOPE SWAY → a scope that actually stops wobbling when the guns are rested on the bipod and the shooters hold their breath :) Bipod + Breath Control + Trigger Control = No Scope Sway a.k.a. Badass Precision

With all due respect, i completely love this game. Arma is the greatest milsim ever created :') But please don't be cocky, you guys gotta start listening to the community especially players who ever got their hands on actual guns! And don't just listen to us but do it, make this game a true milsim :)

God bless BI and all Arma Players :)

P.S.: Please don't ban me for this....

Edited by TiborasaurusRex

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ALRGHTY!!! Another suggestion for BIS to add into the Expansion.

The Bell-609 being developed by Agusta. The BA-609 is a Til Rotor Technological advancement in multi platform flight. The technologies are similar of the V-22 Osprey and the design is a Civilian Design as good as the V-240 Valor being developed in the United States. The BA-609 is more maneuverable, and quieter than the Osprey. It's transportation capacity is good, as it is a civilian aircraft, and with varies designs and upgrades can be used in the military and home land security roles.

Here is a demonstration.

Edited by DarkSideSixOfficial

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ALRGHTY!!! Another suggestion for BIS to add into the Expansion.

The Bell-609 being developed by Agusta. The BA-609 is a Til Rotor Technological advancement in multi platform flight. The technologies are similar of the V-22 Osprey and the design is a Civilian Design as good as the V-240 Valor being developed in the United States. The BA-609 is more maneuverable, and quieter than the Osprey. It's transportation capacity is good, as it is a civilian aircraft, and with varies designs and upgrades can be used in the military and home land security roles.

Here is a demonstration.


You mean the AW609?

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This has most likely been suggested bust I would really like to see Arma 2 assets, campaigns and missions being remastered and integrated in Arma 3 as a DLC.

I miss so much the current gen weapons and vehicles!

Chernarus and Takistan too! These were excellents maps with so many details it was a pure joy to explore. Go wonder why DayZ had such a huge success..

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Do you plan to remove the imbalance of CSAT and NATO soldiers (i mean the robustness of body)?

You should add more body armor to CSAT and the fraction could do without abnormal healthy soldiers. That would be the most appropriate variant.

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For the love of God, Dear BI devs please we just want these:

1. FUNCTIONAL BIPOD → an official bipod from BI that actually works properly in reducing the scope sway :) yes i already use VTS Simple Weapon Resting mod but that ain't good enough coz the scope still wobbles like crazy! >_<

Bipods!!! please please let us use bipods and weapon resting!
This has most likely been suggested bust I would really like to see Arma 2 assets, campaigns and missions being remastered and integrated in Arma 3 as a DLC.
Suggested repeatedly... but instead, BI released the sources over a year ago.

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This has most likely been suggested bust I would really like to see Arma 2 assets, campaigns and missions being remastered and integrated in Arma 3 as a DLC.

I miss so much the current gen weapons and vehicles!

Chernarus and Takistan too! These were excellents maps with so many details it was a pure joy to explore. Go wonder why DayZ had such a huge success..

To be honest this is bad for a couple reason. One, no ponds. Two, the fact that BIS would have to create new foliage and such, underwater diversity and almost sculptress the entire two terrains for Arma 3 compatibility. The trees now as a port are pixelated at certain distances, which definitely shows it's age. For BIS to do this, they would have to stop production of current projects, it's all too much. They have an all new terrain in production, DLC, all new content, for both, and all new features for both i'm certain. One wouldn't release a massive pack without at least something interesting to offer to gameplay. But, i have to say, our modders did an outstanding job porting the maps over.

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Technically speaking, we are going to get Civilian things. The Expansion coming out end of next year i think? Yeah, that is supposedly focusing on Civilians i think, if i read the information on it correctly. They have stated from the beginnings that there would be things like Coast Gaurd/Policia style things.

That would be such a waste of an expansion.

Civilian garbage in a military simulator ? makes no sense to me.

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While so many aspects of warfare have been addressed by BIS since initial release; I truly believe that a Naval expansion would be well received by the community at large. I'm no naval enthusiast myself but after 4,000 hours and counting in-game on Arma 3, it [for the most part] seems that all the hard work and amazing accomplishment of the aquatic atmosphere has gone un-used. except for the rare user-made ''Navy seal type" SDV insertion missionsand the aquatic showcase. In my opinion, one big reason for this is that in Arma3, Aquatic=slow gameplay. There are many many futuristic examples of ships,submarines that are currently being previewed and tested by many nations so i do believe it could be greatly expanded upon within a 2035 setting. I understand that the primary focus of Arma is Infantry Combat simulation but seeing the last few expansions i also am seeing that Bohemia is not only willing but seemingly enthusiastic about taking on the challenge of expanding the content of other aspects of future warfare. I'm curious as to what community members and BIS devs think of this ideal, please weigh in.

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@ robowilso: Don't count on it -- though this isn't to say that BI will never get around to it! -- since BI has always done small boats exclusively while leaving big ships -- my guess of what you meant by "Naval expansion​" -- exclusively as background scenery objects.

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I think I might prefer AMDs Mantle more than dx12 :rolleyes:

Edited by clifdenhill

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of all the possible context menus in windows, could you please choose one of the file browsers for the A3 Launcher that lets you select multiple local modfolders at once?

not sure how hard it would have been, to use, instead of the one where you can only add one modfolder at once, the one where you can add multiple modfolders at once, in the first place, but i think it would make a lot of sense to change it!

i have at this point short to 160 modfolders to manage and i thought the A3 Launcher was supposed to be the inhouse solution to adress this common need.

see picture for reference:


also created a ticket:


Edited by Fabio_Chavez

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I did my google and couldn't find if this already exists or not, so i'm gonna drop it here as a suggestion / idea / whatever.

With all this recent modded / vanilla stuff and dyslexi's new video a few days ago, it really opened my eyes to the fact that often, less experienced modders do not take something as simple as polycount and LODs into the equation. Since modding is so prominent in the Arma community, and the use of modded content is so common, it would be really nice to have a ballpark poly budget from BIS on what BIS thinks a typical mission should be able to contain within reason, and a poly counter / poly budget indicator as a startup parameter or something. This way, community modders can, almost at a glance, identify which mods drastically reduce performance by eating up the poly budget vs. stock A3 content. Granted, it wouldn't cover every aspect of mods that slows things down, but it would definitely add to the quality and performance of modded content in my humble and often misguided opinion :-).

It may even be easier to build a poly counter / budget for what BIS thinks a typical class of item should be, for example, B_man_F should be 6,000 triangles, a weapon no more than 2,000 tris, (just stupid example numbers, art guys) and then make it where it shows up a budget / poly count in the Virtual Arsenal, so you can kind of jump in there, equip a guy, and see for youself that the new weapon mod you're using puts you over budget by 15,000 tris per character.

It would be REALLY cool if this function could be extended to vehicles as well, so we can drop a new modded tank into the Virtual Arsenal Tester (Via Zeus, perhaps) and see that the new modded tank, suggest poly count 12000 tris by BIS (another guess figure) is actually pushing more like 25,000 tris. Therefore we'd need to use less of them, or not use them at all, to keep any kind of performance.

Anywho, thanks for reading my thoughts / suggestions.

P.S. - A modders DLC. I would pay for this feature. Pack it up with a couple other cool tools for modders to use, and sell it to us.

Edited by Fr33d0m

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I really wish the launchers would get updated and their fire control systems in particular be improved.

With that being said the current lock on missiles are not very fun for anyone.

I personally would love to see 2 new missiles added each with real world applications.

1. Milan or some other portable wire guided missile with atleast a 2-4 km range.

2. A tv guided missile for the titan Long launcher that gives the player control of the missile through the entirety of the flight and it is based off the real life titan missile.

This particular type of control of the missile would add much more versatility to the weapon plus add much needed skill to taking out static targets or tanks.

Once developed this style of targeting could also be given to attack jets and helicopters where control of the missile could be done using the awesome pip mode.


Edited by gibonez

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What I would like to see is more weapons. At the moment, in current Arma 3, it just seems like there is a severe lack of weaponry. Now its all fun saying you can use mods, but when there are servers that only accept core game files such as the weaponry that come with the game, it gives me a nice big depressing frown on my face knowing I can only choose between a low amount of rifles, LMG's, sniper rifles or pistols. sure there are many variations of each weapon, but I can help but feel the variations of them are just hiding the fact that the game lacks other weapons. There are modder's out there that make weapon packs brilliantly! but they are mods, not core game files. we need some things that are added to the game so server owners know everyone on the server has it, just because it comes with the game.

also, on a side note. has anyone noticed how that pistol holster is always empty, regardless of having a pistol or not? visual frustration!

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What I would like to see is more weapons. At the moment, in current Arma 3, it just seems like there is a severe lack of weaponry. Now its all fun saying you can use mods, but when there are servers that only accept core game files such as the weaponry that come with the game, it gives me a nice big depressing frown on my face knowing I can only choose between a low amount of rifles, LMG's, sniper rifles or pistols. sure there are many variations of each weapon, but I can help but feel the variations of them are just hiding the fact that the game lacks other weapons. There are modder's out there that make weapon packs brilliantly! but they are mods, not core game files. we need some things that are added to the game so server owners know everyone on the server has it, just because it comes with the game.
I guess the upcoming five new rifles and two new medium machine guns ("MMGs" according to a dev) don't count since they're paid DLC?

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