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Dedi server - No message received, network message pending

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Hi Guys,


I have recently run into a problem while running an Arma 3 Dedicated server. It does have a number of mods activated but the same issue happens with or without mods. The specs of the server are listed below.


OS: Server 2012 R2 x64 Standard

Arma 3 Dedi Version: 1.66.139586 Public Stable

Running on a dedicated serer from Hetzner, I7 3770, 32gb DDR3 RAM and 1Gbps connection.

It is running along side no other servers that use steam, using Windows Firewall with both arma3server.exe allowed through, steam allowed through and the ports for the servers are also opened.


When players are in the server they will randomly get "No message received" this normally clears after 10+ seconds and they can resume playing with no desync. This happens at random times with no pattern, however, it normally occurs atleast once every 10 minutes.


Upon checking the RPT I found these entries which collate to the same time as the message appeared


23:33:16 Server: Network message bcb0c is pending
23:33:16 Server: Network message bcb62 is pending
23:33:16 Server: Network message bcb98 is pending
23:33:16 Server: Network message bcba1 is pending
23:33:16 Server: Network message bcbad is pending
23:33:16 Server: Network message bcbdc is pending
23:33:16 Server: Network message bcc75 is pending
23:33:17 Server: Network message bcd22 is pending
23:33:17 Server: Network message bce16 is pending
23:33:18 Server: Network message bce51 is pending
23:33:18 Server: Network message bce5d is pending
23:33:18 Server: Network message bcf76 is pending
23:33:19 Server: Network message bd0ee is pending
23:33:19 Server: Network message bd0fb is pending
23:33:23 Server: Network message bd5fd is pending
23:33:23 Server: Network message bd638 is pending
23:33:23 Server: Network message bd6f1 is pending
23:33:24 Server: Network message bd798 is pending
23:33:25 Server: Network message bda18 is pending
23:33:27 Server: Network message bdd17 is pending
23:33:30 Server: Network message be4c8 is pending
23:33:30 Server: Network message be4c9 is pending
23:33:30 Server: Network message be4c9 is pending
23:33:30 Server: Network message be4cb is pending
23:33:30 Server: Network message be4e1 is pending
23:33:30 Server: Network message be4e2 is pending
23:33:30 Server: Network message be4e3 is pending
23:33:31 Server: Network message be56d is pending
23:33:31 Server: Network message be56e is pending
23:33:31 Server: Network message be56f is pending


And then a few minutes later I got the following errors


23:37:12 Server: Network message ceb9e is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message ceb9e is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cebaf is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cebaf is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cebc2 is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cebc2 is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cebce is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cebe0 is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cebe0 is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cebe0 is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cebe1 is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cebf5 is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cec02 is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cec20 is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cec9e is pending
23:37:12 Server: Network message cecad is pending
23:37:13 Server: Network message cecf6 is pending
23:37:13 Server: Network message ced24 is pending
23:37:13 Server: Network message ced3b is pending
23:37:13 Server: Network message ced3b is pending
23:37:13 Server: Network message ced5f is pending
23:37:13 Server: Network message ced5f is pending
23:37:14 Server: Network message cedfc is pending
23:37:14 Server: Network message cee07 is pending
23:37:14 Server: Network message cee1a is pending
23:37:14 Server: Network message ceeb5 is pending
23:37:15 Server: Network message ceff3 is pending
23:37:16 Server: Network message cf0f5 is pending
23:37:17 Server: Network message cf1f3 is pending
23:37:17 Server: Network message cf207 is pending
23:37:18 Server: Network message cf2ac is pending
23:37:18 Server: Network message cf2bb is pending
23:37:18 Server: Network message cf34f is pending
23:37:18 Server: Network message cf3a6 is pending

Server Config:


hostname = 	"******"	// The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list
password = 	"*****";				// Password for joining, eg connecting to the server
passwordAdmin = "*****";		// Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz'
serverCommandPassword = "******";             // Password required by alternate syntax of [[serverCommand]] server-side scripting.
logFile = 	"server.log";		// Tells ArmA-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called
// WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
// It can be several lines, separated by comma
// Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval
motd[] = {
	"", "",  
	"", "",  
motdInterval = 5;				// Time interval (in seconds) between each message
checkfiles[] = 		{};			// Outdated.
maxPlayers = 		40;	// Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.
kickDuplicate = 	1;			// Each ArmA version has its own ID. If kickDuplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing.
verifySignatures =	0;			// Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. Valid values 0 (disabled), 1 (prefer v2 sigs but accept v1 too) and 2 (only v2 sigs are allowed). 
equalModRequired =	0;			// Outdated. If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.
voteMissionPlayers = 	1;			// Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen.
voteThreshold = 	0.33;			// 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective
disableVoN = 		1;				// If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available
vonCodecQuality = 	20;				// since 1.62.95417 supports range 1-20 //since 1.63.x will supports range 1-30 //8kHz is 0-10, 16kHz is 11-20, 32kHz is 21-30
persistent = 		1;				// If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected.
timeStampFormat= 	"short";			// Set the timestamp format used on each report line in server-side RPT file. Possible values are "none" (default),"short","full".
BattlEye = 		0;				// Server to use BattlEye system

allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"}; //only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via loadFile command (since Arma 3 build 1.19.124216)
allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"}; //only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via preprocessFile/preprocessFileLineNumber commands (since Arma 3 build 1.19.124323)
allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"htm","html","xml","txt"}; //only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via HTMLLoad command (since Arma 3 build 1.27.126715)
onUserConnected = 	"";
onUserDisconnected = 	"";
doubleIdDetected = 	"";
onUnsignedData = 	"kick (_this select 0)";	// unsigned data detected
onHackedData = 		"kick (_this select 0)";	// tampering of the signature detected
onDifferentData = 	"";				// data with a valid signature, but different version than the one present on server detected
// MISSIONS CYCLE (see below)
class Missions {
	class Mission1
};		// An empty Missions class means there will be no mission rotation
missionWhitelist[] = {}; 	//an empty whitelist means there is no restriction on what missions' available


I have also allowed NAT through Windows Firewall to see if this could be the issue.


Anybody have any suggestions or pointers as to what we could do to resolve this?


Thanks guys

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This is a bandwidth issue, packets are being lost

You haven't stated how many of the 40 player slots were taken or what type of mission you run, this also has a bearing on network traffic although 40 players isn't what I would consider as being a heavy load on the server)

I would advise you reduce the following values, I believe they are too high. 




Try setting this first and see if it reduces your packet loss

  • MaxSizeGuaranteed=800;
  • MaxSizeNonguaranteed=400;


If that doesnt help then also try reducing MaxMsgSend to around 800

Define a MinErrorToSendNear=0.03; otherwise it will use the default setting of 0.02; this will also help to reduce traffic with negligible visual effect


comment out the following completely, seeing as you don't use it. Mission cycle class has to be accurate as in exactly the name of the mission or you may havbe startup issues

I very much doubt you have a mission called *******.Altis



// MISSIONS CYCLE (see below)
class Missions {
	class Mission1
};		// An empty Missions class means there will be no mission rotation




Hope that helps

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Hi Terox,


Thanks for the reply, sorry I forgot them details. We have around 20-25 people on the server, as this is a operation server for our unit. So we run alot of mission which are Zeus'd.


In terms of commenting out the mission section, I just removed the mission name for this post. There is a mission name there on the server and it loads correctly.


I will implement the changes you have mentioned and let you know how I get on.


Thanks for your help dude 

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