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Vector Build for Exile / Altis.Life / Wasteland / OpBlockHead / eXpoch ++ For FREE

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Hi everyone,

I have been on a mission for the last few weeks to get BIS wiki VectorDirandUp into the hands of as many mods as possible.
This is because VECTOR BUILDING is being used as a cash grab, yet their work is based off of the hard work of others.

BIS Wiki, its contributors and the entire community is being ripped off when they purchase this work.

This vector building is based off of EXAMPLE 1 here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVectorDirAndUp

I originally wrote this KeyDown EH for my anarchy build, then fully ported it into Exile for my eXpoch addon for exile, it then was made for Altis Life as an eXpanded Housing system for building furnishings / security from EMPTY cfgVehicles.
Then last week Operation BlockHead needed a building system for its awesome bricks and plates!

And last night I decided to create a lite version for Exile itself so that it can be used by the majority of the servers with ease and without spending half a days pay.
This release was a test of Exile Mod's take on the whole money aspect and selling of scripts, now we know
It seems that Exilemod.com is actually in favor of the money making going on within the arma community and will not allow the FREE vector building to be released on their site

It was removed within 1 hour of its posting.

It was Titled "FREE VECTOR BUILDING for ALL courtesy of eXpoch Devs".
So I take this FREE script and I bring it here to BIS forums for everyone to see and use and learn from

Here are all the links to the various Vector Building that I have released so far to the public

FREE Vector Building for Exile:

Altis-Life eXpanded Housing with Vector Building

Operation BlockHead eXpanded with Vector Building

eXpoch Addon for Exile with Vector Building, Snap 2 Any Objects, Vehicle Attachements and more

ArmA 3 Wasteland R3F Vector Building




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You should share it on Steam as well (and possibly rArma).  I believe they have no authoritah to delete from those easily accessible places  :)

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Added ArmA 3 Wasteland to the mix of releases. Thanks to @Soloknight for his knowledge of wasteland to speed up my port.
It adds vector build to the R3F system and also object snapping for ease of placement with the precision speeds.

Shift = Fastest stepping
Ctrl = Step Down 
Alt = Precision stepping

Keys Q and E as well as NUM7 and NUM9 will rotate the object
Keys PageUP and PageDOWN take care of Height of the object
Keys Home and END as well as NUM8 and NUM2 will move the object farther and closer
Keys NUM4 and NUM6 will move the object left and right
Keys NUM5 as well as BACKSPACE will reset the object to a [0,5,2] attachment point
Key NUM0 while looking at a built object will prompt you to SNAP

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Thank you very much @Centrifugal
As I have done more, I find more and will be going back through them all to update with the improvements.
I have a few more mods on my list to tackle and Altis Life updates to 5.0 soon according to BoGuu.

Well I have not said this yet but if anyone has a project that has an opening for a vector build system, lets get it done ;)

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I am trying to get this to work on exile. But yet it is not working. No errors in rpt or anything. I have the same exact code in my config.cpp and initPlayerLocal. It doesn't work. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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Hi, is there any chance, that you tell me which files needed to be edited (in altis life).Because not all in the folder is needed.



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On 2/25/2017 at 3:58 PM, korizarhd said:

Hi, is there any chance, that you tell me which files needed to be edited (in altis life).Because not all in the folder is needed.



He's only published the changed files. Just copy and overwrite. Took like 30 seconds for Wasteland, I assume Altis Life would be just as easy.



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Hey bud, thank you for your interest in the Altis Life version.
I have information that v5.0 will be released soon and I was going to redo my work and make a proper set of instructions like the wasteland release ;)

@Centrifugal ;) Thanks

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On ‎26‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 6:58 AM, korizarhd said:

I am trying to get this to work on exile. But yet it is not working. No errors in rpt or anything. I have the same exact code in my config.cpp and initPlayerLocal. It doesn't work. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!




Love your work DirtySanchez, 

Shame some clowns try to rip off the community, I tried to look at a servers mission pbo the other night, but it was locked/encrypted so no one can open it, douche bags...



Hey mate, did you end up working this out and get your server running?

I am having the same problems.


My initPlayerLocal.sqf

[] execVM "addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf";

NR_fnc_SalvageVehicle = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\SalvageVehicle\SalvageVehicle.sqf";

if (!hasInterface || isServer) exitWith {};
missionNamespace setVariable ["freeVectorBuilding",(compileFinal preprocessFile "eXpochVectorBldg\eXpochClient_FREE_vectorbuilding.sqf")];

// 75 NPCs
private _npcs = [
["Exile_Trader_Aircraft", ["AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Ease"], "Exile_Trader_Aircraft", "WhiteHead_02", [[],[],[],["U_I_pilotCoveralls",[]],[],[],"H_PilotHelmetHeli_O","rhs_googles_yellow",[],["","","","","",""]], [30695.9, 11936.1, 21.1798], [0.00401416, -0.999992, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
["Exile_Trader_AircraftCustoms", ["AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Ease"], "Exile_Trader_AircraftCustoms", "WhiteHead_11", [[],[],[],["Exile_Uniform_ExileCustoms",[]],["V_RebreatherB",[]],[],"H_PilotHelmetFighter_B","rhs_googles_orange",[],["","","","","",""]], [30703.5, 11936.4, 21.1798], [-0.106438, -0.994319, 0], [0, 0, 1]],


My CustomCode //vector
 ExileClient_construction_thread = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_thread.sqf";
 ExileClient_construction_beginExistingObject = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_beginExistingObject.sqf";
 ExileClient_construction_beginNewObject = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_beginNewObject.sqf";
 ExileClient_object_construction_network_constructionResponse = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_object_construction_network_constructionResponse.sqf";
 ExileClient_construction_handleAbort = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_handleAbort.sqf";

Edited by M3gz

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19 hours ago, DirtySanchez said:

Oh boy, im so sorry I have not replied to you @M3gz

Please jump into our discord for better service from DPCG: https://discord.me/eXpoch

Did you ever figure out the couple of issues you encountered?

Hi DirtySanchez, I haven't played with it since I did this post, tried putting another on, but it doesn't seem to snap right on existing objects.


Will jump on discord when I learn how to use it. :D




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no problem, sometimes some 1 on 1 troubleshooting either solves the issue with the script or helps the user learn a bit about it.
several of the versions have evolved since its initial release and a few kinks worked out.
not sure if any of those were an answer to yours....


Have a great weekend :)

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Okay, maybe I am just thick as a brick ... but... why is this seemingly available for every mod and then some, but there is no version for vanilla Arma 3?

Maybe I am misunderstanding the basic premise: This is a base building script/mod that allows to basically select buildable objects that where defined somewhere, and place them in the game world (possibly while loosing inventory items / decreasing player bound "money" variable / decreasing team bound "construction points" variable / whatever), offering some means to rotate, snap and align them. Correct?


So - and by no means I want to dismiss this work! - how does this compare to any other base building script/mod? I feel like I don't get it here.

I didn't understand because it seems I didn't read carefully. I now understand and am excited to learn from it. :)

Amazing work - thanks!


I'm always for sharing and free stuff and the benefit of the community as a whole... and against people who monetize on the effort of others. So kudos in advance - even if I don't fully understand (yet?). :D



Edited by strongground
was dumb, am now smarter

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