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Get/Set Vehicle inventorys.

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Someone was requesting this function in dev-branch forum. So I'll share my script for it.

It basically does what it sounds like.

Use function where unit is local.


loadout = [unit] call bor_fnc_getVehicleLoadout;


[unit ,loadout] call bor_fnc_setVehicleLoadout;



unit: Object
loadout: Array from getVehicleLoadout



bor_fnc_getVehicleLoadout =

if (!local (_this select 0)) exitWith {};

params ["_veh"];
private _magArray = [];
	private _wepArray = []; 
		private _itemArray = []; 
			private _bpArray = [];

	private ["_mag"];                   
	_mag = 
			(((getMagazineCargo _veh) select 0) select _forEachIndex)
			(((getMagazineCargo _veh) select 1) select _forEachIndex)
	_magArray pushBack _mag;
} forEach ((getMagazineCargo _veh) select 0);

		private ["_mag"];                   
		_wep = 
				(((getWeaponCargo _veh) select 0) select _forEachIndex)
				(((getWeaponCargo _veh) select 1) select _forEachIndex)
		_wepArray pushBack _wep;
	} forEach ((getWeaponCargo _veh) select 0);
			private ["_item"];                   
			_item = 
					(((getItemCargo _veh) select 0) select _forEachIndex)
					(((getItemCargo _veh) select 1) select _forEachIndex)
			_itemArray pushBack _item;
		} forEach ((getItemCargo _veh) select 0);

				private ["_bp"];                   
				_bp = 
						(((getBackpackCargo _veh) select 0) select _forEachIndex)
						(((getBackpackCargo _veh) select 1) select _forEachIndex)
				_bpArray pushBack _bp;
			} forEach ((getBackpackCargo _veh) select 0);

_loadout = 	[



bor_fnc_setVehicleLoadout =
if (!local (_this select 0)) exitWith {};

params ["_veh","_loadout"];
private _magArray = (_loadout select 0);
	private _wepArray = (_loadout select 1);
		private _itemArray = (_loadout select 2);
			private _bpArray = (_loadout select 3);

clearWeaponCargoGlobal _veh;
	clearMagazineCargoGlobal _veh;
		clearItemCargoGlobal _veh;
			clearBackpackCargoGlobal _veh;			
	_veh addMagazineCargoGlobal _x;
} forEach _magArray;

		_veh addWeaponCargoGlobal _x;
	} forEach _wepArray;
			_veh addItemCargoGlobal _x;
		} forEach _itemArray;

				_veh addBackpackCargoGlobal _x;
			} forEach _bpArray;



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I think I'll join the party ;)


fnc_getVehicleLoadout = 
	params ["_veh"];
	private _loadout = [];
		_x params ["_items", "_qtys"];
		_loadout set [_forEachIndex, _items apply {[_x, _qtys deleteAt 0]}];
	forEach [getMagazineCargo _veh, getWeaponCargo _veh, getItemCargo _veh, getBackpackCargo _veh];
hint str (car call fnc_getVehicleLoadout);


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3 hours ago, killzone_kid said:

I think I'll join the party ;)


fnc_getVehicleLoadout = 
	params ["_veh"];
	private _loadout = [];
		_x params ["_items", "_qtys"];
		_loadout set [_forEachIndex, _items apply {[_x, _qtys deleteAt 0]}];
	forEach [getMagazineCargo _veh, getWeaponCargo _veh, getItemCargo _veh, getBackpackCargo _veh];

hint str (car call fnc_getVehicleLoadout);



Impressive KK.

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