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Default Module Settings

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Hello all,


I have a question regarding modules placed in the editor. As I understand it, the modules are a way to change certain parameters, which otherwise would have their default values as designated in config files.

Are the default module settings (in the editor) the same settings as they are in config files? In other words: Does it make sense to place a module and not change any of its settings?

Perhaps this even varies per module and addon. I'm asking this because when making a template mission with ACE3, I plop down all the modules to be sure even though I leave some with their default settings.


Many thanks in advance,



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I can answer your question about ACE3 specifically. ACE3 has a specific load order and mission module settings are at the end of the line. This means that if an ACE parameter is specified and forced before your mission module (server configs, mission parameters, etc) it will use those settings instead of your mission module's settings.


For example:

  1. In your mission, you put down the ACE medical module and set the medical setting to Advanced.
  2. In my serverconfig.hpp, I have set the ACE medical setting to Basic and this is set to forced
  3. When I play your mission, the ACE medical setting will be Basic due to #2

Thus, you should configure your ACE mission modules to fit what you have in mind for the mission (or for communities that do not adjust their ACE settings).

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That is exactly the answer I was looking for! Thank you very much



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