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Custom Optic zoomed in too much?

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Good day,

I have got a little problem with a custom optic I am trying to get ingame for a mod I am working on.

The optic has a round .p3d model with a texture applied correctly.

However, ingame, it works as if it were magnified like x10..?

Here some screens and how I defined the optics in the config:


This is what it should look like:



This is what you see:



And this is the UV layout in O.B:

http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x230/ArTaNiSS_2007/Sin ttulo-1_zpsmww2t4q3.jpg


Here the config:

class RCWSOptics;

class crusader_commander_optics
	class Wide: RCWSOptics
		initFov="(36 / 120)";
		minFov="(36 / 120)";
		maxFov="(36 / 120)";
	class Medium: Wide
		initFov="(150 * 0.05625 / 120)";
		minFov="(150 * 0.05625 / 120)";
		maxFov="(150 * 0.05625 / 120)";
	class Narrow: Medium
		initFov="(60 * 0.05625 / 120)";
		minFov="(60 * 0.05625 / 120)";
		maxFov="(60 * 0.05625 / 120)";


Then in the cfgVehicle I have this:


showgunneroptics = 1;
gunnerAction="passenger_generic01_foldhands";		//mbt2_slot2a_in
//passenger_low01, passenger_generic01_leanleft, passenger_generic01_foldhands
gunnerForceOptics = 1;
gunnerCanSee = 31;

class OpticsIn
  class Main
    useModelOptics = 1;
    gunnerOpticsModel = "\7Y_weapons\optics\crusader_commander";
    gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankGunnerOptics2","OpticsBlur1","OpticsCHAbera1"};
    initAngleX = 0;
    minAngleX = -100;
    maxAngleX = 100;
    initAngleY = 0;
    minAngleY = -360;
    maxAngleY = 360;
    initFov = 0.4;
    minFov = 0.1;
    maxFov = 0.9;
    memoryPointGunnerOptics = "usti Hlavne3";
    visionMode[] = {"Normal"};
    opticsFlare = 1;
    opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 1;
    cameraDir = "";

class ViewOptics
  initAngleX = 0;
  minAngleX = -70;		//-5
  maxAngleX = 60;		//45
  initAngleY = 0;		//0
  minAngleY = -20;	//-20
  maxAngleY = 40;		//20
  initFov = 0.4;
  minFov = 0.1;
  maxFov = 0.9;
  visionMode[]= {"Normal"};

class ViewGunner
  initAngleX = 0;
  minAngleX = -100;
  maxAngleX = 50;
  initAngleY = 0;
  minAngleY = -20;
  maxAngleY = 20;
  initFov = 0.4;
  minFov = 0.1;
  maxFov = 0.9;
  visionMode[]= {"Normal"};

I have searched on the forums for anything related with optics, however the nearest I got to my problem was with a post about some Sanchez, but no joy in the end.

I have tweaked the Fov values some times, but the only thing I achieve is getting in more/less zoom, without actually changeing the actual size of the optic.

Thanks in advance for your time,



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scale the mesh in your optic.p3d down.

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Thanks for your response.

I have scaled the mesh up and down to no effect. It still seems like it is zoomed in or something.

I wonder, do the optics need to be square or something of the sort?

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What seemed to solve it was changing the mesh to a rectangle, rather than a circle and remake the texture to fit it.

Thanks for your help anyway x3kj

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