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extDB2 and extDB3 - Failed to load protocol

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Hello fellow scripters,

I spent a day setting up (attempting to) a connection to a MySQL DataBase.


Windows 10 64bit



First I installed extDB2 and I am able to connect using 

"extDB2" callExtension "9:ADD_DATABASE:Database";


but the error comes with..


_id = str floor random 99999;
_result = call compile ("extDB2" callExtension  format ["9:ADD_DATABASE_PROTOCOL:Database:sql_custom_v2:%1:mycustom.ini", _id]);


I get this in my extDB2


extDB2: Found extdb-conf.ini
extDB2: Detected 4 Cores, Setting up 4 Worker Threads

[18:46:45:900810 --4:00] [Thread 5660] extDB2: Database Type: MySQL
[18:46:46:218297 --4:00] [Thread 5660] extDB2: Database Session Pool Started
[18:46:46:249299 --4:00] [Thread 5660] extDB2: Failed to Load Protocol: sql_custom_v2


My custom ini file is in the sql_custom_v2 folder and I have even tried to make everything identical to other working mission files. I have tried extDB2 and extDB3 removing one completely before attempting the next.  Any help would be much appreciated. I have exhausted all my resources and the scary world of forums is my last resort.  

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This ain't the place for receiving help on this matter. Refer to the extdb thread here or here for important content information.


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