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Move Complete Invenotry from Vehicle to AmmoCrate

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Hey everyone,


I need help :e:. How do I get it, that Arma 3 with a script pushes all objects from the vehicle into a crate? Property over google searched but nothing found.

Thank you for your help.



p.s. My problem are filled backpacks :-(

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how about begin the scenario with the correct items in the crate?

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Hey Joe,


I would like everyone to be able to exchange his backpack against a parachute, and if he can then jump off the pilot the complete inventory in the helicopter throw.
The backpacks are all already in the Heli now she must however to a box (which I behind the Heli spawn) to throw these off.



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You should have said so in the first place. It is simple:

player action ["DropBag", plane, backpack player]; 
player action ["AddBag", plane, "B_Parachute"]


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As far as I have it, so I can not find any way I can push the complete inventory of the helicopter into a crate.




My Code to copy Backpack to heli and Jump

if ( vehicle player == player) exitWith {
	hint "Not in Vehicle!";

if ( _backpack != "" && _backpack != "B_Parachute" ) then {
	(unitBackpack player) setVariable ["backpackOwner", name player, true];
	player action ["DropBag", vehicle player, typeOf unitBackpack player];
	hint localize "$STR_BACKPACK_IN_CARGO";
sleep 0.5;
player action ["eject", vehicle player];
sleep 0.1;
if (_backpack != "B_Parachute" ) then {
	player addBackpack "B_Parachute";


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10 minutes ago, master_acer said:

Nobody can help me?

perhaps learn to wait, it is the Christmas holidays...:face_palm:

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On 29.12.2016 at 0:20 AM, master_acer said:

I would like everyone to be able to exchange his backpack against a parachute, and if he can then jump off the pilot the complete inventory in the helicopter throw.

The backpacks are all already in the Heli now she must however to a box (which I behind the Heli spawn) to throw these off.


I think the easiest way is:

First store your loadout with setUnitLoadout.
take Parachute from Heli-Cargo, enter the Heli, fly away.
When it's time to jump off spawn Ammobox with Parachute behind the Heli.
Add an Action to Ammobox with addaction and something like "Take your Backpack" and getUnitLoadout.

Only the Ammobox must handled Serverside.

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Hi I m back ;-(,


_loadout = getUnitLoadout _heli;
_crate setUnitLoadout _loadout;

GetUnitLoadout is only for Player and doesn't work with vehicles.

Has yet another idea?



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I know the problem was solved...but this reminded me of a script I wrote awhile ago. I figured someone might make more use of it than I currently do. It was designed for moving a lot of items from multiple vehicles into a single box.


You simply put down a trigger, and a box/object you want the things to go to. Anything inside the trigger will have its contents emptied and moved to the box. The script detects what is inside backpacks and empties them into the object as well.



//This is a trigger. Anything inside this trigger will get items pulled from them into _Box.
_VehiclesArray = list VehicleConversionZone; 
systemchat format ["%1",_VehiclesArray];

//The object we want the supplies to be dropped into.
_Box = DropSupplyCrate;

//Classnames the script should completely ignore.
_IgnoreList = ["Logic","ModuleCurator_F","babe_helper","Sign_Arrow_F","Sign_Arrow_Yellow_F","Sign_Arrow_Green_F","Land_HelipadEmpty_F","Land_BottlePlastic_V2_F"];

_CompleteArray = [];		
	if !(_x isKindOf "MAN") then
		_CN = typeof _x;
		if !(_CN in _IgnoreList) then
			_WC = weaponCargo _x; if (isnil "_WC") then {_WC = [];};
			_MC = magazineCargo _x; if (isnil "_MC") then {_MC = [];};
			_IC = itemCargo _x; if (isnil "_IC") then {_IC = [];};

			_BC = backpackCargo _x;if (isnil "_BC") then {_BC = [];};

			_ObjectArray = [_WC,_MC,_IC,_BC];
			_CompleteArray pushback _ObjectArray;
					systemchat format ["%1",_x];
					_BackPack = (_x select 1);
					_WC = weaponCargo _BackPack; if (isnil "_WC") then {_WC = [];};
					_MC = magazineCargo _BackPack; if (isnil "_MC") then {_MC = [];};
					_IC = itemCargo _BackPack; if (isnil "_IC") then {_IC = [];};
				if !(_WC isEqualTo []) then
						_Box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,1];
					} foreach _WC;	
				if !(_MC isEqualTo []) then
						_Box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,1];
					} foreach _MC;
				if !(_IC isEqualTo []) then
						_Box addItemCargoGlobal [_x,1];
					} foreach _IC;

				} foreach (everyContainer _x);			
		clearWeaponCargoGlobal _x;
		clearMagazineCargoGlobal _x;
		clearBackpackCargoGlobal _x;
		clearItemCargoGlobal _x;
} foreach _VehiclesArray;

			_DisArray = _x;
			_WC = _DisArray select 0;
			_MC = _DisArray select 1;
			_IC = _DisArray select 2;
			_BC = _DisArray select 3;
			if !(_WC isEqualTo []) then
					_Box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,1];
				} foreach _WC;
			if !(_MC isEqualTo []) then
					_Box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,1];
				} foreach _MC;
			if !(_IC isEqualTo []) then
					_Box addItemCargoGlobal [_x,1];
				} foreach _IC;
			if !(_BC isEqualTo []) then
					_Box addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x,1];

				} foreach _BC;
						_Backpack = (_x select 1);
						clearMagazineCargoGlobal _BackPack;
						clearWeaponCargoGlobal _BackPack;
						clearItemCargoGlobal _BackPack;	
					} foreach (everyContainer _Box);	

} foreach _CompleteArray;
  • Thanks 1

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