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CreateMarker issue

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Hi, I'm trying to create a marker upon the detection of blufor units by opfor. the marker should be created on the "tank" units of blufor side

here is my code


marker1 = createMarker ["Marker1",nearestObjects , [unit1"Tank"], 1000]] \\\unit1 is the unit detecting the presence, once it spots the tank , this marker should be created

the problem is , i get this error code 


Error  1 element provided,3 expected

what is up with this?

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_marker= createMarker ["Marker1",((nearestObjects [position unit1, ["Tank"], 1000]) select 0)];
_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
_marker setMarkerType "b_armor";

There is nothing about revealing targets and sides in your example.

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interesting and it works, thanks alot, what does the "select 0" mean? i dont understand that part

and if I wanted to detect if the tank is moving or stationary, how would I go about doing that?

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Because nearestObjects is returning an array of objects (it could be only one object but in array) like this


you need to select an index of this array to get the object itself.


[mytankobject] select 0 // mytankobject


I do not knew in which context you want to check object movement but you can try speed command:

_tank = ((nearestObjects [position unit1, ["Tank"], 1000]) select 0);

_speed = speed _tank;

if (_speed isEqualTo 0) then {

// tank is not moving

} else {

//tank is moving



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hmm, interesting, that always confounded me, now I get it, now that the speed part is fixed, the other part troubling me me now is , it just places marker on any near objects regardless of side, not quiet sure how to fix this

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help please




_tank = ((nearestObjects [position unit1, ["Tank"], 1000]) select 0);




how can you check the side of  "Tank"?, i want a marker created on any eastern tanks detected. problem is, it creates the marker even on western tanks

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2 hours ago, killerwhale said:

help please

how can you check the side of  "Tank"?, i want a marker created on any eastern tanks detected. problem is, it creates the marker even on western tanks


_tank = ((nearestObjects [position unit1, ["Tank"], 1000]) select 0);

_speed = speed _tank;

_side = side _tank;


if (_side == west) then


     //tank is west



if (_side == east) then


     //tank is east


if (_speed isEqualTo 0) then { // tank is not moving } else { //tank is moving };

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Thanks for the response but the problem still exists. the side check should take place somewhere in this code 


_tank = ((nearestObjects [position unit1, ["Tank"], 1000]) select 0);




reason being, the emediate thing the script does is find any vehicle nearest and sticks with it without first checking the side, 


so if we put 


if (_side == east) then



this only has effect on whether we should create the marker or not and has no effect on the side of the vehicle. so if the unit closest is west, and we have east unit somewhere within range, the east will never be selected,

because simply it is not the closest.

what other command can I use, nearTargets gives error findNearestEnemy i couldnt get it to work,

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Use select with expression. This will select nearest tank with WEST side and moving.

_tank = ((position _unit) nearEntities ["tank", 1000]) select { side _x == west && { _x speed > 0 } };

More info here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/select  (alternative 5, example 6).

Better use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearEntities for alive tanks (better performance)

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I was able to  use this code. provided that the unit knows about any enemies around.




_tank =((nearestObjects [player findNearestEnemy player, ["Tank"], 1000]) select 0)



it works

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