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Todays work :)

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My todays 7 hours of work:



Its the Hawk Mk51, Finnish Air Force (ex-)attack- and training jet. As seen from the pic it has two seats, which makes it interesting wink.gif

Still to do are: Proper cockpit, gears, slots under the wings, LOD levels, optimization and some details.

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When you said you had the flu, I didn't know you meant you had then flew! smile.gif  Nice work Keg, again.   Now, about the gears, I don't have the flu, so I haven't really had a chance to mess around with O2 yet.  Do you know how the retraction system works?  As far as I know, we don't have direct control over animation, but the engine has some built in for certain classes.   I'm just wondering how you do it in Oxygen.  Do you give it a closed position and an open position and the engine interpolates the motion over a given time?  Can you control the time it animates over in the config? How about flaps? Air brakes?  Do these all have some automatic animation and how do we access it?

*out of breath*


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Nice work Keg!!

A question: you made it inside O2 or in another 3D modelling proggy and then imported it into O2?

Asking because I still dont get the O2 system of applying textures....3D Studio is my home...

And just a thought about the plane - you should reshape the nose!

Will you post it somewhere so we can see the hierarchy and LODs of airplane models?


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I made it with 3D studio MAX, with oxygen I did some fixes and optimizations... It doesnt yet have any LOD levels except the full detail one and the "geometry" one for collision detection.

yes, the nose needs some work, and so does the tail... and the engine intakes also need some work wink.gif

Ohh, and I have no idea how to make retracting gear, flaps, or anything like that yet... I will see to it when its the time to do them smile.gif

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kegs, I can clearly see that you've got a custom textured model working in compiled state... smile.gif

Can you answer on my texture location post?


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lol, all I gotta show for my 3rd day of oxygen usage is a coupla FREAKISHLY messed up OFP vehicles and a textureless LCM-6

lol, either I'm a slow learner or kegetys needs to get out more biggrin.gif

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Kegetys m'man....not to wish any harm on you or anything. But it seems like it could be a good thing that you are sick. tounge.gif I mean, come on, those damned sleds were the sh*t. I don't think anything gets any better then those. Keep up the great work man, you rock....

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i no good on o2(me cant install viewer and i no see the put vertex button on the o2 screen)so i tried making a flying ball,however.it was quite cool! biggrin.gif

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Antichrist: it cant have the A10 or Su25 fligt model - we dont have their MLOD models to see how aicraft LODs structure should look like....

Waiting for BiS class sample models....


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FlipeR, he meant the flight physics model, not the model itself. Does it fly according to the cpp of the A-10 or the SU25.


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It hadles pretty much like the Su25, except that its max speed is 1000 (Su25 has 800), it has most of its weight on the front and its wingspan is rather short... It turns very fast and is in overall a rather quick plane smile.gif

Im planning on putting two Sidewinders on it, so it can be used to destory air targets from a far range. And then some air-to-ground missiles and then of course the 30mm Adan cannon it has.

But right now im having a little problem with it... I made a pair of chairs inside the cockpit, and added a canopy glass. The problem is, that the chairs are not visible through the glass tounge.gif Its apparently the same problem as with the windows in buildings etc, you cannot see anything through them. And I have absolutely no idea how to fix that heh...

Here's a newer screenie:


It has wheels now (rather low detailed) of which one even retracts, but it rotates into the wrong direction. The retracting gear group names seem to be "predni kolo", "levy kolo" and "pravy kolo". Predni means front, levy means left and pravy means right tire. In addition to those, the "memory" lod should have some pivot points for them I think but I havent yet found out the names for those....

Edit: oh, and I added the missiles under the wings by adding proxy objects named "proxy:ch_29t.01","proxy:ch_29t.02" etc. The ch_29t proxy is defined in the Su25 config.cpp.

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I know that you cannot see poeple through the back-window of a jeep for instance (if you are not in that jeep), but that house-bug I did not realize yet. Maybe thats the reason why most of the buildings do not have real glass-windows, but only empty holes (besides that most of the houses are war-ruins already). It sounds crazy. You can see the pilot and the console, but not the seat. Did you use alpha-textures for the canopy, or is there another method to create transparency I don't know yet?

Till later, PSC

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I think I saw a setting "translucent" in the faces/vertice properties, but i'm not sure!

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The glass is done with an alpha transparent texture.

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can the wheel animation also be used on a helicopter?

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Airwolf: according to Suma and Marek -> NO, the wheels of a heli cant be retracted! Why? Dont know...


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Ok here are some minuses

1) Flaps not animated

2) Impossible to take-off normally, only takes off when u hit some bump way beyond the landing strip.

3) Gun is shooting from where exactly?

P.S. Everything else is a big plus tounge.gif

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I tried it too. Great work Keg, you've been very fast making a full plane. smile.gif

I love the flight model, the way it can do 10 barrelrolls a second and multiple loops. It made me play circus pilot and end up in crashes all the time biggrin.gif

I agree with Antichrist about the plane is very hard to take off with. also, the 30mm gun sound is great when the trigger is held, but the old chopper vulcan loop at the end of the sound doesn't quite fit, as it's a different character sound than the first shot (the one you hear during autofire). Could you please limit the sound to the custom bit in the beginning? that part is cool.

Then I think the Sidewinders are way too good. If you have airlock on a Hind, you can fire from almost any direction and it will hit and kill the Hind. Perhaps the maneuvrability is too high and perhaps the damage too. With lower maneuvrability, atleast a bit of aiming is necessary, which would make it more balanced.

Overall a great plane. Flightmodel rocks. smile.gif

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Well u can probably can hit Hind with Sidewinder no matter where u looking but if it moves even couple of metres the missile just gonna miss it

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Really good job! Thanks a lot. I cannot say if the flight-behaviour is realistic or not, since I've never been in a real fighting-jet yet. But your jet really simulates the impression of flying well.

I've made it to take of using every single meter of the runway. But it was pretty close anyways (you guys know that you have to use the flaps for take of as well).

Till later, PSC

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