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I'm trying to do a mission compatible with ACE, my ACE options (in Loby)  are not working, where did I go wrong?

How can I change the system when the revival of an ACE?

PS: Sorry for my english, i use google translator.




dev = "dimaS1k";

//--- Дебаг
enableDebugConsole = 1;
allowFunctionsRecompile = 1;
allowFunctionsLog = 0;

//--- Шапка
class header {
	gametype = Coop;
	minplayers = 1;
	maxplayers = 10;
	playerCountMultipleOf = 1;

//--- Атрибуты миссии
briefingName = $STR_DMSK_MIS_NAME;
onLoadName = $STR_DMSK_MIS_NAME;
overviewText = $STR_DMSK_MIS_OVERVIEW;
overviewPicture = "paa\dmsk_ls.paa";

//--- Ключи миссии
doneKeys[] = {"DMSK_Key1337_done"};

//---- Респавн
respawn = 3;
respawnButton = 0;
respawnDelay = 45;
respawnVehicleDelay = 120;
respawnDialog = 0;
respawnOnStart = 1;
respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition", "MenuInventory", "Revive", "Tickets", "Spectator", "EndMission"};

//--- Медицина (BIS)
ReviveMode = 1;
ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0;
ReviveRequiredTrait = 0;
ReviveRequiredItems = 0;
ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 0;
ReviveDelay = 6;
ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 2;
ReviveForceRespawnDelay = 3;
ReviveBleedOutDelay = 180;

//--- Менеджер очистки карты
corpseManagerMode = 1;
corpseLimit = 10;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 120;
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 180;
wreckManagerMode = 1;
wreckLimit = 5;
wreckRemovalMinTime = 120;
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360;
minPlayerDistance = 50;

//--- Общие настройки
aiKills = 0;
briefing = 1;
debriefing = 1;
disabledAI = 1;
showHUD[] = {true, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, true};
showUAVFeed = 1;
showSquadRadar = 1;

joinUnassigned = 0;
skipLobby = 0;

forceRotorLibSimulation = 0;

//--- Звуки
class CfgSounds
	#include "hpp\DMSK_cfgSounds.hpp"

//--- Функции
class CfgFunctions
	#include "hpp\DMSK_cfgFunctions.hpp"

//--- Параметры миссии
#include "hpp\DMSK_ace_settings.hpp"
class Params 
	#include "hpp\DMSK_Params.hpp"

//--- Дебрифинг
class CfgDebriefing
	#include "hpp\DMSK_cfgDebriefing.hpp"

//--- Уведомления
class CfgNotifications
	#include "hpp\DMSK_cfgNotifications.hpp"

//---- Экипировка
#include "hpp\DMSK_loadout.hpp"


class ACE_Settings {
    class ace_common_forceAllSettings {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_common_checkPBOsAction {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_common_checkPBOsCheckAll {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_common_checkPBOsWhitelist {
		value = "[]";
		typeName = "STRING";
		force = 1;
	class ace_finger_enabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_finger_maxRange {
		value = 7;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_frag_Enabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_frag_SpallEnabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_frag_maxTrack {
		value = 250;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_frag_MaxTrackPerFrame {
		value = 50;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_frag_EnableDebugTrace {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_hitreactions_minDamageToTrigger {
		value = 0.1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_interaction_EnableTeamManagement {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_laserpointer_enabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerAmmo {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerMagazine {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerBeltLink {
		value = 8;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_BFT_Interval {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_BFT_Enabled {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_BFT_HideAiGroups {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_mapIllumination {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_mapGlow {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_mapShake {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_mapLimitZoom {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_mapShowCursorCoordinates {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_maptools_EveryoneCanDrawOnBriefing {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_level {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_medicSetting {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableFor {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableOverdosing {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient {
		value = 0.75;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_painCoefficient {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableAirway {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableFractures {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableVehicleCrashes {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableScreams {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold {
		value = 1.2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold {
		value = 0.9;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_remoteControlledAI {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_preventInstaDeath {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableRevive {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_maxReviveTime {
		value = 3600;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_amountOfReviveLives {
		value = -1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_allowDeadBodyMovement {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_allowLitterCreation {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_litterCleanUpDelay {
		value = 300;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_medicSetting_PAK {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_medicSetting_SurgicalKit {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_consumeItem_PAK {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_consumeItem_SurgicalKit {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_useLocation_PAK {
		value = 3;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_useLocation_SurgicalKit {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_useCondition_PAK {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_useCondition_SurgicalKit {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_keepLocalSettingsSynced {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_healHitPointAfterAdvBandage {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_painIsOnlySuppressed {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_allowUnconsciousAnimationOnTreatment {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconscious {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_menu_allow {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_microdagr_MapDataAvailable {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_mk6mortar_airResistanceEnabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_mk6mortar_allowComputerRangefinder {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_mk6mortar_allowCompass {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_nametags_showCursorTagForVehicles {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_nametags_playerNamesViewDistance {
		value = 8;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_nametags_playerNamesMaxAlpha {
		value = 0.8;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_engineerSetting_Repair {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_engineerSetting_Wheel {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold {
		value = 0.6;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold_Engineer {
		value = 0.4;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_consumeItem_ToolKit {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_fullRepairLocation {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_engineerSetting_fullRepair {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_addSpareParts {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_wheelRepairRequiredItems {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_respawn_SavePreDeathGear {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_respawn_RemoveDeadBodiesDisconnected {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_respawn_BodyRemoveTimer {
		value = 60;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_sitting_enable {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_spectator_filterUnits {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_spectator_filterSides {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_spectator_restrictModes {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_spectator_restrictVisions {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_EnableSwitchUnits {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_SwitchToWest {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_SwitchToEast {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_SwitchToIndependent {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_SwitchToCivilian {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_EnableSafeZone {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_SafeZoneRadius {
		value = 100;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_vehiclelock_DefaultLockpickStrength {
		value = 10;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_vehiclelock_LockVehicleInventory {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_vehiclelock_VehicleStartingLockState {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_viewdistance_enabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance {
		value = 3500;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_weather_enableServerController {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_weather_useACEWeather {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_weather_syncRain {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_weather_syncWind {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_weather_syncMisc {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_weather_serverUpdateInterval {
		value = 240;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_winddeflection_enabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_winddeflection_vehicleEnabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_winddeflection_simulationInterval {
		value = 0.05;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_winddeflection_simulationRadius {
		value = 3000;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_zeus_zeusAscension {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_zeus_zeusBird {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_zeus_remoteWind {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_zeus_radioOrdnance {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_zeus_revealMines {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_zeus_autoAddObjects {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_captives_allowHandcuffOwnSide {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_captives_requireSurrender {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_captives_allowSurrender {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_cargo_enable {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_explosives_RequireSpecialist {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_explosives_PunishNonSpecialists {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_explosives_ExplodeOnDefuse {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_hearing_EnableCombatDeafness {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_hearing_EarplugsVolume {
		value = 0.6;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_hearing_UnconsciousnessVolume {
		value = 0.3;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_hearing_enabledForZeusUnits {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForSnipers {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForGroupMembers {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForEveryone {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_disabledInFullAutoMode {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_ammoTemperatureEnabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_bulletTraceEnabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval {
		value = 0.05;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationRadius {
		value = 3000;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;


class spacer0 
	// paramsArray[0]	
	values[] = {1};
	texts[] = {""};
	default = 1;
class Tickets 
	// paramsArray[1]
	values[] = {-1,2,4,8,16,24,0};
	texts[] = {"0","2","4","8","16","24",$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_UNLIMITED};
	default = 8;
class aiSkillLevel 
	// paramsArray[2]
	values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5}; 
	default = 2; 
class vrArsenal 
	// paramsArray[3]
	values[] = {0,1}; 
	default = 0; 
/* ===================== ACE ===================== */
class spacer1 
	// paramsArray[4]	
	values[] = {1};
	texts[] = {""};
	default = 1;
class ace_medical_level 
	// paramsArray[5]
	title = "Medical Level";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {1, 2};
	texts[] =  {"Basic", "Advanced"};
	default = 2;
class ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold 
	// paramsArray[6]
	title = "Player Damage Threshold";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0.8, 1.2, 1.6};
	texts[] =  {"Low","Medium","High"};
	default = 1.2;
class ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds 
	// paramsArray[7]
	title = "Advanced Wounds";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0, 1};
	texts[] =  {"Off", "On"};
	default = 0;
class ace_medical_maxReviveTime 
	// paramsArray[8]
	title = "Max Revive Time (minutes)";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {60, 300, 600, 900};
	texts[] =  {"1", "5", "10", "15"};
	default = 300;
class ace_medical_medicSetting_PAK 
	// paramsArray[9]
	title = "Personal Aid Kit Usage";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0,1,2};
	texts[] =  {"Anyone","Medic Only","Doctor Only"};
	default = 2;
class ace_medical_consumeItem_PAK 
	// paramsArray[10]
	title = "Consume Personal Aid Kit";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0,1};
	texts[] =  {"No","Yes"};
	default = 1;
class ace_medical_useLocation_PAK 
	// paramsArray[11]
	title = "Personal Aid Kit Usage Location";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
	texts[] =  {"Anywhere","Medical Vehicles","Medical Facilities","Medical Vehicles and Facilities","Disabled"};
	default = 0;
class ace_medical_useCondition_PAK 
	// paramsArray[12]
	title = "Personal Aid Kit Usage Condition";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0,1};
	texts[] =  {"Usable Any Time","Usable on Stable Patient"};
	default = 1;
class ace_medical_medicSetting_SurgicalKit 
	// paramsArray[13]
	title = "Surgical Kit Usage";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0,1,2};
	texts[] =  {"Anyone","Medic Only","Doctor Only"};
	default = 2;
class ace_medical_consumeItem_SurgicalKit 
	// paramsArray[14]
	title = "Consume Surgical Kit";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0,1};
	texts[] =  {"No","Yes"};
	default = 1;
class ace_medical_useLocation_SurgicalKit 
	// paramsArray[15]
	title = "Surgical Kit Usage Location";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
	texts[] =  {"Anywhere","Medical Vehicles","Medical Facilities","Medical Vehicles and Facilities","Disabled"};
	default = 3;
class ace_medical_useCondition_SurgicalKit 
	// paramsArray[16]
	title = "Surgical Kit Usage Condition";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0,1};
	texts[] =  {"Usable Any Time","Usable on Stable Patient"};
	default = 1;
class ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance 
	// paramsArray[17]
	title = "Max View Distance (meters)";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {3000,6000,9000};
	texts[] =  {"3000","6000","9000"};
	default = 6000;
class ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled 
	// paramsArray[18]
	title = "Advanced Ballistics";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0,1};
	texts[] =  {"Off","On"};
	default = 1;
class ace_map_BFT_Enabled 
	// paramsArray[19]
	title = "Track Friendly Forces";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0,1};
	texts[] =  {"Off","On"};
	default = 0;


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On 12/13/2016 at 0:03 PM, dimas1k said:

I'm trying to do a mission compatible with ACE, my ACE options (in Loby)  are not working, where did I go wrong?


Your ACE mission parameters are being overwritten as (1) ace_common_forceAllSettings is enabled and (2) all your ACE mission parameters are being forced to a specific value. You should remove ace_common_forceAllSettings and change the force value for each ACE mission parameter to 0.


Like this:



class ACE_Settings {
	class ace_common_checkPBOsAction {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_common_checkPBOsCheckAll {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_common_checkPBOsWhitelist {
		value = "[]";
		typeName = "STRING";
		force = 1;
	class ace_finger_enabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_finger_maxRange {
		value = 7;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_frag_Enabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_frag_SpallEnabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_frag_maxTrack {
		value = 250;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_frag_MaxTrackPerFrame {
		value = 50;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_frag_EnableDebugTrace {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_hitreactions_minDamageToTrigger {
		value = 0.1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_interaction_EnableTeamManagement {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_laserpointer_enabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerAmmo {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerMagazine {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerBeltLink {
		value = 8;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_BFT_Interval {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_BFT_Enabled {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 0;
	class ace_map_BFT_HideAiGroups {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_mapIllumination {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_mapGlow {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_mapShake {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_mapLimitZoom {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_map_mapShowCursorCoordinates {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_maptools_EveryoneCanDrawOnBriefing {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_level {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 0;
	class ace_medical_medicSetting {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableFor {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableOverdosing {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient {
		value = 0.75;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_painCoefficient {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableAirway {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableFractures {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 0;
	class ace_medical_enableVehicleCrashes {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableScreams {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold {
		value = 1.2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 0;
	class ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold {
		value = 0.9;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_remoteControlledAI {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_preventInstaDeath {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_enableRevive {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_maxReviveTime {
		value = 3600;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 0;
	class ace_medical_amountOfReviveLives {
		value = -1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_allowDeadBodyMovement {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_allowLitterCreation {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_litterCleanUpDelay {
		value = 300;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_medicSetting_PAK {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 0;
	class ace_medical_medicSetting_SurgicalKit {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 0;
	class ace_medical_consumeItem_PAK {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 0;
	class ace_medical_consumeItem_SurgicalKit {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 0;
	class ace_medical_useLocation_PAK {
		value = 3;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 0;
	class ace_medical_useLocation_SurgicalKit {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 0;
	class ace_medical_useCondition_PAK {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 0;
	class ace_medical_useCondition_SurgicalKit {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 0;
	class ace_medical_keepLocalSettingsSynced {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_healHitPointAfterAdvBandage {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_painIsOnlySuppressed {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_allowUnconsciousAnimationOnTreatment {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconscious {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_medical_menu_allow {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_microdagr_MapDataAvailable {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_mk6mortar_airResistanceEnabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_mk6mortar_allowComputerRangefinder {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_mk6mortar_allowCompass {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_nametags_showCursorTagForVehicles {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_nametags_playerNamesViewDistance {
		value = 8;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_nametags_playerNamesMaxAlpha {
		value = 0.8;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_engineerSetting_Repair {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_engineerSetting_Wheel {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold {
		value = 0.6;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold_Engineer {
		value = 0.4;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_consumeItem_ToolKit {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_fullRepairLocation {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_engineerSetting_fullRepair {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_addSpareParts {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_repair_wheelRepairRequiredItems {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_respawn_SavePreDeathGear {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_respawn_RemoveDeadBodiesDisconnected {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_respawn_BodyRemoveTimer {
		value = 60;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_sitting_enable {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_spectator_filterUnits {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_spectator_filterSides {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_spectator_restrictModes {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_spectator_restrictVisions {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_EnableSwitchUnits {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_SwitchToWest {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_SwitchToEast {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_SwitchToIndependent {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_SwitchToCivilian {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_EnableSafeZone {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_switchunits_SafeZoneRadius {
		value = 100;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_vehiclelock_DefaultLockpickStrength {
		value = 10;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_vehiclelock_LockVehicleInventory {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_vehiclelock_VehicleStartingLockState {
		value = 2;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_viewdistance_enabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance {
		value = 3500;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 0;
	class ace_weather_enableServerController {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_weather_useACEWeather {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_weather_syncRain {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_weather_syncWind {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_weather_syncMisc {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_weather_serverUpdateInterval {
		value = 240;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_winddeflection_enabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_winddeflection_vehicleEnabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_winddeflection_simulationInterval {
		value = 0.05;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_winddeflection_simulationRadius {
		value = 3000;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_zeus_zeusAscension {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_zeus_zeusBird {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_zeus_remoteWind {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_zeus_radioOrdnance {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_zeus_revealMines {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_zeus_autoAddObjects {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_captives_allowHandcuffOwnSide {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_captives_requireSurrender {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_captives_allowSurrender {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_cargo_enable {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_explosives_RequireSpecialist {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_explosives_PunishNonSpecialists {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_explosives_ExplodeOnDefuse {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_hearing_EnableCombatDeafness {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_hearing_EarplugsVolume {
		value = 0.6;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_hearing_UnconsciousnessVolume {
		value = 0.3;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_hearing_enabledForZeusUnits {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 0;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForSnipers {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForGroupMembers {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForEveryone {
		value = 0;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_disabledInFullAutoMode {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_ammoTemperatureEnabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_bulletTraceEnabled {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval {
		value = 0.05;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;
	class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationRadius {
		value = 3000;
		typeName = "SCALAR";
		force = 1;



On 12/13/2016 at 0:03 PM, dimas1k said:

How can I change the system when the revival of an ACE?

Not sure what you're asking here. How to detect and switch between BI's revive and ACE revive?

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56 minutes ago, dchan200 said:

Not sure what you're asking here. How to detect and switch between BI's revive and ACE revive?


Thank you very much for the clarification in solving my problem.


I deleted this part of the code, but the parameters are not changed.

    class ace_common_forceAllSettings {
		value = 1;
		typeName = "BOOL";
		force = 1;


and found little problem:

class ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold 
	// paramsArray[6]
	title = "Player Damage Threshold";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0.8, 1.2, 1.6};
	texts[] =  {"Low","Medium","High"};
	default = 1.2;

Default 1.2 not work, on the site of choice initially empty.

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Did you change the ACE mission parameter force values (step 2 in my post)? Try copying and pasting the DMSK_ace_settings.hpp file I posted.

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9 minutes ago, dchan200 said:

Did you change the ACE mission parameter force values (step 2 in my post)? Try copying and pasting the DMSK_ace_settings.hpp file I posted.

Its work with your settings.




class ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold 
	// paramsArray[6]
	title = "Player Damage Threshold";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0.8, 1.2, 1.6};
	texts[] =  {"Low","Medium","High"};
	default = 1.2;


Any idea how to fix it?


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I'm not sure if there's a fix for this issue as it is mentioned in the BIKI. Since default is not set to a whole number it will not display properly in the parameters screen.


EDIT: Since default is set to 1.2, ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold will be set to 1 (default is rounded to a whole number) if that parameter is left at the blank selection.

Edited by dchan200

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23 minutes ago, dchan200 said:

I'm not sure if there's a fix for this issue as it is mentioned in the BIKI. Since default is not set to a whole number it will not display properly in the parameters screen. However, the default value will set correctly: set to medium.


Оn the Internet I found an example.

class param16 {
   title = "Player Damage Threshold";
   values[] = {8,12,16};
   texts[] = {"Low","Medium","High"};
   default = 12;
   paramCode = "ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold = ((%1)*0.1);";

But I found nothing in BIKI about paramCode.

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I know of one way to solve this issue, but it is a bit convoluted so I'll go step by step.


You'll need to change values to only have whole numbers in ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold.


Like so:



class ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold 
	// paramsArray[6]
	title = "Player Damage Threshold";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0, 1, 2};
	texts[] =  {"Low","Medium","High"};
	default = 1;


Now, the default parameter should show up as "Medium" in the parameter selection screen. However, we will need to add another piece of code to go back to the values 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6.


Add the following:



_playerDmgThreshold = paramsArray select 6;
switch(_playerDmgThreshold) do
    case 0: 
        missionNamespace setVariable ["ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold", 0.8];
    case 1: 
        missionNamespace setVariable ["ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold", 1.2];

        missionNamespace setVariable ["ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold", 1.6];


If you do not have a initServer.sqf file, create one.

Edited by dchan200

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7 minutes ago, dchan200 said:

I know of one way to solve this issue, but it is a bit convoluted so I'll go step by step.


You'll need to switch values to only have whole numbers in ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold.


Like so:

  Reveal hidden contents


class ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold 
	// paramsArray[6]
	title = "Player Damage Threshold";
	ACE_setting = 1;
	values[] = {0, 1, 2};
	texts[] =  {"Low","Medium","High"};
	default = 1;


Now, the default parameter should show up as "Medium" in the parameter selection screen. However, we will need to add another piece of code to go back to the values 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6.


Add the following:

  Reveal hidden contents


_playerDmgThreshold = paramsArray select 6;
switch(_playerDmgThreshold) do
    case 0: 
        missionNamespace setVariable ["ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold", 0.8];
    case 1: 
        missionNamespace setVariable ["ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold", 1.2];

        missionNamespace setVariable ["ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold", 1.6];


If you do not have a initServer.sqf file, create one.


This is a great tip!


In its mission, I use equipment kits.

From initServer.sqf:

DMSK_isCBA 					= isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "cba_main");
DMSK_isACE 					= isClass (configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "ace");
DMSK_isRHS 					= isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "rhs_main");
DMSK_isTFAR 				= isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "task_force_radio");
DMSK_isACRE 				= isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "acre_main");

//--- Экипировка
if (DMSK_isACE) then 
	// ACE экипировка
	// Тут нужно заебашить наборы экипировки для ACE (DMSK_ACE_Medic)
} else {
	// Ванильные наборы
	{[missionNamespace, _x] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory} forEach [	// общие классы
	//[missionNamespace,["DMSK_Medic",0,1]] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory;		// лимитированные классы
	//[missionNamespace,["DMSK_Engineer",1,1]] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory;	// лимитированные классы	

The same principle detect and switch between BI's revive and ACE revive??

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Sorry, I'm not too familiar with switching between revive systems so I cannot help you with that. But, you should be using a similar principle to the one you described above to detect if the host will use BI's revive or ACE revive.


If you have not done so, could you try making two separate missions first? One with ACE revive only and the other with BI revive only. Then, it should be easier to combine them into one mission.

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11 hours ago, dchan200 said:

If you have not done so, could you try making two separate missions first? One with ACE revive only and the other with BI revive only. Then, it should be easier to combine them into one mission.

Now the mission is working without ACE, I gradually try to implement it in support of ACE, ACRE, TFAR.

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DMSK_isACE = isClass (configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "ace");


Change to 


DMSK_isACE = isClass (configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "ace_main");


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3 hours ago, M1ke_SK said:


Change to 


DMSK_isACE = isClass (configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "ace_main");


unless the first option does not work? In any case, I've corrected.


I have an idea about revive?

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Let's try disabling BI revive when ACE is found and enabling it if ACE is not found. It took sometime to find the parameters, but I think this will do.


First, remove the revive parameters from description.ext like so:



dev = "dimaS1k";

//--- Дебаг
enableDebugConsole = 1;
allowFunctionsRecompile = 1;
allowFunctionsLog = 0;

//--- Шапка
class header {
	gametype = Coop;
	minplayers = 1;
	maxplayers = 10;
	playerCountMultipleOf = 1;

//--- Атрибуты миссии
briefingName = $STR_DMSK_MIS_NAME;
onLoadName = $STR_DMSK_MIS_NAME;
overviewText = $STR_DMSK_MIS_OVERVIEW;
overviewPicture = "paa\dmsk_ls.paa";

//--- Ключи миссии
doneKeys[] = {"DMSK_Key1337_done"};

//---- Респавн
respawn = 3;
respawnButton = 0;
respawnDelay = 45;
respawnVehicleDelay = 120;
respawnDialog = 0;
respawnOnStart = 1;
respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition", "MenuInventory", "Revive", "Tickets", "Spectator", "EndMission"};

//--- Менеджер очистки карты
corpseManagerMode = 1;
corpseLimit = 10;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 120;
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 180;
wreckManagerMode = 1;
wreckLimit = 5;
wreckRemovalMinTime = 120;
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360;
minPlayerDistance = 50;

//--- Общие настройки
aiKills = 0;
briefing = 1;
debriefing = 1;
disabledAI = 1;
showHUD[] = {true, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, true};
showUAVFeed = 1;
showSquadRadar = 1;

joinUnassigned = 0;
skipLobby = 0;

forceRotorLibSimulation = 0;

//--- Звуки
class CfgSounds
	#include "hpp\DMSK_cfgSounds.hpp"

//--- Функции
class CfgFunctions
	#include "hpp\DMSK_cfgFunctions.hpp"

//--- Параметры миссии
#include "hpp\DMSK_ace_settings.hpp"
class Params 
	#include "hpp\DMSK_Params.hpp"

//--- Дебрифинг
class CfgDebriefing
	#include "hpp\DMSK_cfgDebriefing.hpp"

//--- Уведомления
class CfgNotifications
	#include "hpp\DMSK_cfgNotifications.hpp"

//---- Экипировка
#include "hpp\DMSK_loadout.hpp"



Then modify initServer.sqf to enable/disable BI's revive like so:



DMSK_isCBA 					= isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "cba_main");
DMSK_isACE 					= isClass (configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "ace_main");
DMSK_isRHS 					= isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "rhs_main");
DMSK_isTFAR 				= isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "task_force_radio");
DMSK_isACRE 				= isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "acre_main");

//--- Экипировка
if (DMSK_isACE) then 
	// ACE экипировка
	// Тут нужно заебашить наборы экипировки для ACE (DMSK_ACE_Medic)
} else {

	// Enable BI revive
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_mode", 1];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_unconsciousStateMode", 0];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_requiredTrait", 0];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_requiredItems", 0];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed", 0];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_duration", 6];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_medicSpeedMultiplier", 2];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_forceRespawnDuration", 3];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_bleedOutDuration", 180];

	// Ванильные наборы
	{[missionNamespace, _x] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory} forEach [	// общие классы
	//[missionNamespace,["DMSK_Medic",0,1]] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory;		// лимитированные классы
	//[missionNamespace,["DMSK_Engineer",1,1]] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory;	// лимитированные классы	


Once you do that, could you test your mission by trying the following:

  1. Run the mission with ACE on, BI revive should be off
  2. Run the mission with ACE off, BI revive should be on

If both conditions are satisfied, we can proceed to the next step.

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5 hours ago, dchan200 said:

Let's try disabling BI revive when ACE is found and enabling it if ACE is not found. It took sometime to find the parameters, but I think this will do.


First, remove the revive parameters from description.ext like so:

  Reveal hidden contents


dev = "dimaS1k";

//--- Дебаг
enableDebugConsole = 1;
allowFunctionsRecompile = 1;
allowFunctionsLog = 0;

//--- Шапка
class header {
	gametype = Coop;
	minplayers = 1;
	maxplayers = 10;
	playerCountMultipleOf = 1;

//--- Атрибуты миссии
briefingName = $STR_DMSK_MIS_NAME;
onLoadName = $STR_DMSK_MIS_NAME;
overviewText = $STR_DMSK_MIS_OVERVIEW;
overviewPicture = "paa\dmsk_ls.paa";

//--- Ключи миссии
doneKeys[] = {"DMSK_Key1337_done"};

//---- Респавн
respawn = 3;
respawnButton = 0;
respawnDelay = 45;
respawnVehicleDelay = 120;
respawnDialog = 0;
respawnOnStart = 1;
respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition", "MenuInventory", "Revive", "Tickets", "Spectator", "EndMission"};

//--- Менеджер очистки карты
corpseManagerMode = 1;
corpseLimit = 10;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 120;
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 180;
wreckManagerMode = 1;
wreckLimit = 5;
wreckRemovalMinTime = 120;
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360;
minPlayerDistance = 50;

//--- Общие настройки
aiKills = 0;
briefing = 1;
debriefing = 1;
disabledAI = 1;
showHUD[] = {true, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, true};
showUAVFeed = 1;
showSquadRadar = 1;

joinUnassigned = 0;
skipLobby = 0;

forceRotorLibSimulation = 0;

//--- Звуки
class CfgSounds
	#include "hpp\DMSK_cfgSounds.hpp"

//--- Функции
class CfgFunctions
	#include "hpp\DMSK_cfgFunctions.hpp"

//--- Параметры миссии
#include "hpp\DMSK_ace_settings.hpp"
class Params 
	#include "hpp\DMSK_Params.hpp"

//--- Дебрифинг
class CfgDebriefing
	#include "hpp\DMSK_cfgDebriefing.hpp"

//--- Уведомления
class CfgNotifications
	#include "hpp\DMSK_cfgNotifications.hpp"

//---- Экипировка
#include "hpp\DMSK_loadout.hpp"



Then modify initServer.sqf to enable/disable BI's revive like so:

  Hide contents


DMSK_isCBA 					= isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "cba_main");
DMSK_isACE 					= isClass (configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "ace_main");
DMSK_isRHS 					= isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "rhs_main");
DMSK_isTFAR 				= isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "task_force_radio");
DMSK_isACRE 				= isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "acre_main");

//--- Экипировка
if (DMSK_isACE) then 
	// ACE экипировка
	// Тут нужно заебашить наборы экипировки для ACE (DMSK_ACE_Medic)
} else {

	// Enable BI revive
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_mode", 1];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_unconsciousStateMode", 0];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_requiredTrait", 0];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_requiredItems", 0];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed", 0];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_duration", 6];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_medicSpeedMultiplier", 2];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_forceRespawnDuration", 3];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_bleedOutDuration", 180];

	// Ванильные наборы
	{[missionNamespace, _x] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory} forEach [	// общие классы
	//[missionNamespace,["DMSK_Medic",0,1]] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory;		// лимитированные классы
	//[missionNamespace,["DMSK_Engineer",1,1]] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory;	// лимитированные классы	


Once you do that, could you test your mission by trying the following:

  1. Run the mission with ACE on, BI revive should be off
  2. Run the mission with ACE off, BI revive should be on

If both conditions are satisfied, we can proceed to the next step.


Its now work :(

//--- Автодетект и отключение оживления (BIS)
if (DMSK_isACE) then 
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_mode", 0];
} else {
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_mode", 1];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_unconsciousStateMode", 0];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_requiredTrait", 0];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_requiredItems", 0];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed", 0];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_duration", 6];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_medicSpeedMultiplier", 2];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_forceRespawnDuration", 3];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_reviveParam_bleedOutDuration", 180];



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13 hours ago, dimas1k said:


Its now work :(

I'm going to assume it does not work? If so, could you elaborate on what went wrong? Any error messages?


For example, did you run the mission with ACE enabled but found that BI revive was on?

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6 hours ago, dchan200 said:

I'm going to assume it does not work? If so, could you elaborate on what went wrong? Any error messages?


For example, did you run the mission with ACE enabled but found that BI revive was on?

Yes, im run mission with ACE and BI revive = on.

Run mission without ACE and BI revive = on.

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Strange, could you make sure the following stuff has been removed from your description.ext?

//--- Медицина (BIS)
ReviveMode = 1;
ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0;
ReviveRequiredTrait = 0;
ReviveRequiredItems = 0;
ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 0;
ReviveDelay = 6;
ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 2;
ReviveForceRespawnDelay = 3;
ReviveBleedOutDelay = 180;


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17 minutes ago, dchan200 said:

Strange, could you make sure the following stuff has been removed from your description.ext?

//--- Медицина (BIS)
ReviveMode = 1;
ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0;
ReviveRequiredTrait = 0;
ReviveRequiredItems = 0;
ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 0;
ReviveDelay = 6;
ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 2;
ReviveForceRespawnDelay = 3;
ReviveBleedOutDelay = 180;


Yep, I deleted it.

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Could you check your mission and make sure you do not have BI's revive module enabled somewhere? I do not see any traces of the revive module in the scripts so I don't think it's the scripts.


If need be, remove the revive stuff from initServer.sqf:

//--- Автодетект и отключение оживления (BIS)
if (DMSK_isACE) then 
} else {

And check again. I think we're close to being able to switch the revive system.

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On 19.12.2016 at 11:11 AM, dchan200 said:

Could you check your mission and make sure you do not have BI's revive module enabled somewhere? I do not see any traces of the revive module in the scripts so I don't think it's the scripts.


If need be, remove the revive stuff from initServer.sqf:

//--- Автодетект и отключение оживления (BIS)
if (DMSK_isACE) then 
} else {

And check again. I think we're close to being able to switch the revive system.



I checked everywhere. I found only here

respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition", "MenuInventory", "Revive", "Tickets", "Spectator", "EndMission"};


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I couldn't find information on what Revive does in respawnTemplates[], but just to be sure remove it. Also, could you double check the revive settings in the editor?


Biki says you can enable/disable BI's revive through Attributes >> Multiplayer >> Revive.

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On 20.12.2016 at 7:29 PM, dchan200 said:

I couldn't find information on what Revive does in respawnTemplates[], but just to be sure remove it. Also, could you double check the revive settings in the editor?


Biki says you can enable/disable BI's revive through Attributes >> Multiplayer >> Revive.

I apologize for the slight delay.

I checked everything in the editor all off. Still does not work to switch revival.

Sorry for my english (c) Google Translate.


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Strange. Could you make a new mission and see if BI's revive is still on? The mission should be simple with just a few units, no mods, and no modules.

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