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George Patron

How to make this script work for Arma 3?

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#include "macro.h"
#include "constants.h"

if (not(isNil "factory_functions_defined")) exitWith {};

factory_globals = {

	_terrorfactoryitems =



	_aircraft_factory =


	_tairfactory =

	_furnace = ["steel"];
	factory_selected = -1;
	factory_object = 0;
	factory_id = 1;
	factory_name = 2;
	factory_crate = 3;
	factory_spawn = 4;
	factory_items = 5;
	factory_cost = 6;
	factory_storage = 7;
	factory_queue = 8;

	all_factories =
		[ Vehiclefactory, "factory1", "Vehicle Factory", dummyobj, vfacspawn, _vehiclefactory, 5000000, "Fabrikablage1", "vehiclequeue"],
		[ Aircraftfactory, "factory2", "Aircraft Factory", dummyobj, airfacspawn, _aircraft_factory, 8000000, "AircraftFactory1", "aircraftqueue"],
		[ ItemFabrik_1, "factory3", "General Factory", igunbox,dummyobj, _itemfactory, 650000, "Fabrikablage3", "itemqueue"],
		[ weaponfactory, "factory4", "Weapon Factory", wfgunbox,dummyobj, _weaponfactory, 10000000, "Fabrikablage4", "weaponqueue"],
		[ tairshop, "factory6", "Terrorist Vehicle Factory", dummyobj,tairspawn, _tairfactory, 20000000, "Fabrikablage6", "tavehiclequeue"],
		[ Furnace, "factory10","Furnace", dummyobj, dummyobj, _furnace, 1500000, "Fabrikablage10","furnacequeue"]

factory_init = {
	//player groupChat format["factory_init %1", _this];
	private["_player", "_factory_id"];
	_player = _this select 0;
	_factory_id = _this select 1;
	if (not([_player] call player_human)) exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_factory_id") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _factory_id != "STRING") exitWith {};
	_factory = [_factory_id] call factory_lookup_id;
//	if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {};
	if ((typeName _factory) != "ARRAY") exitwith {};
	//initialize the factory queue
	_queue_name = _factory select factory_queue;
	[_queue_name, []] call stats_init_variable;
	//initialize the factory items
	_items = _factory select factory_items;
	private["_workers_name", "_workers"];
	_workers_name = format["%1workers", _queue_name];
	[_workers_name, 0] call stats_init_variable;

		private["_item", "_prod_name", "_eta_name", "_pend_name", "_avail_name"];
		_item = _x;
		_avail_name = format["%1avail", _item];
		_pend_name = format["%1pend", _item];
		_eta_name = format["%1eta", _item];
		_prod_name = format["%1prod", _item];
		[_avail_name, 0] call stats_init_variable;
		missionNamespace setVariable [_pend_name, 0];
		missionNamespace setVariable [_eta_name, 0];
		missionNamespace setVariable [_prod_name, 0];
	} forEach _items;
	_queue = missionNamespace getVariable _queue_name;
		private["_item", "_pend_name", "_pend"];
		_item = _x;
		_pend_name = format["%1pend", _item];
		_pend = missionNamespace getVariable _pend_name;
		_pend = _pend + 1;
		missionNamespace setVariable [_pend_name, _pend]; 
	} forEach _queue;

factory_save_storage = {
	_player = _this select 0;
	if (not([_player] call player_exists)) exitWith {};
		private["_factory", "_storage_name", "_storage"];
		_factory = _x;
		_storage_name = _factory select factory_storage;
		_storage = [_player, _storage_name] call player_get_array;
		[_player, _storage_name, _storage, false] call player_set_array_checked;
	} forEach all_factories;

factory_calculate_production_cost = {
	//player groupChat format["factory_calculate_production_cost %1", _this];
	_item = _this select 0;
	if (isNil "_item") exitWith {0};
	if (typeName _item != "STRING") exitWith {0};
	private["_buy_price", "_sell_price"];
	_buy_price = (_item call INV_GetItemBuyCost);
	_sell_price = (_item call INV_GetItemSellCost);
	// simple forumla for calculating the production cost
	// in order for factory owner, to make a profit, the production cost 
	// must be lower than the amount the items sells for ... 
	// whatever extra money the factory owner makes after selling the item is
	// called the profit margin.
	// We are fixing here the profit margin to 10%
	_profit_margin = 0.1; 
	_cost = _sell_price - _sell_price * _profit_margin;

factory_calculate_production_time = {
	//player groupChat format["factory_calculate_production_time %1", _this];
	private["_item", "_workers"];
	_item = _this select 0;
	_workers = _this select 1;
	if (isNil "_item") exitWith {0};
	if (isNil "_workers") exitWith {0};
	if (typeName _item != "STRING") exitWith {0};
	if (typeName _workers != "SCALAR") exitWith {0};
	if (_workers <= 0) exitWith {0};
	_item_cost = (_item call INV_GetItemBuyCost);
	// simple linear formula for calculating the production time ... 
	// the more workers you have, the lower the production time
	// the more expensive the item is the higher the production time
	_eta = (_item_cost * 0.01125);
	_eta = (_eta) min( maxmanitime);
	_eta = (_eta * 5) / _workers;
	_eta = round(_eta);

factory_lookup_id = {
	_id = _this select 0;
	if (isNil "_id") exitWith {nil};
	if (typeName _id != "STRING") exitWith {nil};
	_factory = "";
		private["_cfactory", "_cid"];
		_cfactory = _x;
		_cid = _cfactory select factory_id;
		if (_id == _cid) exitWith {
			_factory = _cfactory;
	} forEach all_factories;

factory_player_near = {
	//player groupChat format["factory_player_near %1", _this];
	private["_player", "_distance"];
	_player = _this select 0;
	_distance = _this select 1;
	if (not([_player] call player_exists)) exitWith {nil};
	if (isNil "_distance") exitWith {nil};
	if (typeName _distance != "SCALAR") exitWith {nil};
	private["_min_distance", "_min_factory"];
	_min_distance = _distance;
	_min_factory = "";
		private["_cfactory", "_cdistance", "_cobject"];
		_cfactory = _x;
		_cobject = _cfactory select factory_object;
		_cdistance = _player distance _cobject;
		if (_cdistance < _min_distance) then {
			_min_distance = _cdistance;
			_min_factory = _cfactory;
	} forEach all_factories;

factory_loop = {
	//player groupChat format["factory_loop %1", _this];
	private["_player", "_factory_id"];
	_player = player;
	_factory_id = _this select 0;
	if (not([_player] call player_human)) exitWith {
		player groupChat "Error (factory_loop): Not a player";
	if (isNil "_factory_id") exitWith {
		player groupChat "Error (factory_loop): No factory";
		_this spawn factory_loop;
	if (typeName _factory_id != "STRING") exitWith {
		player groupChat "Error (factory_loop): Invalid factory id";
		_this spawn factory_loop;
	private["_factory", "_queue_name"];
	_factory = [_factory_id] call factory_lookup_id;
//	if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {
	if ((typeName _factory) != "ARRAY") exitwith {
		player groupChat "Error (factory_loop): Invalid factory";
		_this spawn factory_loop;
	_queue_name = _factory select factory_queue;
	[] call factory_update_queue_list;
	[] call factory_update_dequeue_item;
	[] call factory_update_enqueue_item;
	//wait for an item to be put on queue
	//player groupChat format["Waiting for queue item at %1", _factory_id];
	waitUntil { (count(missionNamespace getVariable _queue_name) > 0)};
	//player groupChat format["Queue item %1 received at %2",((missionNamespace getVariable _queue_name) select 0), _factory_id];
	//item on queue, production started
	private["_queue", "_item"];
	_queue = missionNamespace getVariable _queue_name;
	_item = _queue select 0;
	private["_prod", "_pend", "_avail", "_prod_name", "_pend_name", "_avail_name"];
	_prod_name = format["%1prod", _item];
	_pend_name = format["%1pend", _item];
	_avail_name = format["%1avail", _item];
	_prod = missionNamespace getVariable _prod_name;
	_pend = missionNamespace getVariable _pend_name;
	_avail = missionNamespace getVariable _avail_name;
	//update the production, and pending value
	_prod = (_prod + 1) max (0);
	_pend = (_pend - 1) max (0);
	[_prod_name, _prod] spawn stats_client_save;
	[_pend_name, _pend] spawn stats_client_save;
	missionNamespace setVariable [_prod_name, _prod];
	missionNamespace setVariable [_pend_name, _pend];

	_workers_name = format["%1workers", _queue_name];
	//wait for workers
	//player groupChat format["Waiting for workers at %1", _factory_id];
	waitUntil { (missionNamespace getVariable _workers_name) > 0 };
	//player groupChat format["Workers recieved at %1", _factory_id];
	_workers = missionNamespace getVariable _workers_name;
	//calculate the manufacture time
	private["_eta", "_item_cost"];
	_item_cost = (_item call INV_GetItemBuyCost);
	_eta = [_item, _workers] call factory_calculate_production_time;

	private["_item_name", "_factory_name"];
	_factory_name = (_factory select factory_name);
	_item_name = (_item call INV_GetItemName);
	player groupChat format["Production of %1 started at your %2, it will take %3 seconds(s) to complete", _item_name, _factory_name, _eta];
	//countdown the manufacture time
	private["_eta_name", "_original_production", "_production_canceled"];
	_production_canceled = false;
	_original_production = missionNamespace getVariable _prod_name;
	_eta_name = format["%1eta", _item];
	while { _eta > 0 } do {
		sleep 1;
		// For debug:
		//player groupChat format["_eta = %1, _item = %2, _workers = %3", _eta, _item, _workers];

		_current_production = missionNamespace getVariable _prod_name;
		if ((_current_production < _original_production) ) exitWith {
			[_prod_name, _current_production] spawn stats_client_save;
			_production_canceled = true;
		_workers = missionNamespace getVariable _workers_name;
		if (_workers > 0) then {
			_eta = _eta - 1;
			missionNamespace setVariable [_eta_name, _eta];
			call factory_update_production_stats;
	if (_production_canceled) exitWith {
		//player canceled the production of the item
		sleep 1;
		_this spawn factory_loop;

	_prod = missionNamespace getVariable _prod_name;
	_avail = missionNamespace getVariable _avail_name;
	//production complete, update the values
	_prod = (_prod - 1) max (0);
	_avail = _avail + 1;
	missionNamespace setVariable [_prod_name, _prod];
	missionNamespace setVariable [_avail_name, _avail];
	_queue = missionNamespace getVariable _queue_name;
	_queue set [0,0];
	_queue = _queue - [0];
	missionNamespace setVariable [_queue_name, _queue];
	player groupChat format["A %1 was produced at your %2", _item_name, _factory_name];
	//update the stats
	[_prod_name, _prod] spawn stats_client_save;
	[_avail_name, _avail] spawn stats_client_save;
	[_queue_name, _queue] spawn stats_client_save;
	sleep 1;
	_this spawn factory_loop;

factory_item_dequeue = {
	//player groupChat format["factory_item_dequeue %1", _this];
	private["_player", "_factory_id", "_item", "_index"];
	_player = _this select 0;
	_factory_id = _this select 1;
	_item = _this select 2;
	_index = _this select 3;
	if (not([_player] call player_human)) exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_factory_id") exitWith{};
	if (typeName _factory_id != "STRING") exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_item") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _item != "STRING") exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_index") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _index != "SCALAR") exitWith {};
	if (_index < 0) exitWith {};
	_factory = [_factory_id] call factory_lookup_id;
//	if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {};
	if ((typeName _factory) != "ARRAY") exitwith {};
	private["_factory_name", "_queue_name", "_factory_storage"];
	_factory_name = _factory select factory_name;
	_factory_storage = _factory select factory_storage;
	_queue_name = _factory select factory_queue;
	private["_info", "_item_type", "_item_name"];
	_info = (_item call INV_GetItemArray);
	_item_type = _item call INV_GetItemType;
	_item_name = _item call INV_GetItemName;

	private["_queue", "_eta_name", "_pend_name"];
	_eta_name = format["%1eta", _item];
	_pend_name = format["%1pend", _item];

	_queue = missionNamespace getVariable _queue_name;
	_eta = missionNamespace getVariable _eta_name;

	_minimum_time = 5; 
	if (_index == 0 && _eta < _minimum_time) exitWith {
		player groupChat format["%1-%2, you are not allowed to cancel when production time is less than %3 seconds", _player, (name _player), _minimum_time];
	//simple case, item is not being produced yet
	private["_pend_name", "_pend", "_prod_name", "_prod"];
	_pend_name = format["%1pend", _item];
	_pend = missionNamespace getVariable _pend_name;
	_prod_name = format["%1prod", _item];
	_prod = missionNamespace getVariable _prod_name;
	if (not(_prod > 0 || _pend > 0)) exitWith {
		player groupChat format["%1-%2, you do not have any %3 in production, or pending", _player, (name _player), _item_name];
	//update the production and pending values
	if (_index == 0 && _prod > 0) then {
		_prod = _prod - 1;
		_prod = (_prod) max (0);
		//player groupChat format["%1-%2, your %3 was in production, it has been canceled", _player, (name _player), _item_name];
	else { if (_pend > 0) then {
		_pend = _pend - 1;
		_pend = (_pend) max (0);
		//player groupChat format["%1-%2, you had a %3 pending production, it has been canceled", _player, (name _player), _item_name];
	//look for the item in the queue
	private["_i", "_index"];
	_i = 0;
	_index = -1;
	while { _i < (count _queue) } do {
		_citem = _queue select _i;
		if (_citem == _item) exitWith {
			_index = _i;
		_i = _i + 1;
	//remove the item from the queue
	if (_index >= 0) then {
		_queue set [_index, 0];
		_queue = _queue - [0];
	//reimburse the player for the production cost
	_production_cost = [_item] call factory_calculate_production_cost;
	[_player, "money", _production_cost, _factory_storage] call INV_AddItemStorage;
	[_factory_storage, _player getVariable _factory_storage] call stats_client_save;
	//player groupChat format["%1-%2, you have been reimbursed $%3 for %4", _player, (name _player), _production_cost, _item_name];
	//player groupChat format["_queue = %1", _queue];
	missionNamespace setVariable [_queue_name, _queue];
	missionNamespace setVariable [_pend_name, _pend];
	missionNamespace setVariable [_prod_name, _prod];
	[_prod_name, _prod] spawn stats_client_save;
	[_queue_name, _queue] spawn stats_client_save;
	call factory_update_queue_list;

factory_item_enqueue = {
	//player groupChat format["factory_item_enqueue %1", _this];
	private["_player", "_factory_id" ,"_item", "_amount"];
	_player = _this select 0;
	_factory_id = _this select 1;
	_item = _this select 2;
	_amount = _this select 3;
	factory_enqueue_active = if(isNil "factory_enqueue_active") then {false} else {factory_enqueue_active};
	if (factory_enqueue_active) exitWith{};
	if (not([_player] call player_human)) exitWith {};
	if(isNil "_factory_id") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _factory_id != "STRING") exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_item") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _item != "STRING") exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_amount") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _amount != "SCAlAR") exitWith {};
	if (_amount == 0) exitWith {};
	_amount = round(_amount);
	factory_enqueue_active = true;
	private["_factory", "_factory_storage", "_factory_queue", "_factory_name", "_factory_money", "_starttime"];
	_factory = [_factory_id] call factory_lookup_id;
//	if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {factory_enqueue_active = false;};
	if ((typeName _factory) != "ARRAY") exitwith {factory_enqueue_active = false;};
	_factory_storage = _factory select factory_storage;
	_factory_queue = _factory select factory_queue;
	_factory_name = _factory select factory_name;
	_factory_money = [_player, "money", _factory_storage] call INV_GetStorageAmount;
	private["_info", "_item_type", "_item_name", "_production_cost"];
	_info = (_item call INV_GetItemArray);
	_item_type = _item call INV_GetItemType;
	_item_name = _item call INV_GetItemName;
	private["_workers_name", "_workers"];
	_workers_name = format["%1workers", _factory_queue];
	_workers = missionNamespace getVariable _workers_name;
	if (_workers <= 0) exitWith {
		factory_enqueue_active = false;
		player groupChat format["%1-%2, you cannot start production at your %3, because you have not hired any workers", _player, (name _player), _factory_name];
	_production_cost = [_item, _workers] call factory_calculate_production_cost;
	_total_due = (_amount * _production_cost);
	if (_factory_money < _total_due) exitWith {
		factory_enqueue_active = false;
		player groupChat format["%1-%2, you do not have enough money in your %3 storage to produce %4 %5", _player, (name _player), _factory_name, _amount, _item_name];
	[_player, "money", -(_total_due), _factory_storage] call INV_AddItemStorage;
	[_factory_storage, _player getVariable _factory_storage] call stats_client_save;
	player groupChat format["%1-%2, you have added %3 %4 to the production queue of your %5", _player, (name _player), _amount, _item_name, _factory_name];
	private["_pend_name", "_pend", "_queue"];
	_pend_name = format["%1pend", _item];	
	while { _amount > 0 } do {
		_queue = missionNamespace getVariable _factory_queue;
		_pend = missionNamespace getVariable _pend_name;
		_queue = _queue + [_item];
		_pend = _pend + 1;
		missionNamespace setVariable [_pend_name, _pend];
		missionNamespace setVariable [_factory_queue, _queue];
		[_pend_name, _pend] call stats_client_save;
		[_factory_queue, _queue] call stats_client_save;
		_amount = _amount - 1;
	call factory_update_queue_list;
	factory_enqueue_active = false;

factory_item_create = { 
	//player groupChat format["factory_item_create %1", _this];
	private["_player", "_factory_id" ,"_item", "_amount"];
	_player = _this select 0;
	_factory_id = _this select 1;
	_item = _this select 2;
	_amount = _this select 3;
	if (not([_player] call player_human)) exitWith {};
	if(isNil "_factory_id") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _factory_id != "STRING") exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_item") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _item != "STRING") exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_amount") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _amount != "SCAlAR") exitWith {};
	_amount = round(_amount);
	if (_amount <= 0) exitWith {};

	private["_factory", "_factory_storage", "_factory_spawn", "_factory_crate"];
	_factory = [_factory_id] call factory_lookup_id;
//	if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {};
	if ((typeName _factory) != "ARRAY") exitwith {};
	_factory_storage = _factory select factory_storage;
	_factory_spawn = _factory select factory_spawn;
	_factory_crate = _factory select factory_crate;
	private["_info", "_item_type", "_item_name"];
	_info = (_item call INV_GetItemArray);
	_item_type = _item call INV_GetItemType;
	_item_name = _item call INV_GetItemName;
	if (not(_item_type in ["Item", "Weapon", "Magazine", "Vehicle"])) exitWith {};
	if (_item_type == "Vehicle" && _amount > 1) exitWith {
		player groupChat format["%1-%2, you can only create one %3 at a time", _player, (name _player), _item_name];
	private["_avail_name", "_avail"];
	_avail_name = format["%1avail", _item];
	_avail = missionNamespace getVariable _avail_name;
	if (_avail  < _amount) exitWith {
		player groupChat format["%1-%2, you have not produced enough %3 to create", _player, (name _player), _item_name];
	player groupChat format["%1-%2, you have created %3 %4", _player, (name _player), _amount, _item_name];

	_avail = missionNamespace getVariable _avail_name;
	while { _amount > 0 && _avail > 0} do {
		_avail = _avail - 1;
		missionNamespace setVariable [_avail_name, _avail];
		[_avail_name, _avail] spawn stats_client_save;
		switch _item_type do {
			case "Item": {
				[_player, _item, 1, _factory_storage] spawn INV_CreateItem;
			case "Weapon": {
				[(_info call INV_GetItemClassName), 1, _factory_crate] spawn INV_CreateWeapon;
			case "Magazine": {
				[(_info call INV_GetItemClassName), 1, _factory_crate] spawn INV_CreateMag;
			case "Vehicle": {
				private["_vehicle_class", "_vehicle_script_name"];
				_vehicle_class = (_info call INV_GetItemClassName);
				_vehicle_script_name = (_info call INV_GetItemScriptName);
				[_factory_spawn, _vehicle_class, _vehicle_script_name, false] spawn vehicle_create_shop_extended;
		_avail = missionNamespace getVariable _avail_name;
		_amount = _amount - 1;
	[] call factory_update_enqueue_item;

factory_actions = [];
factory_remove_actions = {
	if (count factory_actions == 0) exitWith {};
	_player = _this select 0;
	if (not([_player] call player_human)) exitWith {};
		_action_id = _x;
		_player removeAction _action_id;
	} forEach factory_actions;
	factory_actions = [];

factory_update_enqueue_list = { 
	_factory = factory_selected;
//	if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {};
	if ((typeName factory_selected) != "ARRAY") exitwith {};
	private["_queue_name", "_queue", "_items", "_workers_name", "_workers"];
	_queue_name = _factory select factory_queue;
	_queue = missionNamespace getVariable _queue_name;
	_items = _factory select factory_items;
	_workers_name = format["%1workers", _queue_name];
	_workers = missionNamespace getVariable _workers_name;
	lbClear factory_enqueue_list_id;
		if (!dialog) exitwith {};
		private["_index", "_item", "_eta", "_item_name", "_minutes"];
		_item = _x;
		_eta = [_item, _workers] call factory_calculate_production_time;
		_minutes = _eta / 60;
		_minutes = (floor(_minutes * 10)/10); //truncate to leave only 1 decimal digit
		_item_name = _item call INV_GetItemName;
		_index = lbAdd [factory_enqueue_list_id, format["%1 (%2 min/s)", _item_name, _minutes]];
		lbSetData [factory_enqueue_list_id, _index, _x];
	} forEach _items;
	[] call factory_update_enqueue_item;

factory_update_queue_list = { 
	_factory = factory_selected;
//	if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {};
	if ((typeName factory_selected) != "ARRAY") exitwith {};
	private["_queue_name", "_queue"];
	_queue_name = _factory select factory_queue;
	_queue = missionNamespace getVariable _queue_name;
	_index = (lbCurSel factory_dequeue_list_id);
	lbClear factory_dequeue_list_id;
	_i = 0;
	private["_previous_item", "_previous_item_count", "_logical_index"];
	_previous_item = "";
	_previous_item_count = -1;
	_logical_index = 0;
	//build the merged list 
	_list = [];
	while { _i < (count _queue) } do {
		private["_citem", "_citem_info", "_citem_name", "_index"];
		_citem = _queue select _i;
		_citem_info = (_citem call INV_GetItemArray);
		_citem_name = (_citem_info call INV_GetItemName);
		if (_citem == _previous_item) then {
			_previous_item_count = _previous_item_count + 1;
			_previous_item = _citem;
			_list set [((count _list) - 1), [format["%1. %2 (%3 item)",_logical_index, _citem_name, _previous_item_count], _citem]];
		else {
			_logical_index = _logical_index + 1;
			_previous_item_count = 1;
			_previous_item = _citem;
			_list set [(count _list), [format["%1. %2 (%3 item)",_logical_index, _citem_name, 1], _citem]];
		_i = _i + 1;
	//player groupChat format["_list = %1", _list];
	_i = 0;
	while { _i < (count _list) } do {
		private["_entry", "_text", "_item", "_index"];
		_entry = _list select _i;
		_text = _entry select 0;
		_item = _entry select 1;
		//player groupChat format["Adding %1, %2", _text, _item];
		_index = lbAdd [factory_dequeue_list_id, _text];
		lbSetData [factory_dequeue_list_id, _index, _item];
		_i = _i + 1;
	lbSetCurSel [factory_dequeue_list_id, _index];
	call factory_update_dequeue_item; 

factory_update_status_fields = {
	_messages = _this select 0;
	if (isNil "_messages") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _messages != "ARRAY") exitWith {};

	private["_message1", "_message2"];
	_message1 = _messages select 0;
	_message2 = _messages select 1;
	ctrlSetText [factory_status_field1_id, _message1];
	ctrlSetText [factory_status_field2_id, _message2];

factory_update_enqueue_item = {
	private["_index", "_item", "_production_cost", "_avail"];
	_index = (lbCurSel factory_enqueue_list_id);
	_production_cost = 0;
	_avail = 0;
	if (_index > 0) then {
		_item = (lbData [factory_enqueue_list_id, _index ]);
		if (isNil "_item") exitWith {};
		if (typeName _item != "STRING") exitWith {};
		private["_info", "_item_name", "_avail_name"];
		_info = (_item call INV_GetItemArray);
		_item_name = (_info call INV_GetItemName);
		_avail_name =  format["%1avail", _item];
		_avail = missionNamespace getVariable _avail_name;
		_amount = (ctrlText factory_amount_field_id);
		_amount = [_amount] call parse_number;
		_production_cost = ([_item] call factory_calculate_production_cost) * _amount;
	ctrlSetText [factory_item_cost_field_id, format["$%1", strM(_production_cost)]];
	ctrlSetText [factory_item_produced_field_id, str(_avail)];
//	_messages = [] call factory_validate_enqueue_item;
//	[_messages] call factory_update_status_fields;
	[([] call factory_validate_enqueue_item)] call factory_update_status_fields;

factory_validate_enqueue_item = {
	//player groupChat format["factory_validate_enqueue_item"];
	ctrlEnable[factory_enqueue_button_id, false];
	ctrlEnable[factory_create_button_id, false];
	_factory = factory_selected;
//	if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {};
	if ((typeName factory_selected) != "ARRAY") exitwith {};
	private["_player", "_item", "_index"];	
	_player = player;
	_index = (lbCurSel factory_enqueue_list_id);
	if (_index < 0 ) exitWith {
		(["You have not selected any item to produce or create", ""])
	_item = (lbData [factory_enqueue_list_id, _index]);
	private["_message1", "_message2"];
	_message1 = "";
	_message2 = "";
	private["_amount", "_amount_str"];
	_amount_str = (ctrlText factory_amount_field_id);
	_amount = if (_amount_str == "") then { 0 } else {[_amount_str] call parse_number };
	_amount = if (_amount < 0 ) then { ctrlSetText [factory_amount_field_id, "1"]; 1 } else {_amount};
	_amount = if (_amount > 100) then { ctrlSetText [factory_amount_field_id, "100"]; 100 } else { _amount };
	_amount = round(_amount);
	if (_amount == 0) exitWith {
		["The value entered in the amount field is not valid", ""]
	private["_factory_queue", "_workers_name", "_workers"];
	_factory_queue = _factory select factory_queue;
	_workers_name = format["%1workers", _factory_queue];
	_workers = missionNamespace getVariable _workers_name;

	private["_avail_name", "_avail"];
	_avail_name = format["%1avail", _item];
	_avail = missionNamespace getVariable _avail_name;
	private["_factory_storage", "_factory_money", "_production_cost"];
	_factory_storage = _factory select factory_storage;
	_factory_money = [_player, "money", _factory_storage] call INV_GetStorageAmount;
	_production_cost = ([_item] call factory_calculate_production_cost) * _amount;
	private["_create_allowed", "_enqueue_allowed"];
	_create_allowed = true;
	_enqueue_allowed = true;
	if (_amount > _avail) then {
		_message1 = "The amount of items create is higher than the amount of items produced";
		_create_allowed = false;
	if (_production_cost > _factory_money) then {
		_message2 = "There is not enough money in the factory storage to produce this item";
		_enqueue_allowed = false;
	if (not(_workers > 0)) then {
		_message2 = "Production cannot start because you have not hired any workers";
		_enqueue_allowed = false;
	ctrlEnable[factory_create_button_id, _create_allowed];
	ctrlEnable[factory_enqueue_button_id, _enqueue_allowed];
	([_message1, _message2])

factory_update_dequeue_item = {
	[] call factory_update_production_stats;
	[([] call factory_validate_dequeue_item)] call factory_update_status_fields;

factory_validate_dequeue_item = {
	ctrlEnable[factory_dequeue_button_id, false];
	_factory = factory_selected;
//	if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {};
	if ((typeName factory_selected) != "ARRAY") exitwith {};
	private["_player", "_item", "_index"];	
	_player = player;
	_index = (lbCurSel factory_dequeue_list_id);
	if (_index < 0 ) exitWith {
		(["You have not selected any item to cancel", ""])
	_item = (lbData [factory_dequeue_list_id, _index]);

	private["_message1", "_message2", "_dequeue_allowed"];
	_message1 = "";
	_message2 = "";
	_dequeue_allowed = true;
	if (_index == 0) then {
		private["_eta_name", "_eta", "_min", "_prod", "_prod_name"];
		_min = 5;
		_eta_name = format["%1eta", _item];
		_eta = missionNamespace getVariable _eta_name;
		_prod_name = format["%1prod", _item];
		_prod = missionNamespace getVariable _prod_name;
		if (_eta < _min && _prod > 0) then {
			_message1 = format["Cancel not allowed if production time is less than %1 seconds", _min];
			_dequeue_allowed = false;
	ctrlEnable[factory_dequeue_button_id, _dequeue_allowed];
	([_message1, _message2])

factory_update_production_stats = {
	_factory = factory_selected;
//	if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {};
	if ((typeName factory_selected) != "ARRAY") exitwith {};
	private["_item", "_index"];	
	_index = (lbCurSel factory_dequeue_list_id);
	_item = (lbData [factory_dequeue_list_id, _index]);
	if (isNil "_item") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _item != "STRING") exitWith {};
	private["_info", "_item_name"];
	_info = (_item call INV_GetItemArray);
	_item_name = (_info call INV_GetItemName);
	_eta = 0;
	if (_index < 0) then {
		_eta = 0;
		_item_name = "(none)";
	else { if (_index == 0) then {
		_eta_name = format["%1eta", _item];
		_eta = missionNamespace getVariable _eta_name;
	else {
		private["_queue_name", "_workers_name", "_workers"];
		_queue_name = _factory select factory_queue;
		_workers_name = format["%1workers", _queue_name];
		_workers = missionNamespace getVariable _workers_name;
		_eta = [_item, _workers] call factory_calculate_production_time;
	ctrlSetText [factory_production_field_id, _item_name];
	ctrlSetText [factory_production_eta_field_id, format["%1 seconds", _eta]];

factory_production_menu = { _this spawn {
	private["_player", "_factory_id"];
	_player = _this select 0;
	_factory_id = _this select 1;
	if (not([_player] call player_human)) exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_factory_id") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _factory_id != "STRING") exitWith {};
	_factory = [_factory_id] call factory_lookup_id;
	if (!(createDialog "factory_dialog")) exitWith {hint "Dialog Error!";};
	//set the factory being used, for other UI functions
	factory_selected = _factory;
	[] spawn {
		waitUntil { not(ctrlVisible factory_enqueue_list_id) };
		factory_selected = "";
	_factory_name = _factory  select factory_name;
	ctrlSetText [factory_left_frame_id, format["%1 Items", _factory_name]];
	ctrlSetText [factory_right_frame_id, format["%1 Queue", _factory_name]];
	call factory_update_enqueue_list;
	call factory_update_queue_list;
	private["_player", "_factory_id", "_item"];

	buttonSetAction [factory_enqueue_button_id, format['[%1, "%2", (lbData [factory_enqueue_list_id, (lbCurSel factory_enqueue_list_id)]), ([(ctrlText factory_amount_field_id)] call parse_number)] call factory_item_enqueue;', _player, _factory_id]];
	buttonSetAction [factory_create_button_id, format['[%1, "%2", (lbData [factory_enqueue_list_id, (lbCurSel factory_enqueue_list_id)]), ([(ctrlText factory_amount_field_id)] call parse_number)] call factory_item_create;', _player, _factory_id]];
	buttonSetAction [factory_dequeue_button_id, format['[%1, "%2", (lbData [factory_dequeue_list_id, (lbCurSel factory_dequeue_list_id)]), (lbCurSel factory_dequeue_list_id)] call factory_item_dequeue;', _player, _factory_id]]; 

factory_hire_workers = {
	private["_player", "_factory_id", "_workers_count", "_workers_cost"];
	_player = _this select 0;
	_factory_id = _this select 1;
	_workers_count = _this select 2;
	_workers_cost = _this select 3;
	if (not([_player] call player_human)) exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_factory_id") exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_workers_count") exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_workers_cost") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _factory_id != "STRING") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _workers_count != "SCALAR") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _workers_cost != "SCALAR") exitWith {};
	private["_factory", "_queue_name", "_factory_name"];
	_factory = [_factory_id] call factory_lookup_id;
//	if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {};
	if ((typeName _factory) != "ARRAY") exitwith {};
	_queue_name = _factory select factory_queue;
	_factory_name = _factory select factory_name;
	private["_workers_name", "_workers"];
	_workers_name = format["%1workers", _queue_name];
	_workers = missionNamespace getVariable _workers_name;
	_max = maxfacworkers;
	if (_workers >= _max) exitWith {
		player groupChat format["%1-%2, your %3 has already reached maximum of %4 workers", _player, (name _player), _factory_name, _max];
	if ((_workers + _workers_count) > maxfacworkers) exitwith {
		player groupChat format['%1-%2, You cannot buy this many workers', _player, (name _player)];
	private["_money", "_total_cost"];
	_money = [_player, "money"] call INV_GetItemAmount;
	_total_cost = (_workers_count * _workers_cost);
	if (_money < _total_cost) exitWith {
		player groupChat format["%1-%2, you do not have enough money in your inventory to hire %3 workers for your %4", _player, (name _player), _workers_count, _factory_name];
	[player, "money", -(_total_cost)] call INV_AddInventoryItem;
	_workers = _workers + _workers_count;
	player groupChat format["%1-%2, you have hired %3 workers for your %4", _player, (name _player), _workers_count, _factory_name];
	missionNamespace setVariable [_workers_name, _workers];
	[_workers_name, _workers] call stats_client_save;

	//adjust the ETA for the current item in queue
	_queue = missionNamespace getVariable _queue_name;
	if (count _queue > 0) then {
		private["_eta", "_eta_name"];
		_eta_name = format["%1eta", _queue_name];
		_eta = missionNamespace getVariable _eta_name;
		_eta =  _eta - ((_eta / maxfacworkers) * _workers_count);
		_eta = _eta max 0;
		missionNamespace setVariable [_eta_name, _eta];

factory_add_actions = {
	if (count factory_actions > 0) exitWith {};
	private["_player", "_factory_id"];
	_player = _this select 0;
	_factory_id = _this select 1;

	if (not([_player] call player_human)) exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_factory_id") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _factory_id != "STRING") exitWith {};
	_factory = [_factory_id] call factory_lookup_id;
//	if (isNil "_factory_id") exitWith {};
	if ((typeName _factory) != "ARRAY") exitwith {};
	private["_factory_id", "_factory_cost", "_factory_storage", "_factory_name"];
	_factory_name = _factory select factory_name;
	_factory_cost = _factory select factory_cost;
	_factory_storage = _factory select factory_storage;
	if (_factory_id  in INV_FabrikOwner) then {
		_action_id = player addaction ["Storage", "noscript.sqf", format['[%1, "%2"] call factory_storage_menu;', _player, _factory_storage]];
		factory_actions = factory_actions + [_action_id];
		_action_id = player addaction ["Manufacture", "noscript.sqf", format['[%1, "%2"] call factory_production_menu;', _player, _factory_id]];
		factory_actions = factory_actions + [_action_id];
		_action_id = player addaction [format["Hire one worker ($%1)", strM(facworkercost)], "noscript.sqf", format['[%1, "%2", %3, %4] call factory_hire_workers;', _player, _factory_id, 1, facworkercost]];
		factory_actions = factory_actions + [_action_id];
		_action_id = player addaction [format["Hire ten workers ($%1)", strM(10*facworkercost)], "noscript.sqf", format['[%1, "%2", %3, %4] call factory_hire_workers;', _player, _factory_id, 10, facworkercost]];
		factory_actions = factory_actions + [_action_id];
	else {
		_action_id = player addaction [format["Buy %1 ($%2)", _factory_name, strM(_factory_cost)], "noscript.sqf", format['[%1, "%2"] call factory_buy;', _player, _factory_id]];
		factory_actions = factory_actions + [_action_id];

factory_buy = {
	private["_player", "_factory_id"];
	_player = _this select 0;
	_factory_id = _this select 1;
	if (not([_player] call player_human)) exitWith {};
	if (isNil "_factory_id") exitWith {};
	if (typeName _factory_id != "STRING") exitWith {};
	private["_factory", "_factory_cost"];
	_factory = [_factory_id] call factory_lookup_id;
//	if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {};
	if((typeName _factory) != "ARRAY")exitwith{};
	_factory_cost = _factory select factory_cost;
	if (_factory_id in INV_Fabrikowner) exitWith {
		player groupChat format["%1-%2, you already own this factory", _player, (name _player)];

	_money = [_player, "money"] call INV_GetItemAmount;
	if (_money < _factory_cost) exitWith {
		player groupChat format["%1-%2, you do not have enough money in your inventory to buy this factory", _player, (name _player)];
	[_player, "money", -(_factory_cost)] call INV_AddInventoryItem;
	INV_Fabrikowner = INV_Fabrikowner + [ _factory_id ];
	["INV_Fabrikowner", INV_Fabrikowner] spawn stats_client_save;
	player groupChat format["%1-%2, you bought this factory for $%3", _player, (name _player), strM(_factory_cost)];
	[_player] call factory_remove_actions;

factory_setup = {
		private["_factory", "_factory_id"];
		_factory = _x;
		_factory_id = _factory select factory_id;
		[player, _factory_id] call factory_init;
		[_factory_id] spawn factory_loop;
	} forEach all_factories;

[] call factory_globals;
if (isClient) then {
	call factory_setup;

factory_functions_defined = true;


I would like to know how I would be able to make this work for ArmA 3. I don't understand how I would add workers or a production time. I can add the lisnce and shop and all that but the coding behind it has me dazzeled. If anyone can help that would be great. (: Thank You.

Edited by BohemiaBeck
code placed in spoiler

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This looks to be a small part of something much bigger. Without context, this is just random code. There's many ways you can add what you want, but to get it to fit into this framework you're using is another story.

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Go ask the original Author.



Well the original author gave anyone and everyone access to edit this and I would ask him but he does not develop anymore nor is he online. 

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This thread breaks the forums for me. I had to add OP to ignore list so that I could even post!


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This thread breaks the forums for me. I had to add OP to ignore list so that I could even post!


The code provided offers no value, and based off of that, I think the OP isn't quite at the point to implement what he wants without someone else doing all of the work for him. With that in mind, this thread might as well be closed.


If that's not the case, then excuse me.

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Imo this should be reworked.

One does not simply write code like this.

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the code looks like BECTI?

edit: pro tip at least add the code into a spoiler.

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