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Tactics in scenarios

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Most of the times I just join project argo to play 30 minutes or an hour. I always play alone and just go around improvising. I think most of the players just do the same. And in public servers at least in europe that every country have diferent languages is the normal procedure.


Is something to deal with at multiplayer games, and at least project argo gives good feedback with the waypoints and the map about the objectives, so every player can understand more or less the goal of the mision.


If playing with a group of friends coordinately there is room to do diferent tactics in every map.


Without acces to the map, like in arma Eden editor is hard to describe a tactic :(

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for Link it is more like push for 1 A or B and 2

the one who got 1 A or B moves to Main.


when both teams are in a struggle for main, with both having 2  running it is a matter of fire power and will,

respawns go for machine guns or rifle / grenade and duke it out round main, a thug of war emerges after the supply drop has been wasted


i think the supply drop in link should have more impact or should return after X amount of minutes to spread the field.

now i often see a Cluster F..k which is twitch shooting in very close quarters.


would be nice to have a load out with silenced pistol for raid,

this would open up a better way to penetrate the defences and keep prescence quiet

only one kit would have silenced pistol, since it is not used that often in game.


clash is depending on the group eighter a slow kill or a rush to death.


as in with all the other modes i think a silenced pistol in one kit would potentially open up a huge shock effect in game play


having spectated a few players the silenced pistol would have given them a huge advantage in sneaking in,

on the otherhand you could say they just know the drew all attention on them with the rifle sounds.


the lack of ability to really sneak and be silent hinders some tactical options.

an option for a sub machinegun and silenced pistol would greatly improve on cqb tactics





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All I play is clash i was almost got top 8 but got off for the night and dropped down a bit again. The thing about clash though is most of the points are so close to spawns people just shoot you as soon as you get in. Or your team just fights at spawns not even making an effort to go over to the obj. And dont get me started on these level 1 players that come in with no clue whats happening. Half the time i just leave and lose my 5k xp because its better than watching someone sit at bravo when your suppose to attack echo. Another thing is when it said it would be "long raged" combat the only time you see that is when someone goes on a hill to snipe and the other team just caps the point because it took them so long to get up there and they cant get down on time. So overall there really isnt much when it comes to "tactics" unless your in a full lobby with level 15+.

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there should be an competitive mode for each gamemode: where you play best of 3 games in a row. On higher elo it should be the same with best of 5 games.

Leaving these games should be penalized with a temporary ban until the game is over so that people have the incentive to continue and the XP reward should be increased accordingly so losing teams keep trying to win.

If for example a teamate leaves the game, there should either bonus XP awarded for the players remaining in that team or for example higher Tier kevlar distributed in that team to make the games "more even" and winnable..

As the sides of the maps are ususally not balanced, the losing team should get the advantageous side on the next map following, so I mean they start on the advantageous side of the map.

Overall there are a lot of tweaks that can be used to make the games really balanced and people get better in a faster way and this would increase the overall fun of all players enjoying this game.


As this game tries to be a competitive tactical shooter, the elo system should be started as soon as possible as these kind of systems takes a bunch of time to "get good".


Now what is actually the maximum number of players that can play on one server without so many ping/resource issues? Because I would add something like sniper spawns at the side of the towns/villages and maybe even think about deactivating killcam. Servers without killcam are "another scenario", you can for example split the circle in 4 pieces and just tell the players within the death screen, from which 90° degree part of his circle he was getting killed from and maybe even the distance, 0 to 50, 50 to 100, 100+ etc. So camping with silencers and scopes gets more viable.

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The only repeated tactic I see is "rush the airdrop". People seem to think it's the objective or something - usually there's a big-S battle over the package and nothing of interest happens on the actual objective.

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On 03/07/2017 at 2:13 PM, sightseeer.tv said:

there should be an competitive mode for each gamemode: where you play best of 3 games in a row. On higher elo it should be the same with best of 5 games.



On 03/07/2017 at 2:13 PM, sightseeer.tv said:

Leaving these games should be penalized with a temporary ban until the game is over



On 03/07/2017 at 2:13 PM, sightseeer.tv said:

for example a teamate leaves the game, there should either bonus XP awarded for the players remaining in that team or for example higher Tier kevlar distributed in that team to make the games "more even" and winnable..

Hell no


On 03/07/2017 at 2:13 PM, sightseeer.tv said:

As the sides of the maps are ususally not balanced, the losing team should get the advantageous side on the next map following, so I mean they start on the advantageous side of the map

Again no. The only advantage you should have is the one you make for yourself


On 03/07/2017 at 2:13 PM, sightseeer.tv said:

Overall there are a lot of tweaks that can be used to make the games really balanced and people get better in a faster way and this would increase the overall fun of all players enjoying this game

The only "tweaks" that can be used is for a

player to try different approaches for his objective in a game\round 


On 03/07/2017 at 2:13 PM, sightseeer.tv said:

you can for example split the circle in 4 pieces and just tell the players within the death screen, from which 90° degree part of his circle he was getting killed from and maybe even the distance, 0 to 50, 50 to 100, 100+ etc. So camping with silencers and scopes gets more viable.

Just no

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Audio really matters in this game. When people move they make noise. The faster they move (shift = sprint), the more noise they make. If you're defending you need to appreciate how the enemy will approach, where their various spawns are, and prepare to camp.

The less you move around, the less likely it is that the enemy will be able to pinpoint your position either aurally or visually. Moving makes you a target, and when you're defending you have the advantage of an enemy that HAS to move.

Find a good spot near or overlooking the point, in a bush or building, and wait. Peek now and then but spend most of your time listening, and looking for movement, focussing on the obvious angles of approach (use the map and use 'T' to pinpoint enemies or to orientate yourself with their spawns.

If you start taking long range fire, seek hard cover immediately. The enemy has seen you and it's only a matter of time before they land a hit. If you're in soft cover, run for hard cover. Zig-zagging helps. Again, use your stereo headphones to pinpoint where the shots are coming from and communicate this to your team.

When an enemy shoots you can tell which direction they are in, and how far. This comes with practise. Also you can tell how far they are by the time difference between bullet impact/pass and gun report. The bigger the time difference, the further away they are.

Guns sound different when fired from within buildings - more echoey and 'boomy' Learn the difference and use this to assess where enemies are located. Moving within buildings is also distinct - louder and more echoey. Use this to your advantage (and try to minimise movement when inside buildings for the same reason).



Enemy movement is the single easiest way to spot them. The more you move the more likely it is that you will be spotted - this goes for your enemy too.

Crouch low in cover and look for enemy movement. If you spot one, press 'T' to mark him and then either talk to your teammates or engage the enemy.

Wait for the enemy to stop moving before taking your shot (depending on range) unless they are a long way from cover (in an open field for example). As soon as you fire you are telling your target, and any other enemies, where you are, unless you have a suppressor, and they will run for cover. Pick your shots, make them count. Your gun gives off smoke - even with a suppressor you can be spotted. Pick your shots.

Appreciate that snipers will take the high ground on some maps and if you spot one, tag em. If they start shooting you, run for cover. Don't try to engage them - they already have you in their sights and you will probably die if you stay put and try to find them. Don't just go prone and hope - you will die unless behind hard cover. If you run into a building the enemy will tag it. Run out the back and find a good position, and expect enemies to home in on it.

Learn your enemy's uniform. After a while they will begin to stand out agains the greenery. Conversely, don't shoot friendlies! Learn what your team's uniform looks like, and if in doubt check the map before shooting (M key).



When a game starts it's important to move as fast as possible toward the enemy point, or to positions to defend your own point - always using cover. As time progresses (like after 20 seconds or so) on you need to change this to creeping in a low crouch, with long pauses while you asses the landscape and try to spot or hear enemies. You move, you expose yourself. Creep and sneak like a ninja.

Move between hard cover, and stop in bushes and behind walls. Enemies may have already seen you and will be waiting for you to stop before they engage.

As a defender, look for obvious points of ingress, tree lines, buildings, walls and soft cover. They have to take your point, you have to ambush them as they move in. Let them move - you have the advantage of being able to camp. See them, mark them, and then open fire when you have a clear shot. Thee worst thing I see in defence is players constantly running around - they die quickly. The enemy is looking for movement.

There is value on camping the point, but the best defence is to move 100-200 meters outside the point (in open areas) and pick off enemies as they approach. Read your enemy and understand how they will attack. Get behind them if possible, and move after a kill if you think your position was compromised.

As an attacker you need to find a good vantage point and scout for defensive positions. Check every bush and building, scope tree lines and walls - imagine you are defending - where would you go? Move towards the objective slowly and carefully. Stop and look/listen. Communicate with your team. Cover obvious defensive points (upper windows, tree-lines, areas overlooking the objective).



ARGO has realistic bullet drop. This means that the further away your enemy is, the higher you need to aim. Most weapons are pretty accurate up to about 200m, but beyond that you need to account for ballistics. This is hard with an iron sight, but you can see where your bullets impact and adjust accordingly. With a good scope you can use the markings/numbers and learn which mark corrosponds with a bullet impact. I tend to practise on objects to dial in my scope before engaging enemies.

Also be sure to aim ahead of running players - this becomes second nature after a while.



I will edit this as I see fit, and also based on feedback. This was a pretty quick summary and has lots of gaps. I do not pretend to have covered everything!

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Hi @vibrate,
I liked your post because it is useful and covering good "general" aspects in FPS games.
But this is more kind of a good "starter guide" than about specific tactics in scenarios.
"Playing dead" or  suppressing the enemy right when you spawn to let your team spread (Clash) would be more tactics for me ;)

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Yeah, I wrote it as a beginners guide and then saw this thread and decided to stick it here. I might make a new thread for it, although I think it needs more work - it's a bit unstructured, and I wonder if I should organise some of it into defending/attacking.

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28 minutes ago, urfinjuce said:

Note. Requirements: Community Base addons A3

The CBA isn't included in Arma 3, if I'm right... so I don't think they would include it or other mods into Argo.


28 minutes ago, urfinjuce said:

Please, don't change the settings of grenade launchers. It's so fun, when one-two bot stacks half the team... :)))

Not that much fun when your team is composed of noobs though ;)
But I agree to let it like it is, as it add a difficulty and put players (me included) out of their comfort zone.

*BTW, we are getting off topic.

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